Should Congress approve incest?

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Aug 27, 2010
Here is a country actually considering allowing incest, and we might not be far behind considering all the sex feins we have in our congress who might introduce the change.

By Allan Hall in Berlin 4:17PM GMT 13 Dec 2010
The upper house of the Swiss parliament has drafted a law decriminalising sex between consenting family members which must now be considered by the government.

There have been only three cases of incest since 1984.

Switzerland, which recently held a referendum passing a draconian law that will boot out foreigners convicted of committing the smallest of crimes, insists that children within families will continue to be protected by laws governing abuse and paedophilia.

Daniel Vischer, a Green party MP, said he saw nothing wrong with two consenting adults having sex, even if they were related.

"Incest is a difficult moral question, but not one that is answered by penal law," he said.

Barbara Schmid Federer of The Christian People's Party of Switzerland said the proposal from the upper house was "completely repugnant."

"I for one could not countenance painting out such a law from the statute books."

The Protestant People's Party is also opposed to decriminalising the offence which at present carries a maximum three year jail term.

A spokesman for the party said: "Murder is also quite rare in Switzerland but no one suggests that we remove that as an office from the statutes.

Switzerland considers repealing incest laws - Telegraph
Here is a country actually considering allowing incest, and we might not be far behind considering all the sex feins we have in our congress who might introduce the change.

By Allan Hall in Berlin 4:17PM GMT 13 Dec 2010
The upper house of the Swiss parliament has drafted a law decriminalising sex between consenting family members which must now be considered by the government.

There have been only three cases of incest since 1984.

Switzerland, which recently held a referendum passing a draconian law that will boot out foreigners convicted of committing the smallest of crimes, insists that children within families will continue to be protected by laws governing abuse and paedophilia.

Daniel Vischer, a Green party MP, said he saw nothing wrong with two consenting adults having sex, even if they were related.

"Incest is a difficult moral question, but not one that is answered by penal law," he said.

Barbara Schmid Federer of The Christian People's Party of Switzerland said the proposal from the upper house was "completely repugnant."

"I for one could not countenance painting out such a law from the statute books."

The Protestant People's Party is also opposed to decriminalising the offence which at present carries a maximum three year jail term.

A spokesman for the party said: "Murder is also quite rare in Switzerland but no one suggests that we remove that as an office from the statutes.

Switzerland considers repealing incest laws - Telegraph

Sounds like Mr. Vischer wants to pork his father...wierd, huh?
Of all the issues facing our country today, your ability to legally fuck your sister-mom is not something upon which Congress should waste time.
Virtually all sex crime laws are state, not federal, shintao. I don't see any need to change the ones applicable to incest. Is someone actually bitching?

You dun need a PhD to read a story like MacKenzie Phillips' and realize just how corrosive this crime is, even if carried on after both parties reach adulthood.
Of all the issues facing our country today, your ability to legally fuck your sister-mom is not something upon which Congress should waste time.

You bring up a good point, there are thousands of issues more important to you & I, but are they more important to Dr. Livingston tapping away in the airport restroom ~ who might consider the idea. Afterall, what you think is important really doesn't matter to congress. And so the question at this revelation.
Virtually all sex crime laws are state, not federal, shintao. I don't see any need to change the ones applicable to incest. Is someone actually bitching?

You dun need a PhD to read a story like MacKenzie Phillips' and realize just how corrosive this crime is, even if carried on after both parties reach adulthood.

Sorry if Gays can marry because the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults, then so can family members of legal age. You are a hypocrite if you claim otherwise. As should polygamy be legal if the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults.
Virtually all sex crime laws are state, not federal, shintao. I don't see any need to change the ones applicable to incest. Is someone actually bitching?

You dun need a PhD to read a story like MacKenzie Phillips' and realize just how corrosive this crime is, even if carried on after both parties reach adulthood.

Freud has a case study of a mother-son relationship of suckling at the breast, long after he was an adult. He would make trips home to mom as needed. I suppose their are those relations among siblings in a family that remain a taboo, and may reoccur years later by circumstance.

