Should Racial Views Get You Fired?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?
If such views interefere with the good order, discipline, and atmosphere of the work place, sure.

If you are throwing newspapers in the morning for a job, who cares?
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

Employment at most places is "at will", unless of course you're a union worker. People should understand that most commercial firms have fully signed up for Pee See, that they accept leftwing control in that regard. In regards to free speech, we are rapidly moving to a society where only politically correct statements can be made - that's the reality.
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

NO its not right.

if you do your job and respect your coworkers and leave you hood at home it should not be a problem
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

Did you lose your job? Maybe they read your posts here at the USMB?

I heard David Duke is hiring, maybe you can get a job with him.

Plus, you have any proof of this happening somewhere, or is this all in your pointy white hatted brain?
I call white people "devils" and I haven't been fired. They don't want the lawsuit.

They didn't fire you because you were playing with the said "white devil's" balls while you were saying it, faggot........
It's up to the boss. The vast majority of people are employed "at will."

You can be terminated at any time for any or no reason under most circumstances.
It's a good question, but one I can't really answer. At one of the jobs I was contracting at my men and I saw muslim employees openly object to being in the same office as a homosexual because it conflicted with their beliefs. And although nothing came of their protestations, the management didn't take them to task over what would've been condemned across the board if voiced by a white employee.

All of my employees are white and from all over the UK. We often swap what would be considered racially inflammatory jokes in less familiar company, but it's never gone deeper than that i.e - openly declaring white nationalist views, or even sympathies. I suppose the attitude differs depending on what industry you work in. I can't for one moment see racism being tolerated in a legal practice, as there'd no-doubt be conflict of interest issues brought to bear.
I call white people "devils" and I haven't been fired. They don't want the lawsuit.

Somebody will kick your ass soon enough.

No they won't. Don't you know we blacks are prone to violent outbursts?:eek:
only when the apes out number the human 5 to 1..and thats the Damn truth!!..unless the human victim is 85 or older ....and thats also the damn truth!!!and the Klitschko brothers are beating the hell out of every ****** that steps into the ring with them!!
If such views interefere with the good order, discipline, and atmosphere of the work place, sure.
You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

How could those described circumstances interfere with good order, discipline and atmosphere? So what if a Black thinks Whites are devils? What's new? As long as no harmful or disruptive action is taken, who cares what someone else thinks?

If you are throwing newspapers in the morning for a job, who cares?
What does that question mean? I don't understand it.
Somebody will kick your ass soon enough.

No they won't. Don't you know we blacks are prone to violent outbursts?:eek:
only when the apes out number the human 5 to 1..and thats the Damn truth!!..unless the human victim is 85 or older ....and thats also the damn truth!!!and the Klitschko brothers are beating the hell out of every ****** that steps into the ring with them!!

no they won't. Don't you know we blacks are prone to violent outbursts?:eek:
only when the apes out number the human 5 to 1..and thats the damn truth!!..unless the human victim is 85 or older ....and thats also the damn truth!!!and the klitschko brothers are beating the hell out of every ****** that steps into the ring with them!!

it"s the damn truth ....i once saw 2 black men fight over a piece of chicken......true story!!
Can they? Yes.
Should they? No.

Why? Because they could be next.

A teacher was recently fired because he stated on fb that he opposed gay marriage. No expression of hate; but contrary to the PC view that teachers are supposed to follow. I believe he will be re-instated, but it's a cautionary tale about the danger of the internet.
I had a Klan member patient once who was case managed by a brother. The brother had another patient he case managed who was also a brother. Case manager did better with the Klan member than he did with the brother. Klan member appreciated everything. Brother appreciated nothing.
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

Depends entirely on what you do..and if you let it affect your work.
You have racial views that are non-mainstream.

You do not share them with anyone at work. At work, you perform very well. Nobody ever has a complaint.

But, the Southern Poverty Law Center discovers your identity. They call your boss and announce that you are a "white supremacist."

You are fired on the spot.

Is this right?

Depends entirely on what you do..and if you let it affect your work.
I agree. But in this example the SPLC is assuming the role of thought police.

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