She has a point


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
It ain't that complicated. Teach the kids what a "theory" is, what Evolution proposes, and that it is almost universally accepted by cognizant scientists in various disciplines. Give a few examples of things that Evolutionists have not been able to explain (there are many).

Teach (very briefly, I presume this is a science class) a few examples of non-scientific approaches to explaining the origins of the universe and of species, including Genesis - which can be covered adequately IN 5 MINUTES.

This is the way it was approached in my Catholic high school, 50 years ago.
I don't know who she is, but she is correct.

However, the better argument against it is that creation has zero to do with science as it is not falsifiable; thus keep it out of science.
If schools are willing to teach items on the liberal agenda such as ebonics, global warming etc, why bother sending kids to school at all ?
Would it be too radical to give kids the tools to think for themselves instead of teaching them what they think?
We know where babies come from.

We don't know where life came from.

False parallel.
Can't have anyone thinking critically?

Anyone? No not at all, but there's a definite hole to be filled with people that don't ask questions.
I disagree. For example, a line worker who sees a problem in the line and an opportunity to increase efficiency is a much more desirable line worker than one who doesn't see it.

There are certain issues, such as rates of wage increases and other things that cut into a bottom-line that employers would prefer their low-level workers not to spend much time thinking about, but in an ideal situation, you're absolutely correct. If there were any problems with what your example provided it'd probably be more of a management ego issue...personally I've been told by 'superiors' at one point in my life that "it wasn't my job to think of that stuff", after doing something similar to what you described. Needless to say I didn't work there much longer.

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