SHOCKER: Yet another shocking liberal defending genocide!!!!????


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context' |

I've already explained to you left wingers how your heroes George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx daydreamed of eugenics, and how Shaw wanted science to develop a humane gas that could exterminate surplus humans while listening to classical music to make it more comfortable.

I told you about Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsberg, a worshipped liberal lady, who was disappointed that abortion wasn't used as a means to get rid of "unwanted populations" like she had hoped when she voted.

Now this. The liberal director Oliver Stone, who liberals gushed over when he made the movie "W" for bashing Bush. Who they bowed to when he attacked our efforts in Vietnam.

Now, Stone is defending Hitler and the Nazis. He said what Hitler did is only misunderstood because of the Jew dominated media. Jesus H. Christ. He said Hitler can't be understood in context because of the Jew media. Don't know what context genocide needs to be in. (See bottom of thread for BEST part)

He does on to slam our policy towards Iran as "horrible". Hey, all they want to do is see Israel go up in a mushroom cloud, they said it themselves. Who are we to stand in the way? He says we just "Don't know the full story!" with Iran.:eusa_eh:

He then defends Hugo Chavez, calling him a "brave, blunt, earthy man" and when confronted with Venezuelan human rights violations, he claims "the internet is free" and "people can say whatever they like" under Chavez. Hey, slavery is great as long as you got internet and free speech! Who needs elections!!!??

:eusa_hand: But wait, theres more!!

Liberal hero Oliver Stone went one step farther. He actually tried to blame America and the Brits for Hitler. He actually said while Hitler did some bad stuff, that Hitler "had some support"...........from America and England. He actually tried to blame Hitler on America and England.

Liberals...........I'm gonna cut you guys some slack. I'm not gonna ask you to defend this guy. As much as some of you are uncomfortable with American exceptionalism, I seriously don't think any of you are gonna blame America and the UK for Hitler, or say Hitler just needs to be understood in context because modern Jews won't allow him to be.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Some cases are worse than others. Stone's is extreme.

Liberal ideology is the mental oil spill in the world of ideals.
But I will ask..................what is the left's problem with Jews? can any Jewish person EVER vote liberal in another election after what you've seen the last 2 years out of the left??
My computer is having trouble with flashplayer. Can't watch the YouTube clips. Post text or theme??

Nice link.

As a religious person, I believe the idea of eugenics is purely satanic. It shows pure evil and absence of worth in humans. Treating humans as nothing but surplus organisms, like a virus, that must be cleansed.

It's a nasty, nasty idea that has floated around for centuries. To me, George Bernard Shaw had the most evil idea when he wanted scientists to invent a humane gas, and play classical music to comfort the surplus human units during their exit. Hitler, of course, would later put that into action.

I fear healthcare rationing will condition us to accept letting the elderly die off. Once we are conditioned to letting humans die off, we'll want to swiften and comfort the suffering because we won't like watching it. After that, who knows? We may consider a 25 year old with only 2 years to live to be basically like the 90 year olds we are letting die and find ways to usher them to their destination.

Evil, nasty stuff.
Bush family wealth is linked to the Jewish Holocaust!64
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As the Guardian Newspaper wrote it: "Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades".

Of course they were alledged to be "Conspiracy Theory" though such author as Tarpley in his book "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" did provide some material proofs when he wrote "On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush... under the Trading with the Enemy Act"

But the Guardian revealed that with a multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, new documents formely secret have been declassified, which reveal that the firm Prescott Bush worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) [In their student years, Prescott Bush and "Bunny" Harriman were chosen for membership in the Elite Yale Society Skull and Bones], acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.

This is not so surprising after the declassification of National Archives about the role of National Chase Bank of David Rockefeller in the confiscation of Jewish Accounts in France. It is even less surprising than the participation of the Bank of England (see BBC History Channel) controlled by the Rothschild.

Bush family wealth is linked to the Jewish Holocaust!

