Should be moon colonies and reg travel between earth and moon by now


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
That was the premise of 1968s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

And in fact there US landed on the moon in 1969 andhad several follow-ups - thelast being in Dec 1972.

But there have been no space flights or colonies on the moon.
WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We lose our way...Seriously,

We could of done nearly everything imagined in the 1960's for this time by now. Lack of vision and will power to push forward.

Instead, we played world police man and thrown money into bombing other nations.

Seriously, we became a people that cared more about drugs and screwing everything in sight over the explorers that built this nation. Too put it mildly...

What we should of done is
-Built a space ferry that can cheaply go back and forth from the moon.
-Found a cave and capped it.
-Let private mining corporations have exist to the moon.
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what a fraud - nothing has been done to colonize the moon

dare I say it - suggests the reality of any of the moon landings...................
That was the premise of 1968s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

And in fact there US landed on the moon in 1969 andhad several follow-ups - thelast being in Dec 1972.

But there have been no space flights or colonies on the moon.
WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened is smarter people than you realize that due to the lower gravity, people colonizing the moon would have their muscles atrophy and after enough time would not be able to return to Earth. Since you are basing your understanding of the moon on Sci-Fi, I would recommend the great Sci-Fi classic "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert A Heinlein.
Why should we build on the moon?? Maybe because we can! It's perfectly healthy for our species to want to explore and expand...Why fight the urge?

1# Mining-We can mine the moon 2# Build Ships to go to the Asteroids to mine TENS trillions of dollars worth of material. 3# advance our scientific understanding, 4# to get our eggs out of one basket. Well, remember we're threatened by asteroids that could wipe us out. Quite a few events throughout history have wiped out 50-95 percent of all species on this planet.

Seriously, we get into these pointless wars that make us spend trillions of dollars, while having our borders open(fucking lol)...Well, building on the moon, mars, asteroids and getting back to spreading outwards to me at least is far less pointless. Humanity has been doing this for 2 million years. It is natural and far better than blowing each others heads off!

How about pulling our troops out of the middle east? Saddam learned first hand what it's like to have nearly a million man military, but having inferior technology. Went the US of A to keep that edge? Well, you push the limits and build it. Tucking tail like China did 500 years ago is likely the stupidest thing we can do.

-2# You can't build large enough ships to make it worth it from the surface of the earth. You could do it from orbit, but the moon with a base would be able to hold the personal needed to pull it off.
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That was the premise of 1968s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

And in fact there US landed on the moon in 1969 andhad several follow-ups - thelast being in Dec 1972.

But there have been no space flights or colonies on the moon.
WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Space 1999 happened. Moon base Alpha had a bit of an accident and sent the moon off into space.
Why would people want to live on the moon?

Why would anyone want to sail for months on end going to the new world? :eusa_boohoo: or who would want to walk out of Africa away from everything they know? :eusa_shhh:

O'yes lets not climb out of that tree! Some people will always fight for things to remain as they're, but that's only a fear of the unknown. Really what's a good reason not to? Economically within our solar system alone could bring the Avg living standard up(per capita) thousand of times in wealth. You want to make everyone on earth rich like us in America? Well, this is the way to do it.

You don't want to go? Well, you don't have to...Other people sure as hell will. Same with hundreds of millions of people in the 15th century in Europe that didn't go.
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Here ya go.... why don't you sign up for it ginscpy

The MarsOne Project wants to send astronauts on a one-way trip to Mars, and they want to do it by 2023. How do they plan to pull it off? Simple: by creating "the biggest media event ever."

"Big brother will pale in comparison," explains theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Gerard 't Hooft, who has expressed his support for the project.

Introducing Mars One, the reality television program that will broadcast live from Mars
I would soooooo go on that mission. I wouldn't get accepted of course because they're not really interested in exploration.
Here ya go.... why don't you sign up for it ginscpy

The MarsOne Project wants to send astronauts on a one-way trip to Mars, and they want to do it by 2023. How do they plan to pull it off? Simple: by creating "the biggest media event ever."

"Big brother will pale in comparison," explains theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Gerard 't Hooft, who has expressed his support for the project.

Introducing Mars One, the reality television program that will broadcast live from Mars

he cant go.....they dont take people with Drinking problems......he might crash the ship.....
Today is 11 years to the day I found out we missed.

You guys need to go find the real NASA footage where an astronaut has fallen on the Moon. At shoulder height you can see a slight gray rectangle. That is a rig for the wires. When the astronaut tries to get back on his feet, you can see that he defies gravity. The footage has been severely torn apart as with every other photo and footage. You can see at one point his hands and his knees and his feet, in fact his entire body it hovering about 6 inches off the Moon surface.

It's a mockumentary, but it's very entertaining.
People will believe just about everything you tell them.

[ame=]Dark Side of the Moon Part 1/6 (HOAX Documentary) - YouTube[/ame]

I think I answered your question well.
We haven't gone back because we haven't been there.

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