Sex on the Sabbath (with your spouse) is encouraged in Judaism


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Know some Christians think sex is sinful and sex during the Sabbath even more so, but this isn't consistent with God's law. May be consistent with whoever founded your particular denomination, but if his name wasn't "God"...:)

"Rabbinic Literature – Intimacy encouraged on Shabbat

In contrast to Jubilees and the Damascus Document, Rabbinic literature shows no awareness of a ban or limitation on physical intimacy on Shabbat, and even seems to encourage it. According to Mishna Ketubot (5.1),

The times for conjugal duty prescribed in the Torah are: for men of independence, every day; for laborers, twice a week; for ass-drivers, once a week; for camel-drivers, once in thirty days; for sailors, once in six months. These are the rulings of R. Eliezer.

The Babylonian Talmud (Ketubot 62b) elaborates that the designated time for scholars to engage in physical intimacy with their wives is Friday night:

How often are scholars to perform their marital duties? Rav Judah in the name of Samuel replied: “Every Friday night…” Judah the son of R. Hiyya and son-in-law of R. Jannai would spend all his time in the schoolhouse but every Sabbath eve he came home.

In this passage, the Talmud indicates no awareness that the Sabbath is a time of sexual abstinence. To the contrary, marital intimacy is encouraged and making time for it on the Sabbath is praised."
Intimacy on Shabbat Was it always a Mitzvah -
Women have a right to be satisfied by the spouse. Unlike the women in Victoria England "lay back and think of England"

Even Islam women can demand a divorce if not sexually fulfilled.

Sex should be a pleasure for both parties
Women have a right to be satisfied by the spouse. Unlike the women in Victoria England "lay back and think of England"

Even Islam women can demand a divorce if not sexually fulfilled.

Sex should be a pleasure for both parties

In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)

"Sex is the woman's right, not the man's. A man has a duty to give his wife sex regularly and to ensure that sex is pleasurable for her. He is also obligated to watch for signs that his wife wants sex, and to offer it to her without her asking for it. The woman's right to sexual intercourse is referred to as onah, and it is one of a wife's three basic rights (the others are food and clothing), which a husband may not reduce. "
Judaism 101 Kosher Sex
In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?
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In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?

It sounds like you answered your own question.
In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?

try a cold shower and then just sit with and hold his wife out of love and affection............after doing the lawn garbage.
In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?

It sounds like you answered your own question.

lol, I guess I did.

If marital sex is a woman's right, it should also be the husbands right. Both parties should be equally committed to fulfilling the others needs while also being compassionate when one is exhausted from work or the other has a headache every now and then.

Leaving it all up to the woman in my opinion might lead to sex being used as a manipulation or the absence of fulfillment becoming a cause for infidelity.
In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?

It sounds like you answered your own question.

lol, I guess I did.

If marital sex is a woman's right, it should also be the husbands right. Both parties should be equally committed to fulfilling the others needs while also being compassionate when one is exhausted from work or the other has a headache every now and then.

Leaving it all up to the woman in my opinion might lead to sex being used as a manipulation or the absence of fulfillment becoming a cause for infidelity.

If you are not 'getting enough', maybe the problem is you and not her. For any number of reason her body might not be ready or sex might be uncomfortable for her. Maybe it is just that time of month. If she is rejecting you mentally, you are likely not doing something right.

Forcing a women is criminal, even within a marriage. It is for her to say no or yeeees pleeease

Don't like it, take a cold shower or learn to change your behavior to romance her and please her out side of the bedroom. It is your responsibility have to 'make' her love you, not expect her to. Maybe you have to play the Chippendale for her. Maybe you have to learn to 'just play' with her, not play around.
The traditional rules of Sabbath are so strict that the only activity NOT FORBIDDEN is sexual intercourse.

But the Orthodox Jewish couple will have to have sex in complete darkness, because it is not permitted to start a fire, or light a candle, or even turn on electrical lights.

Some Jews hire Christian servants to turn on electrical lights for them on the Sabbath.

I don't think God, if he really cared about this issue, would be fooled by the loophole of having a Christian servant perform work on the Sabbath.
The traditional rules of Sabbath are so strict that the only activity NOT FORBIDDEN is sexual intercourse.

But the Orthodox Jewish couple will have to have sex in complete darkness, because it is not permitted to start a fire, or light a candle, or even turn on electrical lights.

Some Jews hire Christian servants to turn on electrical lights for them on the Sabbath.

I don't think God, if he really cared about this issue, would be fooled by the loophole of having a Christian servant perform work on the Sabbath.

Thank goodness for programmable automatic times and cell phone controls that can operate from outside the home or others given permission to operate by wifi/bluetooth/cell signals. There are voice commands as well.

Turn light off and on, cook food, program TV and radio, answer phones, lock/unlock and open doors, answer doors by voice, access to emergency help with out making a phone call and even self driving vehicles.

There are exceptions for medical necessity, those with children and the sick or disabled. There are work exception for doctors, fire, police and other emergency services,including military.
In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?

It sounds like you answered your own question.

lol, I guess I did.

If marital sex is a woman's right, it should also be the husbands right. Both parties should be equally committed to fulfilling the others needs while also being compassionate when one is exhausted from work or the other has a headache every now and then.

Leaving it all up to the woman in my opinion might lead to sex being used as a manipulation or the absence of fulfillment becoming a cause for infidelity.

If you are not 'getting enough', maybe the problem is you and not her. For any number of reason her body might not be ready or sex might be uncomfortable for her. Maybe it is just that time of month. If she is rejecting you mentally, you are likely not doing something right.

