She-Hulk: WalMart [Micro Machines Dollars*]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism remind you of Thomas Nast?


"My name is She-Hulk. I was a Yale University student investigating the psychological links between capitalism and art when I decided to become a masked vigilante/superheroine and changed my name from Shelby Harris to She-Hulk(!). I visit various WalMart stores across the great USA and look at their toy collection of Micro Machines cars, city/station sets, and other vehicles symbolic of modernism industry. I believe as She-Hulk it's my special duty to protect the aesthetics of consumerism erudition."


"She-Hulk is a great Marvel Comics superheroine, so I want to be sure that when I'm interviewed by CNN, Americans will understand/appreciate why and how WalMart would appeal to a new generation of capitalism-consumers invested personally/socially in commerce patriotism. Of course, I must contend with the dark/sinister forces of capital-seduction who seek to subvert basic human pity in favour of hyperbolized vanities. They don't care about middle-class laborers losing their jobs in this volatile/infancy stage of capitalism expansion. Did this all start with the American Presidency of Teddy Roosevelt, an outspoken globalization-diplomacy advocate who wanted the USA animal-mascot to be like the California Bear instead of the American Bald Eagle(!)?"


"Collecting Micro Machines sets has been a true blast. I've collected thousands of vehicles and stations and I believe each collection-set symbolizes my curiosity abut 'socialization imagination.' After all, Micro Machines are like the new 'indoctrination toys' and have replaced farm-set model kids/toys. As She-Hulk, I believe it's my special duty to market/hype Micro Machines as pro-capitalist and positive propaganda as well…"


"My Micro Machines station set include those involving infrastructure elements and in-transit vehicles. These station-sets are signs of capitalism and industrialization-related social activity which has evolved from the time of trolley-cars to today's Era of Facebook. This is the new aesthetic --- it's not Orwellian but rather Disney. I want American consumers to meditate on the spirit behind capitalism rather than the indulgences of convenience-consumerism consciousness. I believe my 'American crusade' is one of high importance."


"I also collect comic books and like Marvel Comics characters such as Wolverine, Iceman, Firestar, Morph, and Magneto. I particularly like Magneto (as a woman), since he symbolizes the metaphysics of magnetism-powers in this modern age of wondrous network-livened socialization and confluence (e.g., NASDAQ). Perhaps Magneto is the Romeo to the Juliet in She-Hulk. Perhaps Magneto reminds me of the general imagination behind capitalism/consumerism constructiveness. Perhaps I have a small crush on him!"


MAGNETO: I'm impressed with your WalMart patriotism!
SHE-HULK: I have to be careful about 'capitalism poisons.'
MAGNETO: Don't worry about TrumpUSA corruption too much!
SHE-HULK: I need to meditate on 'consumerism pedagoguery.'
MAGNETO: Trump is the first celebrity-prez since Ronald Reagan.
SHE-HULK: Like Reagan, Trump presides over a commerce-fixated society.
MAGNETO: Do you think capitalism is 'sturdy' enough to promote art?
SHE-HULK: I like how comic book art speaks to 'pedestrian dialects.'
MAGNETO: Comic book characters often represent patriotism-inquiry!
SHE-HULK: That's true; Captain America is pro-capitalist...
MAGNETO: I'm glad you contacted me spiritually with your Ouija-board.
SHE-HULK: I'm glad too; it's nice entreating 'morality-daydreams.'
MAGNETO: This is the age of great philosophical humor.
SHE-HULK: It's the time of Facebook and Fisher-Price...



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