Shaken the Bush..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
:lol::lol::lol:......... Blame Bush.. with nuance.........

What.. that's the plan...:eusa_doh:
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with Harry Truman it was "the buck stops here"
with Bill Clinton it was "the buck never got here"
With Barack Obama it's "it's Bush's buck"
with Harry Truman it was "the buck stops here"
with Bill Clinton it was "the buck never got here"
With Barack Obama it's "it's Bush's buck"


Obama should be required to wear short pants and a beanie...
Bush did fuck everything up.

Are we supposed to pretend he didnt? why would we do that?
:lol::lol::lol:......... Blame Bush.. with nuance.........

What.. that's the plan...:eusa_doh:

And if it weren't working so well, the "conservatives" wouldn't keep trying to shoot it down...:eusa_whistle:

Oh come on.. it's funny.. you really have all your eggs in the blame Bush basket.. it's just plain silly.

Shouldn't Democrats be running on their terrific record over the past near 2 & 4 years?
Bush did fuck everything up.

Are we supposed to pretend he didnt? why would we do that?
he fucked up a lot of things, but not everything
Obama is doing a pretty good job of doing it to the things Bush didnt
and he has had a lot of help from the democrat controlled congress
Bush did fuck everything up.

Are we supposed to pretend he didnt? why would we do that?


But when is the big cry baby in the WH going to own up to his part?

The car was in a ditch when he got to it.... then he threw gas on it and lit on fire, and to top it off.... he wants us to all jump back in and try to drive it out of the ditch.

You morons are so off track its not funny.

If you all were crying about Bushs' idiocy and were actually trying to do something right, I'd be in your corner cheering BO on. Instead the problems are only getting worse and we keep hearing how the crisis is over and all is well. They are lying to us all.... and that includes you too. You just wont admit it, or are too stupid to know you were dooped.
Bush did fuck everything up.

Are we supposed to pretend he didnt? why would we do that?

It funny you should say, "Bush did fuck everything up" because I feel the same about the Obama administration.. I wonder if there's a middle ground...

I feel that you are pretending that the Obama administration has no responsibility for what has happened or didn't happen over the past near 2 years.

"why would we do that?"... I feel you should run on your own accomplishments and deeds , not ravage someone who refused to join the fray because of respect for the office and personal beliefs. That type of politics seems chicken shit to me and I'll accept that both side do it, it just turns me off. A sitting President personally calling out a previous President lacks class or confidence..
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