Should Romney be more Aggressive on His Ads?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Rove and Trippi on the race to 270

Should Romney be more Aggressive on His Ads?

Joe Trippi and Karl Rove discussed Romney’s ads and disagreed on the path Romney should take in meeting the attack ads of Obama. Karl said it;s best to take the high road because it is more presidential and best not to get in the gutter with Obama but Joe Trippi says that those who took that tactic usually lost the election . What do you think?
I'm torn on this issue. I would like to see Romney more aggressive, but not stoop as low as Obama and start lying or distorting the truth, I don't think he would. It's not in his make uo.

I haven't seen ads, but I'm not in a battleground state. My undersstanding is that Obama is outspending Romeny by a good margin and Romney may have the money for ads at the end of the election season where Obama might not.

I would like to see more agressive ads, attacking the outsourcig of jobs and the record of Obama. I'll just have to find the ads on the internet. Wish he would appear on news shows more.

He could run an ad taking credit for all good things that happened over the last 3 years..while he wasn't president.

Live saving the auto industry.

Oh wait..that's been done.

But he's yet to put it in an ad.

It's sort of like his work at Bain.
The problem is that asking for a papers tit-for-tat would be more damaging to Romney. The American people admire those who make good, but don't like it when it appears that everything isn't on the up-and-up.
Romney is harboring his campaign dollars, in contrast to Obama who just pissed away a hundred mill of his last month. His 'burn rate' is phenomenal But we've already seen how Obama runs the economy and the government: using the $185,000/hour Air Force One for a 90 mile campaign jaunt which worked out to a $370,000 tab back to the taxpayer. Pretty expensive 'Roof Hits', they were. Maybe the ObaMessiah needed 'em to quiet his anxiety. The 'No Drama Obama' mantra may very well be the result of copious ingestion of large volumes of marijuana smoke.
Then there's the Chevy Volt. The ads are still on, but the line has been down for a while, conserving electricity, they are, down at GM.The employees, however, get full salary for producing nothing. That was one of the reasons GM went bankrupt in the first place.
And who can forget Solyndra, LightSquared, Fisker, Beacon Power.....
Any venture capitalist who had a track record like Obama's would soon be standing on the off ramp on the Merritt Parkways exit 48 holding a sign "Will work for food" and this forksucker wants to be re elected instead?
The Chicago Annenberg Challenge handed Obama and Bill Ayers millions of dollars with which they were to study defects in the Chicago school system and implement necessary change with. The money dissappeared into money Heaven with absolutely no trace and no effects on the school system's performance.
The country is currently 16 trillion in debt, the base unemployment rate is holding at 8 per cent with the over all total under and unemployment at 15 per cent while retail sales are plunging and the rest of the economy looks like its about to slide into a black hole.
If Romney can marshall the taxpayers resources in the same manner as he's doing with his campaign funds, the country will be a Hell of a lot better off than it was under Obama. Of course if you love the idea of a twelve year Second Great Depression like the one that occurred under Roosevelt, go ahead vote for Obama, big spender number one, you fool you.
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Here's the map they were discussing in that interview:


While Rove is a complete douchebag, he has been 100% spot on accurate with his maps calling the presidential elections since he started it. At this point he has Obama dominating Willard :up:
Romney is harboring his campaign dollars, in contrast to Obama who just pissed away a hundred mill of his last month. His 'burn rate' is phenomenal But we've already seen how Obama runs the economy and the government: using the $185,000/hour Air Force One for a 90 mile campaign jaunt which worked out to a $370,000 tab back to the taxpayer. Pretty expensive 'Roof Hits', they were. Maybe the ObaMessiah needed 'em to quiet his anxiety. The 'No Drama Obama' mantra may very well be the result of copious ingestion of large volumes of marijuana smoke.
Then there's the Chevy Volt. The ads are still on, but the line has been down for a while, conserving electricity, they are, down at GM.The employees, however, get full salary for producing nothing. That was one of the reasons GM went bankrupt in the first place.
And who can forget Solyndra, LightSquared, Fisker, Beacon Power.....
Any venture capitalist who had a track record like Obama's would soon be standing on the off ramp on the Merritt Parkways exit 48 holding a sign "Will work for food" and this forksucker wants to be re elected instead?
The Chicago Annenberg Challenge handed Obama and Bill Ayers millions of dollars with which they were to study defects in the Chicago school system and implement necessary change with. The money dissappeared into money Heaven with absolutely no trace and no effects on the school system's performance.
The country is currently 16 trillion in debt, the base unemployment rate is holding at 8 per cent with the over all total under and unemployment at 15 per cent while retail sales are plunging and the rest of the economy looks like its about to slide into a black hole.
If Romney can marshall the taxpayers resources in the same manner as he's doing with his campaign funds, the country will be a Hell of a lot better off than it was under Obama. Of course if you love the idea of a twelve year Second Great Depression like the one that occurred under Roosevelt, go ahead vote for Obama, big spender number one, you fool you.

