CDZ Should guns and ammo be tax free items? Seattle's gun & ammo tax show why...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Seattle increased taxes on buying guns and ammo......a lot. They lied to the uninformed stating they were doing this to help pay for the damage done by taking money from people who aren't criminals.....that is how the left wing thinks........

So they raised taxes....gun sales went down....gun murder went up...since criminals don't pay taxes on guns and ammo....

Too many pro 2nd Amendment people still don't understand that this is the outcome the anti-gunner, democrats wanted....they don't care about the murders....there are more than enough democrats in Seattle to vote every 2 years....they just care about driving out gun stores...and they are doing this....

Guns and ammo need to be Tax free items.....

It is too easy for the left to attack the 2nd Amendment by imposing taxes, fees and tests, just as the democrats did after the Republicans freed black slaves....the democrats imposed taxes and tests in order to vote...these Poll Taxes and Literacy tests kept the newly freed slaves from voting....

The left is now trying to do this with the 2nd Amendment...

Seattle gun tax failure? Firearm sales plummet, violence spikes after law passes

Seattle City Councilman Tim Burgess introduced the tax in 2015. It puts a $25 tax on every firearm sold in the city and up to 5 cents per round of ammunition. The measure easily passed and took effect January 1, 2016. Comparing the first five months of 2017 with the same period before the gun tax went into effect, reports of shots fired are up 13 percent, the number of people injured in shootings climbed 37 percent and gun deaths doubled, according to crime statistics from the Seattle Police Department.

Councilman Burgess never returned calls and emails for comment. Dana Robinson Slote, director of communication for Seattle City Council, said she was “politely declining your invitation for an interview.”

In selling his gun tax to the public, Burgess predicted it would generate between $300,000 and $500,000 annually. The money would be used to study the root causes of gun violence in hopes of reducing the costs to taxpayers.


Seattle officials refuse to say how much the tax brought in the first year, only giving the number “under $200,000.” Gun rights groups have sued to get the exact amount.

But Mike Coombs, owner of Outdoor Emporium, the last large gun dealer left in Seattle, said the actual tax revenue is almost certainly just over $100,000, a figure based on information he says the city shared with his lawyers.

Coombs said storewide, sales are down 20 percent while gun sales have plummeted 60 percent.

“I’ve had to lay off employees because of this,” Coombs said. “It’s hurting us, it’s hurting our employees.”

Employees at the Big 5 sporting goods stores in Seattle also report anemic gun sales. But there’s evidence Seattleites are just going outside the city to buy their guns. Coombs also owns a gun shop in the nearby city of Fife. Sales there are described as robust.

Another gun dealer simply left Seattle and moved his shop, Precise Shooter, to nearby Lynnwood. Sergey Solyanik said business has never been better. He said the gun tax has probably worked out to be a net negative for Seattle when factoring lost sales tax revenue.

The goal wasn't to fund gun research or for any other reason than to drive gun stores out of Seattle.......this should be taken to court...and the courts need to end this...

It is also in violation of the 14th Amendment...since it very easily prices guns out of the hands of the poor.......

Q. "Should guns and ammo be tax free items? Seattle's gun & ammo tax show why..."

A. Of course; better to tax Milk, butter, cheese and bread - man does not live by food alone, he needs guns to help others die.
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.
Q. "Should guns and ammo be tax free items? Seattle's gun & ammo tax show why..."

A. Of course; better to tax Milk, butter, cheese and bread - man does not live by food alone, he needs guns to help others die.

Guns are a Right.....and using the power to tax in order to destroy a Right needs to be stopped. The democrats used taxes to stop blacks from exercising their Right to vote...I don't see you complaining about lifting that tax......
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.

Why should a church be tax exempt?

Because to tax it is the very reason we codified the 1st Amendment in our Constitution......the power to tax a church allows the government to attack that church.....the Church of England forced people to pay a tax to support the Church of England.....we don't use taxes to support or attack Churches.
Q. "Should guns and ammo be tax free items? Seattle's gun & ammo tax show why..."

A. Of course; better to tax Milk, butter, cheese and bread - man does not live by food alone, he needs guns to help others die.

