Shock report: ISIS planning to use orphans for suicide mission in Europe


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.


Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique
Wow....................Blind Whore uses InfoWars as a source, and then tries to back it up by posting something written in French. Hate to say it, but I don't think many people on this board speak French.
A "shock report" from Alex John Brinkley Jones. I did Nazi that coming...
Kamikaze children: the secret project of the Islamic State group

Child soldiers trained in Syria to commit attacks in France? This nightmare scenario would have been very seriously considered by the Islamic State (IS) organization, according to the recent confessions of a French jihadist, Jonathan Geffroy. Captured at the beginning of 2017 by the Free Syrian Army (ASL) while he was trying to flee Syria with his wife and two children, this thirty-year-old Toulousain was handed over in September by the Turkish authorities to France, where he has been indicted for criminal criminal conspiracy.

Heard several times between September 2017 and February 2018 by the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) and by an investigating judge, the jihadist, who presents himself as a repentant, was consistent in his desire to cooperate. His story is all the more valuable as Jonathan Geffroy is one of the few "ghosts" to have been part of the entourage of brothers Jean-Michel and Fabien Clain, two IS propaganda officials who are among the most highest French executives of the organization still alive.

His testimony seems to confirm one of the most feared threats by the anti-terrorist services: the recruitment of children who grew up in Syria, the famous "Cubs of the Caliphate", to perpetrate attacks in Europe. According to him, it was the Clain brothers themselves who submitted this project to their hierarchy.If his revelations are accurate, they would support for the first time the role of the two brothers - known for lending their voice to the claim of the attacks of November 13, 2015 - in the design of IS external operations.
Another translation would be "Aint importing Muslims grand?"
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.
------------------------ 'isis' or isis wanna be's . None of them seem to be a problem at this time for the USA and its The TRUMP that runs the USA . Oh yeah , feck 'france' and 'europe' Debbie D .
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Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
-------------------------------------- did TRUMP say that the 'norks' were 'denuclearized' BSailor ??
course The TRUMP or his people caught some kinda 'muslim jihadi' type in Cleveland that was planning a murderous attack . Its amazing how much good work that Trump can do at about 72 years of age while he is fueled by cheeseburgers and 'kentucky fried chicken' DebbieD and BSailor .
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
-------------------------------------- did TRUMP say that the 'norks' were 'denuclearized' BSailor ??

Actually, yes, yes he did.

Trump wrongly says North Korea agreed to denuclearization

President Donald Trump fired off a frustrated tweet about North Korea after a Sunday political news show.

"Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we have given up so much in our negotiations with North Korea, and they have given up nothing. Wow, we haven’t given up anything and they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World), site closure, and no more testing!

Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we have given up so much in our negotiations with North Korea, and they have given up nothing. Wow, we haven’t given up anything & they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World), site closure, & no more testing!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
--------------------------------------- WAS Denuclearized --- or had agreed to Denuclearization . I think that there is a difference . No matter , not important to me . I am behind the Trump on his plans no matter what they are. As i also said , TRUMP is in the beginnings of his plan and one of his Boys Pompaio [sp] is headed over then on July 5th according to FOX news BSailor .
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
--------------------------------------- WAS Denuclearized --- or had agreed to Denuclearization . I think that there is a difference . No matter , not important to me . I am behind the Trump on his plans no matter what they are. As i also said , TRUMP is in the beginnings of his plan and one of his Boys Pompaio [sp] is headed over then on July 5th according to FOX news BSailor .

So you don't mind that Trump lied to you about getting Un to get rid of his nuclear weapons?
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
--------------------------------------- WAS Denuclearized --- or had agreed to Denuclearization . I think that there is a difference . No matter , not important to me . I am behind the Trump on his plans no matter what they are. As i also said , TRUMP is in the beginnings of his plan and one of his Boys Pompaio [sp] is headed over then on July 5th according to FOX news BSailor .

So you don't mind that Trump lied to you about getting Un to get rid of his nuclear weapons?
--------------------------------------------------- i don't think that he lied , he said what he said and either version is ok with me. Sheesh , if the 'norks' don't denuke i really could not care less . I'm more interested in stopping immigration of ALL types into the USA BSailor .
Shock Report: ISIS Planning to Use Orphans For Suicide Missions in Europe
In early 2017, French jihadist Jonathan Geffroy was captured by the Free Syrian Army as he tried to flee Syria with his wife and two children. In September 2017, he was extradited to France, where he was accused of “criminal conspiracy in connection with a terrorist enterprise.”

Former Daesh* militant Jonathan Geffroy was quoted by Le Monde as............

Well it looks like all the lunatics are going to wake up so they can cause disruption around the globe as threats linger as the distraction is being done but it will go right over the Leftist Liberal head U.S. included.

View attachment 202247

Enfants kamikazes : le projet secret du groupe Etat islamique

Trump said ISIS had been defeated.

Trump also said that North Korea was "denuclearized".
--------------------------------------- WAS Denuclearized --- or had agreed to Denuclearization . I think that there is a difference . No matter , not important to me . I am behind the Trump on his plans no matter what they are. As i also said , TRUMP is in the beginnings of his plan and one of his Boys Pompaio [sp] is headed over then on July 5th according to FOX news BSailor .

So you don't mind that Trump lied to you about getting Un to get rid of his nuclear weapons?

Man, don't you know by now these people who are trumpkins don't care if he lies, rapes their women or shits on their kitchen tables. They would follow him if he exercised eminent domain and took their houses. Jesus Christ it's a disease.
you don't like the way you guys are losing eh DebD ?? [chuckle]

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