Read the link. So Prescott Bush and his company had some business dealings with German companies that were also financing the Nazi party. Interesting. I'd bet Stone's next movie is gonna highlight that to smear W.

There is a movie with Denzel Washington called Inside Man about a bank robbery and a side theme is a businessman who had financial deals with pre-war Nazis and German companies.

Sort of like how some US comapanies today are in financial deals with Iran, while Iranian IEDs are killing troops in the war. General Electric, owner of NBC/MSNBC, is still doing business with Iran to this day.
I'm still trying to find proof of the assertion that Stone is advocating genocide.

Not advocating, defending. He defended Hitler. Said he was misunderstood in context because the Jews won't let the real story be told.

Somehow I think thats worse than Mel Gibson calling his wife a Jew. But hey, what do I know.

Whats all the anger at Jews about anyway? Jeez.
Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context' |

I've already explained to you left wingers how your heroes George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx daydreamed of eugenics, and how Shaw wanted science to develop a humane gas that could exterminate surplus humans while listening to classical music to make it more comfortable.

I told you about Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsberg, a worshipped liberal lady, who was disappointed that abortion wasn't used as a means to get rid of "unwanted populations" like she had hoped when she voted.

Now this. The liberal director Oliver Stone, who liberals gushed over when he made the movie "W" for bashing Bush. Who they bowed to when he attacked our efforts in Vietnam.

Now, Stone is defending Hitler and the Nazis. He said what Hitler did is only misunderstood because of the Jew dominated media. Jesus H. Christ. He said Hitler can't be understood in context because of the Jew media. Don't know what context genocide needs to be in. (See bottom of thread for BEST part)

He does on to slam our policy towards Iran as "horrible". Hey, all they want to do is see Israel go up in a mushroom cloud, they said it themselves. Who are we to stand in the way? He says we just "Don't know the full story!" with Iran.:eusa_eh:

He then defends Hugo Chavez, calling him a "brave, blunt, earthy man" and when confronted with Venezuelan human rights violations, he claims "the internet is free" and "people can say whatever they like" under Chavez. Hey, slavery is great as long as you got internet and free speech! Who needs elections!!!??

:eusa_hand: But wait, theres more!!

Liberal hero Oliver Stone went one step farther. He actually tried to blame America and the Brits for Hitler. He actually said while Hitler did some bad stuff, that Hitler "had some support"...........from America and England. He actually tried to blame Hitler on America and England.

Liberals...........I'm gonna cut you guys some slack. I'm not gonna ask you to defend this guy. As much as some of you are uncomfortable with American exceptionalism, I seriously don't think any of you are gonna blame America and the UK for Hitler, or say Hitler just needs to be understood in context because modern Jews won't allow him to be.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Some cases are worse than others. Stone's is extreme.

Liberal ideology is the mental oil spill in the world of ideals.
Yes, Hitler had support from right wingers in America and GB. Mussolini did too.
Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context' |

I've already explained to you left wingers how your heroes George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx daydreamed of eugenics, and how Shaw wanted science to develop a humane gas that could exterminate surplus humans while listening to classical music to make it more comfortable.

I told you about Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsberg, a worshipped liberal lady, who was disappointed that abortion wasn't used as a means to get rid of "unwanted populations" like she had hoped when she voted.

Now this. The liberal director Oliver Stone, who liberals gushed over when he made the movie "W" for bashing Bush. Who they bowed to when he attacked our efforts in Vietnam.

Now, Stone is defending Hitler and the Nazis. He said what Hitler did is only misunderstood because of the Jew dominated media. Jesus H. Christ. He said Hitler can't be understood in context because of the Jew media. Don't know what context genocide needs to be in. (See bottom of thread for BEST part)

He does on to slam our policy towards Iran as "horrible". Hey, all they want to do is see Israel go up in a mushroom cloud, they said it themselves. Who are we to stand in the way? He says we just "Don't know the full story!" with Iran.:eusa_eh:

He then defends Hugo Chavez, calling him a "brave, blunt, earthy man" and when confronted with Venezuelan human rights violations, he claims "the internet is free" and "people can say whatever they like" under Chavez. Hey, slavery is great as long as you got internet and free speech! Who needs elections!!!??