Guns are a Right.....and using the power to tax in order to destroy a Right needs to be stopped. The democrats used taxes to stop blacks from exercising their Right to vote...I don't see you complaining about lifting that tax......
They would howl to the heavens if they taxed the vote; however.
Well, shooting people has become a new religion in the US, so sure.
The shooters shouldn't have to pay taxes or be charged with crimes.
Seattle increased taxes on buying guns and ammo......a lot. They lied to the uninformed stating they were doing this to help pay for the damage done by taking money from people who aren't criminals.....that is how the left wing thinks........

So they raised taxes....gun sales went down....gun murder went up...since criminals don't pay taxes on guns and ammo....

Too many pro 2nd Amendment people still don't understand that this is the outcome the anti-gunner, democrats wanted....they don't care about the murders....there are more than enough democrats in Seattle to vote every 2 years....they just care about driving out gun stores...and they are doing this....

Guns and ammo need to be Tax free items.....

It is too easy for the left to attack the 2nd Amendment by imposing taxes, fees and tests, just as the democrats did after the Republicans freed black slaves....the democrats imposed taxes and tests in order to vote...these Poll Taxes and Literacy tests kept the newly freed slaves from voting....

The left is now trying to do this with the 2nd Amendment...

Seattle gun tax failure? Firearm sales plummet, violence spikes after law passes

Seattle City Councilman Tim Burgess introduced the tax in 2015. It puts a $25 tax on every firearm sold in the city and up to 5 cents per round of ammunition. The measure easily passed and took effect January 1, 2016. Comparing the first five months of 2017 with the same period before the gun tax went into effect, reports of shots fired are up 13 percent, the number of people injured in shootings climbed 37 percent and gun deaths doubled, according to crime statistics from the Seattle Police Department.

Councilman Burgess never returned calls and emails for comment. Dana Robinson Slote, director of communication for Seattle City Council, said she was “politely declining your invitation for an interview.”

In selling his gun tax to the public, Burgess predicted it would generate between $300,000 and $500,000 annually. The money would be used to study the root causes of gun violence in hopes of reducing the costs to taxpayers.


Seattle officials refuse to say how much the tax brought in the first year, only giving the number “under $200,000.” Gun rights groups have sued to get the exact amount.

But Mike Coombs, owner of Outdoor Emporium, the last large gun dealer left in Seattle, said the actual tax revenue is almost certainly just over $100,000, a figure based on information he says the city shared with his lawyers.

Coombs said storewide, sales are down 20 percent while gun sales have plummeted 60 percent.

“I’ve had to lay off employees because of this,” Coombs said. “It’s hurting us, it’s hurting our employees.”

Employees at the Big 5 sporting goods stores in Seattle also report anemic gun sales. But there’s evidence Seattleites are just going outside the city to buy their guns. Coombs also owns a gun shop in the nearby city of Fife. Sales there are described as robust.

Another gun dealer simply left Seattle and moved his shop, Precise Shooter, to nearby Lynnwood. Sergey Solyanik said business has never been better. He said the gun tax has probably worked out to be a net negative for Seattle when factoring lost sales tax revenue.

The goal wasn't to fund gun research or for any other reason than to drive gun stores out of Seattle.......this should be taken to court...and the courts need to end this...

It is also in violation of the 14th Amendment...since it very easily prices guns out of the hands of the poor.......

I have no problem with the standard state sales tax being applied to guns and ammo additional taxes no.
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.

Why should a church be tax exempt?
church's shouldn't be tax exempt

no charity should for that matter
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.

Why should a church be tax exempt?

IMO, they shouldn't. Its a racket, pervasive and profitable.

OP - guns, ammo are retail products and buyers should be taxed at a much higher rate with the proceeds going to help repair the enormous damage they do. OR, they should be required to carry liability insurance. They've gotten a free ride long enough and with an entire segment of the population now worshiping their guns, more people are suffering terrible losses. Those who cause those losses should have to pay for them.
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.

Why should a church be tax exempt?

IMO, they shouldn't. Its a racket, pervasive and profitable.

OP - guns, ammo are retail products and buyers should be taxed at a much higher rate with the proceeds going to help repair the enormous damage they do. OR, they should be required to carry liability insurance. They've gotten a free ride long enough and with an entire segment of the population now worshiping their guns, more people are suffering terrible losses. Those who cause those losses should have to pay for them.

