'She Was the Only White Kid at the Party'

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
What happens when your white daughter goes to a party of blacks and Hispanics:

Irishman seeks justice for his gang-raped teenage daughter - The Irish Times - Sat, Dec 19, 2009

Three teenagers, then aged 16 and 17, planned the rape. One waited in the bathroom while the other two dragged Erin in. When the district attorney read through the medical report at a seven-hour hearing on September 30th, Erin’s family heard how the attackers tore flesh on three of the girl’s body orifices. She banged her head when she fell against the bath tub, and was covered in bruises.

Had the three young men not boasted of their crime, they would not have been identified, because Erin cannot remember the rape. They were arrested in late February, spent a couple of months in jail, and were freed pending the hearing.

Erin was taunted by other students, who accused her of “snitching”’ on the rapists. The girl was so traumatised that she slept with her mother or older sister until she went to live with relatives in Nevada, at her request.

The case shifted from adult to juvenile court, and Séamus T learned in September that two of the three rapists were back at Magruder High School. He filed a complaint with the board of education, and succeeded in having them transferred.

“My daughter was the only white kid at the party,” Séamus T says.
The boys who did this are immoral monsters and deserve PRISON. However, read below this was not Blacks boys trying to victimize a White girl. This was boys victimizing a girl.

Again this a crime deserving punishment, but it wrong to spin this to a white supremacy propaganda.

This was boys finding an opportunity to victimize a drunk girl. I don't think race mattered, rather it was taking advantage of a drunk girl.
Boys showed up at the party. “They gave her ‘jungle juice’, 100 per cent grain alcohol,” Séamus T explains. Doctors at Shady Grove hospital later found Erin had almost three times the legal limit in her blood.

The father stated he didn't think it was racial motivated, but William Joyce of course knows better!
“My daughter was the only white kid at the party,” Séamus T says.

“I don’t think the attack was racially motivated, but there were racial and class undertones in the courtroom

Now of the below actions should NOT excuse the act of rape. However, its apparent that the victim knew and was confortable with defendants. It's apparent that they were not harassing her with racist comment.
The victim was drunk and “engaged in risky and provocative behaviour” such as sitting on people’s laps and talking about “hooking up”, Salant said in court. "
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The father stated he didn't think it was racial motivated, but William Joyce of course knows better!
“My daughter was the only white kid at the party,” Séamus T says.

“I don’t think the attack was racially motivated, but there were racial and class undertones in the courtroom

Whites are trained to deny that ANYTHING is racial.

Blacks are trained to complain that EVERYTHING is racial.

So I'm unimpressed if dad doesn't think it was racial. This is what happens when you toss a white girl in with black and Hispanic males. Fact.
but there were racial and class undertones in the courtroom

Now of the below actions should NOT excuse the act of rape. However, its apparent that the victim knew and was confortable with defendants. It's apparent that they were not harassing her with racist comment.
The victim was drunk and “engaged in risky and provocative behaviour” such as sitting on people’s laps and talking about “hooking up”, Salant said in court. "

What would public verbal comments have to do with their motivation?

The father's comments about not believing there was racial motivation could easily have been said because he wanted no more trouble for his daughter. It is unfortunate that she ended up in this situation but hostilities toward white people are shown in ways such as this. White women in the inner cities, for some reason, always feel they are under pressure to show they are not racist and get drawn into trying to be one of the gang. They get used and trashed and before they are aware of what has happened they are hooked on something and standing on a street corner to support her habit and several kids by several fathers.

It's easy for upper middle class whites to be so forgiving of minorities when they sit far from the battlefront and refer to those that speak their mind and the truth of what they've seen as racists and hopeless bigots. The fact is, we are realists. Not full of hate but armed with truth and witness to crimes like these that never made the paper or newscasts. I'm not saying it was a racially motivated crime, but how would you know it was not?