That's one great post! :clap2:
The problem is that asking for a papers tit-for-tat would be more damaging to Romney. The American people admire those who make good, but don't like it when it appears that everything isn't on the up-and-up.

Interesting that the origins of the Kennedy money never seemed to have that much affect on JFK and the 'collective memory' of him.
'The employees, however, get full salary for producing nothing. That was one of the reasons GM went bankrupt in the first place.'

The US auto industry is a strange animal. It could and should have dominated the world. After WWII, it had the unbelievably massive capacity to produce high-quality products. An idiot could have taken over and been phenomenally successful.

What happened is that everyone involved made huge mistakes. It was not because of the unions alone that US auto lost its position of dominance. Management, marketing and designers entered into a special world that took no notice of reality. That includes unions. They should have done a better job, too.
Union workers lived in working class neighborhoods. They drove through those neighborhoods thousands of times. What did they think as they saw more and more VWs, Toyotas, Datsuns and so many others replace the brands of cars they made?
One of the problems of America is that it has become dis-connected from objectivity. It needs to listen to its friends and neighbors in the world in order to get a perspective and then work together with them for genuine change.
Just tell my why I should vote for you. I am not interested in your slanted, bisas opinion of the other guy. Tell me why I will be better off if I vote for you. How hard is this to understand.
I think that he should be more aggressive. I've been seeing several attack ads that are being run by the Obama campaign. I've just never seen an ad that the Romney campaign runs to refute those attacks.
[He's harboring his resources, but there's a reason.]

"Byron York explains:

Campaign finance laws. Romney officials believe this is the most under-reported aspect of the ad war so far. Until the Republican National Convention, which begins August 27, Romney is forbidden from spending the money he has raised for the general election. Instead, he is using money left over from the GOP primary race. Of course, Romney spent a huge amount of money — about $85 million — to win that primary race. Even though he has been raising vast amounts for the general election, he doesn’t have gobs of cash to use right now. Obama, on the other hand, didn’t have to spend any money winning a Democratic primary. The result is that Obama is hugely out-spending Romney in key states. A recent Washington Post report said Obama has outspent Romney in Florida $17 million to $2 million, as of July 6. The numbers in Ohio were $22 million to $6.5 million, and in Virginia, they were $11 million to $3 million. That is a huge, huge advantage for Obama — not unlike the advantage Romney enjoyed over his Republican rivals during the primary season

Fundamentally, I think it is impossible for an incumbent president to run away from his record. To me, the most striking thing about Obama’s vicious attacks is that Romney is not just still standing, but is actually leading in likely voter polls."

Why Is Obama Outspending Romney? | Power Line
I'm torn on this issue. I would like to see Romney more aggressive, but not stoop as low as Obama and start lying or distorting the truth, I don't think he would. It's not in his make uo.

I haven't seen ads, but I'm not in a battleground state. My undersstanding is that Obama is outspending Romeny by a good margin and Romney may have the money for ads at the end of the election season where Obama might not.

I would like to see more agressive ads, attacking the outsourcig of jobs and the record of Obama. I'll just have to find the ads on the internet. Wish he would appear on news shows more.

Here are a couple ...

[ame=]He Doesn't Get It - YouTube[/ame]

The Obama Connection - YouTube
Just tell my why I should vote for you. I am not interested in your slanted, bisas opinion of the other guy. Tell me why I will be better off if I vote for you. How hard is this to understand.

That goes double for Obama too

What Obama has to run on:

Eliminated the most wanted man in the world responsible for the worst attack on america in history, Osamba bin laden, as well as numerous other top Al Quida operatives.

Iron fisted national security, has kept the nation safe

Repealed don't ask, don't tell

Saved the US auto industry from the brink of total collapse, saving unheard of amounts of jobs

Ended the horrific false war in Iraq

Repealed "no child left behind"

Increased support for the troops with better treatment for the injured and passed legislation to offer incentives for employers to hire veterans.

Passed credit card/bank regulation reform to stop sky high ballooning interest rates, and other "hidden fees" CC's and banks would use to screw over people.

Took the nation from losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month, to over two years straight of positive private sector job creation.

And I could go on an on.

What Willard has to run on:

I have an (R) next to my name.
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