"Shocked!!! Shocked, I Tell You!"

Now Mr. Westwall, would you care for me to look through my Geology journals and list how often those very words are used in the articles? Your problem is you are rejecting reality in favor of a rather ridiculous political ideology.

It's politicians who use weasle words dude. J. Tuzo Wilson never once said "studies suggest that plate tectonics will work this way". No, he said "plate tectonics need transverse faults to work. This is how they will work, and this is how you will find them".

And guess what, they were found exactly as he described them.

You clearly never cracked a geology book in your life.

Seriously? A laugh is all you can muster? You're pathetic.
Now Mr. Westwall, would you care for me to look through my Geology journals and list how often those very words are used in the articles? Your problem is you are rejecting reality in favor of a rather ridiculous political ideology.

It's politicians who use weasle words dude. J. Tuzo Wilson never once said "studies suggest that plate tectonics will work this way". No, he said "plate tectonics need transverse faults to work. This is how they will work, and this is how you will find them".

And guess what, they were found exactly as he described them.

You clearly never cracked a geology book in your life.
Mantle plumes and plate motions
Author links open overlay panelJ.TuzoWilson


This paper elaborates the hypothesis that convection plumes may be rising from the lower mantle to spread out in the asthenosphere and drive lithospheric plates about and thus possibly provide the primary mechanism which governs the behaviour of the earth's surface. The paper notes some characteristics of plumes and identifies more than thirty by the hot spots which overlie them. Most lie close to mid-ocean ridges and have produced aseismic ridges trending away from them on either plate. A few have been overridden by plates to produce single, isolated chains of seamounts and islands. One plume may have uplifted the Colorado Plateau. Such distinctions serve to identify five types of hot spots.

Most plates are in motion over the lower mantle. They are considered to be driven by the plumes, but their paths are influenced by interactions with other plates. Some temporarily become more or less stationary relative to the lower mantle. It is held that stationary plates, of which Africa and Southeast Asia may be present examples, develop special characteristics among which much volcanism, epeirogenic uplift, rifting and the development of basins and swells are diagnostic.

It is well-known that if two plates approach one another at a subduction zone that a continental plate generally overrides an oceanic one. It is here suggested that the question of which plate is more nearly stationary over the mantle is important and determines the character of the continental margin. It is held that, if a continental plate advances over an oceanic one which is fixed over the mantle, a migrating marginal trench and mountains of Andean type with huge batholiths will form on the leading edge of the continent. On the other hand, if a continental plate is fixed and one or more oceanic plates are advancing and sliding under it, island arcs (and, when a collision with another continent occurs, mountains of Appalachian type) will form along each coast towards which a plate is advancing.

Mantle plumes and plate motions - ScienceDirect

Really? Would you like me to continue? After all, that is just one abstract.
Now Mr. Westwall, would you care for me to look through my Geology journals and list how often those very words are used in the articles? Your problem is you are rejecting reality in favor of a rather ridiculous political ideology.

It's politicians who use weasle words dude. J. Tuzo Wilson never once said "studies suggest that plate tectonics will work this way". No, he said "plate tectonics need transverse faults to work. This is how they will work, and this is how you will find them".

And guess what, they were found exactly as he described them.

You clearly never cracked a geology book in your life.

Seriously? A laugh is all you can muster? You're pathetic.

Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Anyone who has travelled in the polar regions is likely to have noticed a striking pattern in the overlapping edges of ice sheets (fig. 1). Under some conditions the boundary between two colliding sheets may take the form of a continuous pressure ridge. Under other ice conditions, common in thin sheets of freshly formed ice, the edges of two sheets may overlap and interfinger into long narrow strips. Having observed these structures while flying over the Arctic Sea, I found that they had been investigated and described by Weeks and Anderson [1] and Dunbar [2]. They are called sea ice thrust structures in the literature but the process is also spoken of as ~finger-rafting% Similar structures have been reported from moving ships when the bow is pushing back young ice [3].

Now Mr. Westwall, would you care for me to look through my Geology journals and list how often those very words are used in the articles? Your problem is you are rejecting reality in favor of a rather ridiculous political ideology.

It's politicians who use weasle words dude. J. Tuzo Wilson never once said "studies suggest that plate tectonics will work this way". No, he said "plate tectonics need transverse faults to work. This is how they will work, and this is how you will find them".

And guess what, they were found exactly as he described them.

You clearly never cracked a geology book in your life.

Seriously? A laugh is all you can muster? You're pathetic.

Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Anyone who has travelled in the polar regions is likely to have noticed a striking pattern in the overlapping edges of ice sheets (fig. 1). Under some conditions the boundary between two colliding sheets may take the form of a continuous pressure ridge. Under other ice conditions, common in thin sheets of freshly formed ice, the edges of two sheets may overlap and interfinger into long narrow strips. Having observed these structures while flying over the Arctic Sea, I found that they had been investigated and described by Weeks and Anderson [1] and Dunbar [2]. They are called sea ice thrust structures in the literature but the process is also spoken of as ~finger-rafting% Similar structures have been reported from moving ships when the bow is pushing back young ice [3].


He's describing what people saw dumb ass. To whit......"Anyone who has travelled in the polar regions is likely to have noticed" which has nothing to do with a theory, but everything to do with how observant a person is. As far as the may, he is describing the various conditions that they can take, "they may do this, or they may do that", but do those things they will.

You're not very good at this are you.
Mr. Westwall, once again it has been demonstrated what a shameless liar you are. Yes, the great Tuzo Wilson did use 'may', 'possibly', ect. in the same way that all serious researchers did and do. Once again you have been shown to be an ass. Either you are a liar concerning your Phd in Geology, or you have degenerated into a complete crank.
Mr. Westwall, once again it has been demonstrated what a shameless liar you are. Yes, the great Tuzo Wilson did use 'may', 'possibly', ect. in the same way that all serious researchers did and do. Once again you have been shown to be an ass. Either you are a liar concerning your Phd in Geology, or you have degenerated into a complete crank.

I showed you how he used those words doofus, and he never used them the way climatologists do. He was a real scientist unlike your clowns.
" Under some conditions the boundary between two colliding sheets may take the form of a continuous pressure"

"the edges of two sheets may overlap and interfinger into long narrow strips."

"This paper elaborates the hypothesis that convection plumes may be rising from the lower mantle "

" and thus possibly provide the primary mechanism which governs the behaviour of the earth's surface"

"It is held that stationary plates, of which Africa and Southeast Asia may be present examples"

There it is, you silly liar, he used those words in exactly the manner that the climatologists do when they are only about 95% sure they have the answer. Mr. Westwall, you are getting as bad as the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, you lie to defend your lies. LOL

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