:eusa_hand: But wait, theres more!!

Liberal hero Oliver Stone went one step farther. He actually tried to blame America and the Brits for Hitler. He actually said while Hitler did some bad stuff, that Hitler "had some support"...........from America and England. He actually tried to blame Hitler on America and England.

Liberals...........I'm gonna cut you guys some slack. I'm not gonna ask you to defend this guy. As much as some of you are uncomfortable with American exceptionalism, I seriously don't think any of you are gonna blame America and the UK for Hitler, or say Hitler just needs to be understood in context because modern Jews won't allow him to be.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Some cases are worse than others. Stone's is extreme.

Liberal ideology is the mental oil spill in the world of ideals.
Yes, Hitler had support from right wingers in America and GB. Mussolini did too.

Does that mean that the evil of the Nazi party may have started off as seemingly innocent and harmless? Like something that was just a new, energetic political movement that wouldn't turn into genocide?

Surely, GB, USA, etc, wouldn't support something that they knew would turn into WW2, right?

There is a reason Glenn Beck and the right yells WARNING anytime big government socialism begins to rear its ugly head.

I don't doubt the early National Socialist Party of Germany had some early support from the US and UK. I'm sure the ovens weren't part of Adolph's first speech. But thats a far stretch to say they supported the eventual Nazi death machine.

But to admit that is to also acknowledge evil big government starts off as harmless, energetic new political movements in the form of socialism and big government takeover.

Never forget history. At one point, the Nazi party appeared harmless. US and UK apparantly supported it. Much like many countries today support charismatic big government leaders in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela......and the USA.
Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context' |

I've already explained to you left wingers how your heroes George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx daydreamed of eugenics, and how Shaw wanted science to develop a humane gas that could exterminate surplus humans while listening to classical music to make it more comfortable.

I told you about Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsberg, a worshipped liberal lady, who was disappointed that abortion wasn't used as a means to get rid of "unwanted populations" like she had hoped when she voted.

Now this. The liberal director Oliver Stone, who liberals gushed over when he made the movie "W" for bashing Bush. Who they bowed to when he attacked our efforts in Vietnam.

Now, Stone is defending Hitler and the Nazis. He said what Hitler did is only misunderstood because of the Jew dominated media. Jesus H. Christ. He said Hitler can't be understood in context because of the Jew media. Don't know what context genocide needs to be in. (See bottom of thread for BEST part)

He does on to slam our policy towards Iran as "horrible". Hey, all they want to do is see Israel go up in a mushroom cloud, they said it themselves. Who are we to stand in the way? He says we just "Don't know the full story!" with Iran.:eusa_eh:

He then defends Hugo Chavez, calling him a "brave, blunt, earthy man" and when confronted with Venezuelan human rights violations, he claims "the internet is free" and "people can say whatever they like" under Chavez. Hey, slavery is great as long as you got internet and free speech! Who needs elections!!!??

:eusa_hand: But wait, theres more!!

Liberal hero Oliver Stone went one step farther. He actually tried to blame America and the Brits for Hitler. He actually said while Hitler did some bad stuff, that Hitler "had some support"...........from America and England. He actually tried to blame Hitler on America and England.

Liberals...........I'm gonna cut you guys some slack. I'm not gonna ask you to defend this guy. As much as some of you are uncomfortable with American exceptionalism, I seriously don't think any of you are gonna blame America and the UK for Hitler, or say Hitler just needs to be understood in context because modern Jews won't allow him to be.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Some cases are worse than others. Stone's is extreme.

Liberal ideology is the mental oil spill in the world of ideals.
Yes, Hitler had support from right wingers in America and GB. Mussolini did too.

Does that mean that the evil of the Nazi party may have started off as seemingly innocent and harmless? Like something that was just a new, energetic political movement that wouldn't turn into genocide?