As a youngster, I remember quite fondly seeing many a 16 or 17 year old girl engaged in provocative behavior. It was fun and kept the parties interesting. But we never gang raped any of them. Whether these guys had racial motivation or not I hope they get what they deserve for this but they won't because what they deserve is to given over to the father's mercy if found guilty.
Whites are trained to deny that ANYTHING is racial.

Blacks are trained to complain that EVERYTHING is racial.

Reverse discrimination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia said:
Reverse discrimination (also known as positive discrimination)

according to this wikipedia entry when negroes rape white women that's a POSITIVE thing.

get with the program Joyce !

we should also probably call Gaza war "Positive Holocaust"

Since Jews are victims ( by definition ) whenever they kill anybody it must be out of self defense. Just label yourself a victim and you automatically have the moral authority to do anything you want.

First Hitler did it when he claimed that Germany was attacked by Poland.

Then Jews did it when they claimed that palestinian children were attacking their tanks.

Now Negroes do it when they rape white women.
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If it were white on black, then it'd be horrible and racial, since it's black on white, it's not. That's racism.
If it were white on black, then it'd be horrible and racial, since it's black on white, it's not. That's racism.

And if it was white on white, or black on black, or Hispanic on Hispanic, it wouldn't make the papers, much less the news. The boys are predators and should be in jail. There's a lot of them out there, teach your children well.
According to the IDF, the tanks were being victimized by the children. So they had to shoot them. :doubt:

Poor tanks.

It also shows in a perfectly logical and non-circular-reasoning manner why America supports Israel.

Those are our tanks after all, and we have to help Israel protect them by sending them more of our tanks.

/end hijack. ok enough Israel in this thread. my bad.
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My opinion is that these guys no matter what race get the full extent of the law. My opinion would be to hang them and have it over with. Just my opinion. That's the law I would put down. Whatever you do in life, it's eventually going to catch up and bite you in the ass. This is just life, it's a biiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttchhhhhhh. See ya.
I think it's time for rapist to get the death penalty for their merciless action. No matter what the color of that person who committed rape, they all need to serve a lifetime in prison or get fry in the electrical chair..
but there were racial and class undertones in the courtroom

Now of the below actions should NOT excuse the act of rape. However, its apparent that the victim knew and was confortable with defendants. It's apparent that they were not harassing her with racist comment.
The victim was drunk and “engaged in risky and provocative behaviour” such as sitting on people’s laps and talking about “hooking up”, Salant said in court. "

What would public verbal comments have to do with their motivation?

The father's comments about not believing there was racial motivation could easily have been said because he wanted no more trouble for his daughter. It is unfortunate that she ended up in this situation but hostilities toward white people are shown in ways such as this. White women in the inner cities, for some reason, always feel they are under pressure to show they are not racist and get drawn into trying to be one of the gang. They get used and trashed and before they are aware of what has happened they are hooked on something and standing on a street corner to support her habit and several kids by several fathers.

It's easy for upper middle class whites to be so forgiving of minorities when they sit far from the battlefront and refer to those that speak their mind and the truth of what they've seen as racists and hopeless bigots. The fact is, we are realists. Not full of hate but armed with truth and witness to crimes like these that never made the paper or newscasts. I'm not saying it was a racially motivated crime, but how would you know it was not?

As a youngster, I remember quite fondly seeing many a 16 or 17 year old girl engaged in provocative behavior. It was fun and kept the parties interesting. But we never gang raped any of them. Whether these guys had racial motivation or not I hope they get what they deserve for this but they won't because what they deserve is to given over to the father's mercy if found guilty.[/QUOTE]

One day my mother and I were going to the store and in the driveway was a car with an open door and little children looking inside. Why? A White man/woman were in the back seat having sex. When I tried to look b/c I could hear the sounds coming from the car my mother snatched me away. This happened in a public place and the woman was not being raped!! She was enjoying it!! HELLO!!
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what the fuck does this thread have to do with ISRAEL and JEWS?

you motherfuckers make it so hard to raise topics about palis when you do shit like this. for real.

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