Shanghai Cooperation Council to form relationship with Turkey


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Press Release of the Meeting of the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers

On May 11, 2012, the regular meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Beijing. (...)
They proposed to the Council of Heads of State to deliberate granting the Republic of Turkey the status of the SCO dialogue partner.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China

Head of States of the SCO countries will meet in a summit in June.
Turkey will be announced a dialogue-partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Council.
This statement, made at the ministerial meeting in Beijing is a real breakthrough, political analyst Stanislav Tarasov says.

"The situation around Turkey is unique. Turkey has been sticking to pro-Western policies. It has been trying to join the EU for ten years but it was in vain so now it has to develop a new scenario of drifting to the East, which implies changes in Turkey’s foreign policy."
Voice of Russia
Turkey assigned dialogue partner for SCO


Turkey has been selected as "a dialogue partner" for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Chinese president said Wednesday.

Hu Jintao said the dialogue partner status for Turkey was unanimously approved during a meeting in Beijing by Chinese, Russian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik and Uzbek presidents, adding that the organization gave Afghanistan an observer status.

Turkey assigned dialogue partner for SCO Anadolu Agency

Head of States of the SCO countries will meet in a summit in June.Turkey will be announced a dialogue-partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Council.

Erdogan has completely lost all credibility, both in the mideast and around the world. The arab street looks at him now as as big a fraud as Nasser; a boastful idiot who talks and talks - but does nothing.

What happened to the massive strike against Syria if the violence worsened, as per Erdo's claims last year? There have been how many massacres since then - and just this week?

Turkey needs a new government, and soon... :mad:

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