Surely, GB, USA, etc, wouldn't support something that they knew would turn into WW2, right?

There is a reason Glenn Beck and the right yells WARNING anytime big government socialism begins to rear its ugly head.

I don't doubt the early National Socialist Party of Germany had some early support from the US and UK. I'm sure the ovens weren't part of Adolph's first speech. But thats a far stretch to say they supported the eventual Nazi death machine.

But to admit that is to also acknowledge evil big government starts off as harmless, energetic new political movements in the form of socialism and big government takeover.

Never forget history. At one point, the Nazi party appeared harmless. US and UK apparantly supported it. Much like many countries today support charismatic big government leaders in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela......and the USA.
Interesting, that right wingers like Bush, Ford, and Lindbergh supported a Socialist form of government.
Hitler used "Socialist" like Bush used "no child left behind".
The wingnuts have rewritten history and most dumb sheep believe that shit.
Yes, Hitler had support from right wingers in America and GB. Mussolini did too.

Does that mean that the evil of the Nazi party may have started off as seemingly innocent and harmless? Like something that was just a new, energetic political movement that wouldn't turn into genocide?

Surely, GB, USA, etc, wouldn't support something that they knew would turn into WW2, right?

There is a reason Glenn Beck and the right yells WARNING anytime big government socialism begins to rear its ugly head.

I don't doubt the early National Socialist Party of Germany had some early support from the US and UK. I'm sure the ovens weren't part of Adolph's first speech. But thats a far stretch to say they supported the eventual Nazi death machine.

But to admit that is to also acknowledge evil big government starts off as harmless, energetic new political movements in the form of socialism and big government takeover.

Never forget history. At one point, the Nazi party appeared harmless. US and UK apparantly supported it. Much like many countries today support charismatic big government leaders in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela......and the USA.
Interesting, that right wingers like Bush, Ford, and Lindbergh supported a Socialist form of government.
Hitler used "Socialist" like Bush used "no child left behind".
The wingnuts have rewritten history and most dumb sheep believe that shit.

Hitler also believed in national healthcare.
Hitler also believed in nationalizing banks.
Hitler also belived in nationalizing education.

He also used the green movement, instituted through the brown shirts, to convince the people of a need for natural purity, which would extend to human and eventually racial purity under his plan.

National healthcare, gov't takeover of banks, gov't takeover of education, green movement....sound familiar?
Does that mean that the evil of the Nazi party may have started off as seemingly innocent and harmless? Like something that was just a new, energetic political movement that wouldn't turn into genocide?

Surely, GB, USA, etc, wouldn't support something that they knew would turn into WW2, right?

There is a reason Glenn Beck and the right yells WARNING anytime big government socialism begins to rear its ugly head.

I don't doubt the early National Socialist Party of Germany had some early support from the US and UK. I'm sure the ovens weren't part of Adolph's first speech. But thats a far stretch to say they supported the eventual Nazi death machine.

But to admit that is to also acknowledge evil big government starts off as harmless, energetic new political movements in the form of socialism and big government takeover.

Never forget history. At one point, the Nazi party appeared harmless. US and UK apparantly supported it. Much like many countries today support charismatic big government leaders in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela......and the USA.
Interesting, that right wingers like Bush, Ford, and Lindbergh supported a Socialist form of government.
Hitler used "Socialist" like Bush used "no child left behind".
The wingnuts have rewritten history and most dumb sheep believe that shit.

Hitler also believed in national healthcare.
Hitler also believed in nationalizing banks.
Hitler also belived in nationalizing education.

He also used the green movement, instituted through the brown shirts, to convince the people of a need for natural purity, which would extend to human and eventually racial purity under his plan.

National healthcare, gov't takeover of banks, gov't takeover of education, green movement....sound familiar?
Bush, Jr. bailed out the banks. Nixon proposed national healthcare. Thomas Jefferson established the University of Virginia as a free university. His gravestone, at his request, says that he established that university and doesn't mention that he was President of the United States.

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