Sheila Jackson Lee Systemic Medicare Fraud


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Systemic Medicare Fraud Under Houston's Sheila Jackson Lee

By M. Catharine Evans

Will Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee have to distance herself from Houston's Riverside General Hospital now that top administrators have been caught in a major Medicare fraud scam?

Last week's roundup makes me wonder why the Obama administration is cracking down on Medicare/Medicaid fraud in the first place. Aren't they the ones shelling out hundreds of millions to their Solyndra-like cronies with no consequences?

Is it to make them look tough on crime, or is it to make sure the recovered monies are going into their own wallets at the end of the day?

Since her days on the Houston City Council, Jackson Lee has pushed to use city funds to keep Riverside's doors open. At that time, the councilwoman suggested that the facility was a good investment for the city.

Jackson Lee's interest in Riverside goes back to the '80s when her husband Elwyn C. Lee, now University of Houston vice-chancellor (see video), served on Riverside's board from 1981-1988. In his last year at Riverside, Mr. Lee was made chairman of that board, and over the years, husband and wife have been influential in keeping the financially strapped hospital open. Jackson Lee was voted into Congress in 1994, representing the 18th district, where Riverside is located.


Read more: Articles: Systemic Medicare Fraud Under Houston's Sheila Jackson Lee
Did she have any participation in or knowledge of the Medicare fraud scam?
If so she should be prosecuted to the max.
shocked, shocked, SHOCKED!

The only thing about this that would shock me is I dont believe she has the intelligence to be involved with something like this
Solyndra again. Half a billion dollars, what's that compared to what is wasted on "defense spending"? Solyndra, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright. For almost four years. The right wing never changes it's act.
How about Rick Scott being elected Governor of Florida after the company he was ceo of, Columbia/HCA, was convicted of the biggest medicare fraud in history, which was a felony. He was forced to leave company, with golden parachute and 21 gun salute. Said republican felon is now doing voter purge. Might turn up a felon or illegal alien or a few thousand democrats he can keep from voting.
omg shelia jackson and teh words fraud, no way the woman is a saint. shes never been suspected of anything before, clean as a priest.

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