should feeding kids processed food be considered child abuse?

Food causes cancer!!!

Oh NOES!!!

just processed food, not natural

Have a burger


I have a plate that looks like that all the time...

its all about taste and it tastes a million times better. we also make our own fries before you ask

So do I.

However, I think it's a monumental waste of time to make every possible thing I and my family are going to eat from scratch.

And I think it's fuckwittery of the highest order to decree by governmental force that all food fed to children must be this way as well.
Based on the information I know about processed foods and the effects it has on the body, I am leaning towards yes. How to enforce, I am not so sure.

I agree everyone has an opinion. BUT you cant tell parents what to do with THEIR children.

How many people/parents do you know that cook EVERY meal from scratch? I cant tell you how many parents i know who take the path of least resistance. They do what is easy, they do what will cause the least arguments, the do what makes life the least hassle.

That is not a judgment of right or wrong, should or shouldn't. It is what it is.

My problem is that smoking around children is not considered child abuse. I see people take their kids into places that have smoking and non-smoking and park them in a smoke filled area. Second hand smoke does cause cancer and these kids have no control over themselves because they are under the control of their parents. And at home they are continually subjected to the second hand smoke. This is child abuse by any definition but is it treated as such. NO! Its no wonder children and adults have breathing problems because of all the smoke and smog they were subjected to growing up.
Based on the information I know about processed foods and the effects it has on the body, I am leaning towards yes. How to enforce, I am not so sure.


Child abuse is serious shit that leaves long-term psychological scars on the child. Labeling poor dieting as child abuse can trivialize the term, imo. And it opens up a slippery slope to any potential endangerment being considered child abuse, like letting a kid go outside without sunscreen on.
You press your own oil to cook them in?

I actually bake mine.

Oil...too messy.

But then they're not....fries.

Not that it matters, the point is made that blu is a statist fuckwit. Eat your french bakes any way you please!

I'll fry them if you bring the oil and clean up afterwards.

Srsly...I hate cleaning up after frying something. One of the reasons I rarely make my cubed steaks or chicken parmigiana.
Child abuse? That's going way over the edge. Our children are far more abused by government fiat than they will ever be from processed food. Do I like processed food or want a steady diet of it - not on your life.

Lazy and/or indifferent parents are more likely to give their children a diet of processed food and junk food.

Parents who are dug so deep into their careers and social standing give their children a diet of processed food and junk food because their busy schedules won't allow them to carve out cooking/family time.

Considering the number of people who apparently have no clue as to how to turn on a stove let alone trying to figure out how to boil an egg - I'm all for reintroducing Home Economics in the school systems.

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