Should I Choose The Army Or The Marines?


Nov 27, 2015
I'm a female about to graduate high school, and i'm stuck between the Marines and the Army. I don't really know much about the Marines except that they are very elite and the training is longer and harder. I'm always up for a challenge. I also read that you can't pick your job either, is that true? I know the benefits the Army can provide so that has put me in a paradox... What do you guys think would be the best option for a female opting to join the military.
P.S i do know i can't do any infantry jobs sadly :(
Army, definitely. The Army guarantees your MOS...the Marines do not. "Needs of the Corps"...meaning if the Corps needs cooks, welcome to the mess hall, Private.

Why can't you do any infantry jobs?


Why only those two services? There's also the Navy & Air Force or you could consider the Coasties.


I'd say Army, but I'm biased.

Whatever you choose, military service can be a good career or stepping stone to a better one.

I'm a female about to graduate high school, and i'm stuck between the Marines and the Army. I don't really know much about the Marines except that they are very elite and the training is longer and harder. I'm always up for a challenge. I also read that you can't pick your job either, is that true? I know the benefits the Army can provide so that has put me in a paradox... What do you guys think would be the best option for a female opting to join the military.
P.S i do know i can't do any infantry jobs sadly :(
Congrats on wanting to serve. Ask yourself what it is you want to get out of the service. Do you have a career in mind? If you wanted to be a LEO the Marines would look better. Don't over look the Air Force or Coast Guard either.
I'm a female about to graduate high school, and i'm stuck between the Marines and the Army. I don't really know much about the Marines except that they are very elite and the training is longer and harder. I'm always up for a challenge. I also read that you can't pick your job either, is that true? I know the benefits the Army can provide so that has put me in a paradox... What do you guys think would be the best option for a female opting to join the military.
P.S i do know i can't do any infantry jobs sadly :(
Navy or Air Force, you get better training that is more useful in the civilian world besides they have better chow........
Here is my suggestion:

Become a community organizer and rally young Americans to demand that the US withdraw from the UN. Let's tell the UN to fight their own wars from now on. We need to bring our troops home, close the borders and fortify our own nation.
Here is my suggestion:

Become a community organizer and rally young Americans to demand that the US withdraw from the UN. Let's tell the UN to fight their own wars from now on. We need to bring our troops home, close the borders and fortify our own nation.
Evidently she has no interest in that...
As a former Marine my advice to a female who is contemplating Military service is join the Army or consider the Navy. You won't like the Marines.
As a former Marine my advice to a female who is contemplating Military service is join the Army or consider the Navy. You won't like the Marines.

You will never be treated as an equal as a Marine. If that is important to you, pass them up. You will get more respect in any other branch. I would go Air Force, myself. Lots of training transferable to civilian life.
I'm a female about to graduate high school, and i'm stuck between the Marines and the Army. I don't really know much about the Marines except that they are very elite and the training is longer and harder. I'm always up for a challenge. I also read that you can't pick your job either, is that true? I know the benefits the Army can provide so that has put me in a paradox... What do you guys think would be the best option for a female opting to join the military.
P.S i do know i can't do any infantry jobs sadly :(
Congrats on wanting to serve. Ask yourself what it is you want to get out of the service. Do you have a career in mind? If you wanted to be a LEO the Marines would look better. Don't over look the Air Force or Coast Guard either.
You got your answer. She loves socialism. The military is the ultimate version. Education help-free health for life(if she isn't killed), better ops for mortgages and after getting out can be hired quickly to continue the socialist lifestyle with another govt job...............after blowing up brown people to keep them safe from socialism, of course.
The Military is a good choice in times like these. Back during FDR's "great depression" it was hard for anyone to get in the armed services. Today a kid can further his/her education and be eligible for benefits upon honorable discharge that aren't available to the burger flippers who dream of a raise in the minimum wage. The Marine Corps is not the place for a girl who is undecided about the Military. You won't like it. From what I hear the Army recruit training at Ft. Jackson is like a college frat party. Go with it and enjoy it.
Army, as combat medic or Navy as corpsman are right in the thick of it with combat infantry.
As a former Marine my advice to a female who is contemplating Military service is join the Army or consider the Navy. You won't like the Marines.

Oh, give me a break. Our friend's daughter drove a fuel truck during the Iraq invasion. She's absolutely hot shit! Got out a corporal after one enlistment to attend school. She's home, bought a car, a motorcycle, a townhouse - just finished her nursing degree - on to her Master's now. She absolutely loved her time in the Corps. To the OP - shop around dear. Do so by asking friends of yours who are currently serving.... I'm sure you have some of those. A lot of kids these days do. Best of luck.
As a former Marine my advice to a female who is contemplating Military service is join the Army or consider the Navy. You won't like the Marines.

Oh, give me a break. Our friend's daughter drove a fuel truck during the Iraq invasion. She's absolutely hot shit! Got out a corporal after one enlistment to attend school. She's home, bought a car, a motorcycle, a townhouse - just finished her nursing degree - on to her Master's now. She absolutely loved her time in the Corps. To the OP - shop around dear. Do so by asking friends of yours who are currently serving.... I'm sure you have some of those. A lot of kids these days do. Best of luck.
A girl who wants to join the Marines should join the Marines. A girl who is undecided about the Army or the Marines would be better off in the Army simply because she obviously has no idea of the difference.

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