
Time to go see the Hearing Doctor guy.

The Army wasnt the biggest fan of my hearing abilities.

At an old job I worked, where I was around loud machines all shift, the noise didnt bother me as much as my co-workers to the point that I didnt feel the need for ear-plugs.

The tip of the iceberg was today when I was watching "Wyatt Earp". I found myself continuously turning up the volume, even for the parts with shoot-outs.

I'm one of those stubborn fuckers who doesnt go to the hospital unless I'm dying, so my family knew it was bad when I told em I was going.


I have a severe hearing loss. It is nearly total in high range, and near normal in low range. An audiologist called it a "sawmill curve" without knowing that I had worked for over 20 years in the mills.

It is more than just an inconveniance. I cannot follow conversation in restuarant or in any crowded environment. And I have difficulty telling what the other people are playing when I play music with other people. Now that the hearing aids that boost in differant ranges are available, at a price that is affordable, I am ready to get a pair.

Too many good things in life not to hear them, Brewer.

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