Yes, state laws rule in America on the subject. Our system might prevent such occurances from happening.
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First, Congress has no authority to pass any such law.

Second, I feel incredibly sorry for your sister or brother or child.
First, Congress has no authority to pass any such law.

Second, I feel incredibly sorry for your sister or brother or child.

Hmm, that is fantasy leap. I feel sorry for your father because you screamed so much.

Now doesn't that sound nice? You really took a turn for the rude today. If you are not adult enough to debate a subject, maybe you should toodle to the romper room.
Congress has no business in this. Best left to local Governments...period.

Well, maybe you are wrong T. By allowing individual states to decide, we end up with a patch work of sex laws, that change depending on which square you are standing on. I would prefer uniformity in such matters. Having gay mariages in one state, and legal age 16 in another is wrong.
First, Congress has no authority to pass any such law.

Second, I feel incredibly sorry for your sister or brother or child.

Hmm, that is fantasy leap. I feel sorry for your father because you screamed so much.

Now doesn't that sound nice? You really took a turn for the rude today. If you are not adult enough to debate a subject, maybe you should toodle to the romper room.

Don't look now slimey lizard but you just broke the rules.
Congress has no business in this. Best left to local Governments...period.

Well, maybe you are wrong T. By allowing individual states to decide, we end up with a patch work of sex laws, that change depending on which square you are standing on. I would prefer uniformity in such matters. Having gay mariages in one state, and legal age 16 in another is wrong.

Go read the Tenth Amendment.

Imperial FED has enough power...and too much if you really want to know.

'Nuff Said.
First, Congress has no authority to pass any such law.

Second, I feel incredibly sorry for your sister or brother or child.

Hmm, that is fantasy leap. I feel sorry for your father because you screamed so much.

Now doesn't that sound nice? You really took a turn for the rude today. If you are not adult enough to debate a subject, maybe you should toodle to the romper room.

Don't look now slimey lizard but you just broke the rules.

I won't look dung beetle.
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Virtually all sex crime laws are state, not federal, shintao. I don't see any need to change the ones applicable to incest. Is someone actually bitching?

You dun need a PhD to read a story like MacKenzie Phillips' and realize just how corrosive this crime is, even if carried on after both parties reach adulthood.

Sorry if Gays can marry because the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults, then so can family members of legal age. You are a hypocrite if you claim otherwise. As should polygamy be legal if the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults.

Then I guess you'll have to regard me as a hypocrite, RGS. I see same sex marriage as a far different issue from incest and frankly, I resent you lumping it in with a criminal activity that can have deadly consequences.

Shall I regard you as a moral imbecile because you cannot make these distinctions?
Virtually all sex crime laws are state, not federal, shintao. I don't see any need to change the ones applicable to incest. Is someone actually bitching?

You dun need a PhD to read a story like MacKenzie Phillips' and realize just how corrosive this crime is, even if carried on after both parties reach adulthood.

Sorry if Gays can marry because the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults, then so can family members of legal age. You are a hypocrite if you claim otherwise. As should polygamy be legal if the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults.

Then I guess you'll have to regard me as a hypocrite, RGS. I see same sex marriage as a far different issue from incest and frankly, I resent you lumping it in with a criminal activity that can have deadly consequences.

Shall I regard you as a moral imbecile because you cannot make these distinctions?

gay sex can have deadly consequences too, or didn't you realize that?
Sorry if Gays can marry because the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults, then so can family members of legal age. You are a hypocrite if you claim otherwise. As should polygamy be legal if the sole criteria for marriage is consenting adults.

Then I guess you'll have to regard me as a hypocrite, RGS. I see same sex marriage as a far different issue from incest and frankly, I resent you lumping it in with a criminal activity that can have deadly consequences.

Shall I regard you as a moral imbecile because you cannot make these distinctions?

gay sex can have deadly consequences too, or didn't you realize that?

No more than hetero sex, Willow, but I wasn't referring to disease. I was referring to suicide. IMO, there's very rarely, if ever, freely given consent on both sides.

I see absolutely no value in incest and am amazed so many seem confused as to why it should remain illegal.
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