So....someone breaks the you take money from the people who didn't break the law.......sounds about right for left winger ideas.....
Well, shooting people has become a new religion in the US, so sure.
The shooters shouldn't have to pay taxes or be charged with crimes.

With the black lies matter sympathizers shooting the police, and bernie brown shirt Antifa beating people up, and now a bernie supporter shooting sure seems like shooting people is becoming the way democrats express their political views.....
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.

Why should a church be tax exempt?
church's shouldn't be tax exempt

no charity should for that matter

The Church should not be equated with other charities for it is much more than that, but in today's secular world, few really understand that now. The church is now even more under attack than Republicans, tobacco and free speech!
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IMO, they shouldn't. Its a racket, pervasive and profitable. Guns, ammo are retail products and buyers should be taxed at a much higher rate with the proceeds going to help repair the enormous damage they do.

Ah, Luddite, first, the church isn't a racket unless your culture has reduced it to that. Second, "enormous damage?" What about ENORMOUS GOOD? The media dramatizes the occasional shooter (always a liberal), but they never report the 99.99% of the cases where guns save lives, deter crime, and stop criminals.
They should make up the budget by taking the money out of City Council's salaries until they get crime under control. Guns and ammo ought to be more than tax exempt like the church, every able-bodied person ought to be required to own one and be given courses in how to handled them.

Why should a church be tax exempt?
church's shouldn't be tax exempt

no charity should for that matter

The Church should not be equated with other charities for it is much more than that, but in today's secular world, few really understand that now. The church is now even more under attack than Republicans, tobacco and free speech!
The church is a business nothing more

And if any business wants to pay no taxes all they need do is show zero profit at the end of every fiscal year
Gun falls out of backpack, goes off.
Gun falls out of pocket, goes off.
Gun falls out of purse, goes off.
Froot Loop showing off manhood gun, it goes off.
Toddler shoots mother, other toddler, clerk behind counter.
Father/son preachers shoot it out at church.
Gun store clerk accidentally shoots customer.
Instructor drops gun, shoots self
Instructor shoots student.
Homeowner shoots neighbor.
Homeowner shoots spouse.
Hunter "accidentally"shoots other hunter.
Hunter's dog shoots other hunter.
Hunter's dog shoots owner.
Congressman votes to let mentally ill buy guns. Mentally ill man shoots congressman playing baseball in the park.

You get the point, right? The nutters have made it easy for every other nutter to buy pretty much any gun they want and said nutters then go out and shoot others. That last example doesn't really count because the taxpayer foots the bill but what about those innocents who are harmed by the, uh enthusiasm and passion of gun nutters? A while back, I heard of a congressman who didn't become a lobbyist for te NRA and instead, is selling liability ins to gun nuts. And the NRA has found yet another way to soak the gullible:

The NRA Is Selling Insurance to Gun Owners Willing to Shoot in Self Defense

The policies cover clean-up costs, too. But full reimbursement for legal fees only comes when a case ends in acquittal.

by Alex Yablon and Mike Spies

·April 26, 2017

First, the National Rifle Association worked to let gun owners carry firearms in public. Then it fought to pass laws that say gun carriers can open fire to stop a perceived threat, even when retreat is possible. Now that the NRA has expanded the legal right to armed self defense, it’s muscling into the niche industry that’s arisen to help Americans deal with the costly consequences of actually exercising it. This week, the group unveiled insurance plans that it says will help defray the legal costs that can arise from shooting another person.


Let us help you get the protection you need.

The Myth of Gun Liability Insurance

The 5 Problems of Requiring Gun Owners to Buy Liability Insurance

Should Gun Owners Have To Buy Liability Insurance?


So? Should the shooter be responsible? Like car insurance, should the have to carry insurance or prove he can cover the size bill the congressman is now racking up?

What about gun owners like me? I own guns but they don't own me. I wouldn't consider carrying a gun with me so should I have to carry the same insurance as those who can't go to the grocery store without their gun?

The church is a business nothing more

When a society's churches are reduced to being nothing more than any other business rather than centers for morality, ethics and spiritual guidance, then it is the beginning of society's decline and eventual collapse.

Religion/churches are for-profit businesses. That's it.

They sure as hell are not any sort of standard of ethical or moral behavior. In fact, they're the opposite. And they're a scam. An insurance policy that never pays off.

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