Shogun's 2010 Garden thus far...


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
So, I picked up some plants and shit from a local nursery called Strawberry Hill. Planted them over the weekend like a dirty fucking hippie. So far this year I have a new rose bush, a row of red bell peppers, a row of yellow bell peppers, a row of spinach, some potted Scarlet Begonias (see dirty hippie reference above), various herbs and a few house plants including something called a "Joseph's Coat" and an orange canna lily.

So, what kind of shit have you planted this year like a dirty hippie playing in the mud?
Nothing until the first of May, or it will get all wind burned and frozen.
You don't happen to live on Grosvenor Square, do you?
herbs coming back from last year....havent planted anything but grapes so far....planted a black eye susan vine....and transplanted some ramps...i dont know if that will work or not....

have ready to go....dahlias...cosmos...

all kinds of veggies..the asparagus is coming in...have lettuce planted...and beets...but like allie kinda waiting for frost threat to be wisteria is coming on
thor is now to the point i can leave him alone for a couple of hours...and do stuff outside...i got to do a lot of weeding..asparagus and strawberries need a lot of work.
So, I picked up some plants and shit from a local nursery called Strawberry Hill. Planted them over the weekend like a dirty fucking hippie. So far this year I have a new rose bush, a row of red bell peppers, a row of yellow bell peppers, a row of spinach, some potted Scarlet Begonias (see dirty hippie reference above), various herbs and a few house plants including something called a "Joseph's Coat" and an orange canna lily.

So, what kind of shit have you planted this year like a dirty hippie playing in the mud?

Sounds great! :thup: Nothing yet, but soon I will have tomatoes!

And of course all sorts of perennial flowers!
oooooo i forgot my upside down maters...we shall see how that goes...

and of course shogun....i will be doing what this year.....entering stuff in the fair....

beets ....i cannot even place in beets....the rest of the stuff i dont really have any trouble with...but damn beets...i did golden phat beets last year..golden the type of beet...phat was the recipe...for pickling
i thought about using one of those upside down tomato gadgets for bell peppers. I'm not really a huge fan of tomatoes.
hmmm so far...i dont think it has enough dirt in it....the dirt doesnt come to the top of the bottom...if that makes the seedings will get all leggy....i think i will end up...adding soil and using veggie transpants from the garden shop...i have seen them recommended for in hot but not bells
i do know you need to let the plant get to 5 inches before you flip the container over and hang it
The Grandkids and I have been busy.
We have Radishes, Leaf lettuce, onions, potatoes, beans and summer squash up so far. Corn, Zuchinni, Cantelope and strawberries planted.
i thought about using one of those upside down tomato gadgets for bell peppers. I'm not really a huge fan of tomatoes.

Since my husband is Sicilian, big beefy red tomatoes are a must!

Having a garden is sooo much work though and we both work full time now so I am thankful to have a wonderful farm stand I pass by on my way home all summer long so I can have all sorts of fresh veggies without having to spend all my time in the garden (like some filthy hippie! :lol: )
i thought about using one of those upside down tomato gadgets for bell peppers. I'm not really a huge fan of tomatoes.

Since my husband is Sicilian, big beefy red tomatoes are a must!

Having a garden is sooo much work though and we both work full time now so I am thankful to have a wonderful farm stand I pass by on my way home all summer long so I can have all sorts of fresh veggies without having to spend all my time in the garden (like some filthy hippie! :lol: )

I dunno.. i wish I had more space in which to plant shit in. I'd spend all day in a garden, like a dirty fucking nag chamba smelling hippie, if I could. I love being able to skip the cost of red bells when i'm cooking because I love cooking with bells and I hate paying a higher price for red than greens. I'm hoping the spinach do well too. Should have put in a row of broccoli.

A couple years ago the fam had so many banana peppers that they donated paper bags full to a local food bank. it was crazy.
So far just trying to get rid of the weeds. After 8 years they have gotten the upper hand and reluctantly we are spraying them. Just them though and as sparingly as possible. They are finally dying . . .even the poison ivy.

I need to replace some plants that died . . . pin cushion flowers among others. We'll see what the nurseries have.

I was going to buy an upside down tomato planter. Daughter works at Target and says the people who buy them love them but . . . being upside down the root system is exposed to too much sun and they dry out very, very quickly. Being upside down when you water them the water washed down the plant and causes rot. Being upside down in a planter they get very, very heavy when wet and you need to buy a shepards hook and then some. That's what I've read review-wise from the folks who don't like it. Just something to consider. I usually by summer fruits/veggies from a local farm or two. Can't wait for tomato and corn season.
Not doing a big veg garden this year.

Just some peps, cukes, and watermelons. They're the 3 main fruit/veg I buy at the store anyway.
we are eating lettuce, asparagus, spinach from the garden...beets are looking good...corn is coming up....berries are setting nice fruit....

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