sgt ollie is in critical condition...


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
sgt ollie a regular poster on usmb is in trouble....he has to have major surgery for a bypass....lets all take a minute and pray to whatever gods/goddess you believe in...or simply.....think of ollie...

may the fates and muses be kind.....
wow suddenly all this bs fighting and all just seems empty.......when you realize one of our own is on the ropes...ollie is a good person who took pride it what he had done with this life.....
Well, I can't stand the MF'er politically, but I truly hope he makes a full recovery so he can come back here to give me hell.

Get well soon SFC Ollie!
I can remember when he first started posting here. He is definitely a much nicer chap than I.
wow suddenly all this bs fighting and all just seems empty.......when you realize one of our own is on the ropes...ollie is a good person who took pride it what he had done with this life.....

I never doubted Ollie was a good person
Who could?
My hopes and prayers are with him; again, our disagreements are amusing to those who have seen the likes of the Castros, Amins, and Sungs in the world.
I just said a prayer for him....

We were just having a dialogue the other day.....

I hope he makes it through....
Dear Lord,

Be with Ollie, his family and friends in a time of great need. Comfort and asuage all the trials and fears that they are going through in this season. May your mercy be great and Your love show through and return him to health for many more good years with those he loves.

In Jesus' name, Your will be done.

I too have prayed for Ollie.

Here's to a speedy and full recovery.

Oh....I never knew he was ill either, till just now......accidentally bumping into this thread.
Ollie will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.....he is a super gent!!!

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