Shiva-Ganesha: Capital DreamWorks


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-values mock-discussion between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and his ingenious son Ganesha (Hindu master of wisdom and strategy).

This dialogue was inspired by the films Toys and Taps.

Signing off,



SHIVA: My son, I've purchased a colorful Lakers wristwatch for you!
GANESHA: I don't want anymore toys, father...
SHIVA: Why? Toys are consumerism 'trophies' and foster imagination!
GANESHA: I have other worries now, since I'm an adult...
SHIVA: I suppose you dream you're some kind of warrior now!
GANESHA: There's no reason to doubt it...
SHIVA: What are you talking about? I've secured peace with my trident.
GANESHA: Really? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is still 'controversial.'
SHIVA: I can't cure the problem of capitalism frailty.
GANESHA: That's why we talk about contracts only.
SHIVA: Contract-evaluation is useless without political philosophy.
GANESHA: Pedagoguery is not as important as labor...
SHIVA: I think there is value in poetics!
GANESHA: That's surprising to hear from, given you're a 'master of destruction.'
SHIVA: One can not destroy without appreciating the value of creativity.
GANESHA: My generation will solve the problem of capitalism-biased fascism.
SHIVA: Let's see if Toys 'R Us and Facebook can cure humanity of gluttony!
GANESHA: That sounds like a challenge for Nickelodeon.
SHIVA: I have no problem with the 'new generation,' but kids need to embrace art.
GANESHA: Wearing a Lakers wristwatch will not improve my 'Marxist mood,' father!
SHIVA: Capitalism-critique is your inheritance, my son, so study the World Bank.
GANESHA: I will study everything relevant to my inquiries regarding capitalism-criminality.



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