Shiva-Pennywise: TrumpUSA/SETI


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is TrumpUSA commerce-hypnotized? What are the arms of interest and political imagination under this new system of 'political capitalism' (e.g., NATO)?

Does President Trump care about American science 'monuments' such as the ISS (International Space-Station) and SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)?

Here's a mock-exchange about the 'reach of capitalism' between two democracy-symbolic 'folk avatars,' Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Pennywise (fictional demonic clown from Stephen King's iconic pedestrianism-paranoia novel It).

This exchange was inspired by Tim Burton's unusual alien-folklore culture-diary film Mars Attacks!

The below-exchange references the Xenomorph and the Headless Horseman (for American fans of folk-art!).

Signing off (Happy St. Patrick's Day, USMB!),


SHIVA: Do you think President Trump cares about the ISS?
PENNYWISE: The ISS (International Space-Station) is a trophy!
SHIVA: Yes, but do you think Trump is 'fixated' on domestic commerce?
PENNYWISE: I think Trump understands the 'nature' of capitalism-ambition.
SHIVA: So, do you think he'd engage a Reagan-era oriented Star Wars program?
PENNYWISE: I think Trump is ambitious enough to promote American superiority.
SHIVA: Right, so that means outer-space too (e.g., Star Wars)!
PENNYWISE: Yes, I can concede that possibility.
SHIVA: Alright, so let's say 'TrumpUSA' capitalism takes Americans to ISS.
PENNYWISE: Yes, and I also think Trump would want Americans to lead everywhere.
SHIVA: Maybe that's why North Korea felt threatened 'enough' to posit nuclear warfare.
PENNYWISE: Yes, that was Trump's first real 'challenge.'
SHIVA: I suppose Trump would therefore consider endorsing SETI.
PENNYWISE: Well, SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is symbolic.
SHIVA: Yes, SETI is symbolic of America's aspirations to lead in the sciences.
PENNYWISE: Sure. The Discovery Channel is quite a popular TV network in America.
SHIVA: So is the Science Channel...
PENNYWISE: Sure. So are Ridley Scott's alien-encounter paranoia themed Alien films.
SHIVA: Did you see Alien: Covenant? It was quite...graphic/violent!
PENNYWISE: Expansion comes with 'ghost stories' (e.g., Headless Horseman).
SHIVA: Does the Xenomorph remind you of the 'terrorism' features of the Horseman?
PENNYWISE: Both the Xenomorph and the Horseman represent unpredictable anarchy!
SHIVA: In that case, let's argue that TrumpUSA-capitalism is a 'venture.'
PENNYWISE: Let's hope then that this political 'venture' yields great art!
SHIVA: Everyone worried about the criticism, "The U.S. President is a billiards-baron!"
PENNYWISE: It is a paradoxical fact that capitalism requires much 'advertising.'



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