Shopping spree!!

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Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
So after picking up my check and paying my bills, I gave into materialistic temptation and greed and stopped at near every second-hand shop on the way home (mostly ceasing the spending because it became too heavy to carry any more things).

Today's acquisitions, in the order in which I remove them from the bag:

The Lenin Antholology - Selected, edited, and introduced by Robert C. Tucker

The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (5th edition) -
Moore and Persuad
(So, it's 3 editions old- it was a dollar and the fundamentals can't changed all that much, right?)

Right, moving along,

Fundamentals of Behavioral Statistics (8th Edition) - Richard P. Runon el al.

Marxism and Ideology - Rossi-Landi
(Not really sure what to expect on this one, but flipping through, it seemed to make some interesting notes on societal structure)

Introduction to Logic - Charles and Jaquelyn Kegley
(Seems to expand on a matters with which 'm only vaguely familiar, but I mostly bought it for the explanations of logical symbols and 'mathematical' representations of arguments, which I never quite fully understood and always had to ask be repeated in lingual form)

Principles of Biomedical Ethics (5th Edition) - Tom Beauchamp and James Childress

Final Entries 1945; The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels - edited and introduced by Prof. Hugh Trevor-Roper

Reading for Sociology (4th Edition) - Edited by Garth Massey

Psychology Today: An Introduction (7th Edition)

Basic Psychology (5th Edition) - - Henry Gleitman et al

Psychology (7th Edition)
- David Myers

The money spent on the psychology books is wasted.

I comb for books @ second hand/antique stores as well.
The last time I went to Powell's a big dyke gave me a flat tire just outside the front door, lol.
Pick up "Empires Of Trust"

Awesome Book, you won't be Disappointed.

[ame=] Empires of Trust: How Rome Built--and America Is Building--a New World (9780525950745): Thomas F. Madden: Books[/ame]
Do you know what a flat tire is?

It's not a real flat tire. It's when somebody steps on your heel and pulls the shoe off your heel.
1) I thought you meant a literal flat tire on your car. I didn't realize what you meant. This is in large part because

2) I misread that as 'talking' the first time I read it :/ .
Their is excellent public transportation to the place. Don't drive. Parking in the area sucks. They offer free parking in a garage, but the garage sucks too.

They have the widest selection of anything anywhere.
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