Should Black Degrees be Equally Valued?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

Do you have any proof that these people will underperform?
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

I have observed from your posts you are a racist. One post, two maybe, but you spend all your time stirring up racial arguments. I simply do not have the patience or the time to listen to worthless bullshit. I am putting you on ignore as that is the biggest insult I can give you on a message board, to show you that I simply don't care what you have to say. Worthless words come from worthless humans.
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

Do you have any proof that these people will underperform?

they underperform at school and qualification exams. why do you think they would improve once they got a job?

although I don't like anecdotes, the Bakke story is informative. after being denied a med school spot he managed to find a spot elsewhere the next year. he has had a long and successful career. the minority who took his spot had a short and disasterous career including numerous malpractise suits, some involved with patient death, and finally he was stripped of his medical license.
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

I have observed from your posts you are a racist. One post, two maybe, but you spend all your time stirring up racial arguments. I simply do not have the patience or the time to listen to worthless bullshit. I am putting you on ignore as that is the biggest insult I can give you on a message board, to show you that I simply don't care what you have to say. Worthless words come from worthless humans.

that is your perogative. I have noticed that you have never been able to refute any of my ideas except to cry 'racist'!!!!!!

can someone develop a reasonable argument against my OP? would anyone prefer the NFL to be racially proportional just to be politically correct? would the players still be as good overall or would the teams be at least somewhat worse?

and I worry about the quality of my doctor much more than the quality of my favourite football team.
They still have to make the grade. Just because they were offered a placement, does not guarantee their diploma.

However, I do question the standards at some of the traditional "black colleges". Delaware State has a minimum SAT score of 800 for admission. They also accept students with GED's. My guess is just about anyone can get in.

Admissions Information & Requirements | DSU
They still have to make the grade. Just because they were offered a placement, does not guarantee their diploma.

do you think there is a difference in quality between doctors who finish top 10% and those in the bottom 10%? if you choose a black doctor you are statistically likely to get a bottom rather than a top performer. do you think it is reasonable to make a choice for your personal well being based on knowledge that is 'hatefact'? are you willing to put your health at some (presumably small) risk to benefit affirmative action?
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

I do have concerns over degrees supposedly earned by racists. How can they actually have done the work for a college degree and still graduate as racist assholes? Do racists get special treatment from racist professors? Does a degree awarded to a racist actually count?
Why should I get the same diploma as some asshole racist? Doesn't that degrade the integrity of my degree?
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

I do have concerns over degrees supposedly earned by racists. How can they actually have done the work for a college degree and still graduate as racist assholes? Do racists get special treatment from racist professors? Does a degree awarded to a racist actually count?
Why should I get the same diploma as some asshole racist? Doesn't that degrade the integrity of my degree?

you bring up a good point. would you rather have someone who is more than just competent, someone who is exceptional to be your lawyer or doctor or tax accountant even though you didn't agree with their politics?
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

How about a big *
there already is a big asterix. that is why no one steps up and says they are proud to be an affirmative action recipient.
They still have to make the grade. Just because they were offered a placement, does not guarantee their diploma.

do you think there is a difference in quality between doctors who finish top 10% and those in the bottom 10%? if you choose a black doctor you are statistically likely to get a bottom rather than a top performer. do you think it is reasonable to make a choice for your personal well being based on knowledge that is 'hatefact'? are you willing to put your health at some (presumably small) risk to benefit affirmative action?

My wife is black and an MD

She finished in the top 1% of her class.

Kind of blows your whole stereotype to pieces :eusa_whistle:
They still have to make the grade. Just because they were offered a placement, does not guarantee their diploma.

do you think there is a difference in quality between doctors who finish top 10% and those in the bottom 10%? if you choose a black doctor you are statistically likely to get a bottom rather than a top performer. do you think it is reasonable to make a choice for your personal well being based on knowledge that is 'hatefact'? are you willing to put your health at some (presumably small) risk to benefit affirmative action?

My wife is black and an MD

She finished in the top 1% of her class.

Kind of blows your whole stereotype to pieces :eusa_whistle:

yet again I have to point out that an exception does not disprove the general trend. I am happy for your wife and I feel it is unfair that she should have to face the questions of whether she is an AA grad. but as long as AA exists in the massive amounts that it does , especially in post grad courses, any minority will be tainted by the low performance of other minorities.
I have lectured at a black University and have hired more black people than anyone at my place of work, primarily interns from that University. And the reason why I did so was because they were the best candidates, period, not because they were black.

Most of those kids went on to great careers, many going to Wall Street and one landing on the cover of a national magazine.
My wife is black and an MD

She finished in the top 1% of her class.

but as long as AA exists in the massive amounts that it does , especially in post grad courses, any minority will be tainted by the low performance of other minorities.

That is the true problem of affirmative action taken to extremes. If AA is used to allow students from disadvantaged (read Poor) communities to have a second chance to improve themselves but they are held to the same standards for graduation, then that is one thing. Unfortunately there does exist a trend to cheapen degrees, which is particularly marked among certain philosophies, by granting 'extra' exceptions in all classwork for 'special' cases. That makes others form the same groups with valid certifications suffer from generalizations by racists and even reasonably fair minded people who have been burned by the practice in the past.

Generally a competent neutral observer can pick these cases out without regard to race from reviewing any sort of blind test data. In those cases the unqualified individuals should not get through.
especially in elite universities, and other school that practise AA, blacks are admitted with markedly lower qualifications, receive lower grades and pass independent qualification exams at a lower rate than other groups. is it reasonable to give them the same credit for a diploma when the chances are that they will underperform? would you chose a black doctor or lawyer knowing that they were close to the bottom of their class?

I have observed from your posts you are a racist. One post, two maybe, but you spend all your time stirring up racial arguments. I simply do not have the patience or the time to listen to worthless bullshit. I am putting you on ignore as that is the biggest insult I can give you on a message board, to show you that I simply don't care what you have to say. Worthless words come from worthless humans.

Way to meet the argument on the merits!

Just call someone a "racist", and you no longer need to argue anything or consider facts. That's like, work and stuff.
Way to meet the argument on the merits!

Just call someone a "racist", and you no longer need to argue anything or consider facts. That's like, work and stuff.

hahaha, that is what really confuses me about this message board. there are so few people willing to exchange ideas. to tell the truth, I admit to being a bit of a socialist but I like playing devil's advocate to try and make people think. but so far I haven't had much luck finding anyone who can argue themselves out of a wet paper bag. if diversity is so valuable, if political correctness is so righteous, why can't anyone here find any logical defence for them? I could do a better job of it. hell, sometimes I purposely leave a giant hole in my argument just so someone will step up. it aint happening tho
I have lectured at a black University and have hired more black people than anyone at my place of work, primarily interns from that University. And the reason why I did so was because they were the best candidates, period, not because they were black.

Most of those kids went on to great careers, many going to Wall Street and one landing on the cover of a national magazine.
Reverse racist!

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