Forcing a women is criminal, even within a marriage. It is for her to say no or yeeees pleeease

Don't like it, take a cold shower or learn to change your behavior to romance her and please her out side of the bedroom. It is your responsibility have to 'make' her love you, not expect her to. Maybe you have to play the Chippendale for her. Maybe you have to learn to 'just play' with her, not play around.

lol... Wow.

Who said anything about forcing a woman to do anything? It was a hypothetical question to delta who loves to hypothesize. Whats so great and admirable about the OP? If a woman has the right to expect sexual fulfillment from her partner, why shouldn't the man enjoy the same rights?

As far as me not getting enough, taking a cold shower, or playing the chippendale, lol, you must be thinking of someone else.

Stop being a dick.
I once asked an Orthodox Jewish woman who wanted me to hire her as a paralegal whether she would work on Saturday, if an important deadline had to be met, or a trial was set to begin on Monday.

She said she would not work on Saturday and that was non-negotiable no matter the emergency.

It turned out she had no clue how to type, so we did not hire her. I told her that her paralegal degree would do her no good if she didn't know how to type.

But if she did know how to type, I still would not have hired her. I can't have a paralegal working for me who refuses to work on Saturday no matter the emergency.
The traditional rules of Sabbath are so strict that the only activity NOT FORBIDDEN is sexual intercourse.

But the Orthodox Jewish couple will have to have sex in complete darkness, because it is not permitted to start a fire, or light a candle, or even turn on electrical lights.

Some Jews hire Christian servants to turn on electrical lights for them on the Sabbath.

I don't think God, if he really cared about this issue, would be fooled by the loophole of having a Christian servant perform work on the Sabbath.

Most of the time, they just leave the lights on before the sabbath.

God hasn't proclaimed that no one should work on the Sabbath, just Jews.

As a general rule, Jews don't give a shit what goyim do, and if one is willing to be a shabbos goy, then why not?
The traditional rules of Sabbath are so strict that the only activity NOT FORBIDDEN is sexual intercourse.

But the Orthodox Jewish couple will have to have sex in complete darkness, because it is not permitted to start a fire, or light a candle, or even turn on electrical lights.

Some Jews hire Christian servants to turn on electrical lights for them on the Sabbath.

I don't think God, if he really cared about this issue, would be fooled by the loophole of having a Christian servant perform work on the Sabbath.

Most of the time, they just leave the lights on before the sabbath.

God hasn't proclaimed that no one should work on the Sabbath, just Jews.

As a general rule, Jews don't give a shit what goyim do, and if one is willing to be a shabbos goy, then why not?
Well, Jews shouldn't go out of their way to make more enemies, as you have attempted to do with me.

The only country in world that actually LIKES Jews is the United States.

You depend on us Christians to send money to Israel. I've even seen a commercial showing poor Jews lining up to get bags of food from charity.

You also depend on Christians to encourage our government to send military aid to Israel.

So, get off your attitude. It's not going to make you any friends.
In Judaism, marital sex is solely the woman's right. Husband's the one obligated to give her sex. :) There's actually a commandment to this effect,

What does the husband do when he wants sex if his wife doesn't?

Mow the lawn? Take out the garbage? work late nights with his secretary? take lots of business trips to vegas? Play golf?
The traditional rules of Sabbath are so strict that the only activity NOT FORBIDDEN is sexual intercourse.

But the Orthodox Jewish couple will have to have sex in complete darkness, because it is not permitted to start a fire, or light a candle, or even turn on electrical lights.

Some Jews hire Christian servants to turn on electrical lights for them on the Sabbath.

I don't think God, if he really cared about this issue, would be fooled by the loophole of having a Christian servant perform work on the Sabbath.

Most of the time, they just leave the lights on before the sabbath.

God hasn't proclaimed that no one should work on the Sabbath, just Jews.

As a general rule, Jews don't give a shit what goyim do, and if one is willing to be a shabbos goy, then why not?
Well, Jews shouldn't go out of their way to make more enemies, as you have attempted to do with me.

The only country in world that actually LIKES Jews is the United States.

You depend on us Christians to send money to Israel. I've even seen a commercial showing poor Jews lining up to get bags of food from charity.

You also depend on Christians to encourage our government to send military aid to Israel.

So, get off your attitude. It's not going to make you any friends.
They have liked the Jews, since 1945...
The traditional rules of Sabbath are so strict that the only activity NOT FORBIDDEN is sexual intercourse.

But the Orthodox Jewish couple will have to have sex in complete darkness, because it is not permitted to start a fire, or light a candle, or even turn on electrical lights.

Some Jews hire Christian servants to turn on electrical lights for them on the Sabbath.

I don't think God, if he really cared about this issue, would be fooled by the loophole of having a Christian servant perform work on the Sabbath.

Most of the time, they just leave the lights on before the sabbath.

God hasn't proclaimed that no one should work on the Sabbath, just Jews.

As a general rule, Jews don't give a shit what goyim do, and if one is willing to be a shabbos goy, then why not?
Well, Jews shouldn't go out of their way to make more enemies, as you have attempted to do with me.

The only country in world that actually LIKES Jews is the United States.

You depend on us Christians to send money to Israel. I've even seen a commercial showing poor Jews lining up to get bags of food from charity.

You also depend on Christians to encourage our government to send military aid to Israel.

So, get off your attitude. It's not going to make you any friends.


1. I'm an American, not an Israeli. I don't care about Jesus' landing strip, I leave that to you guys.

2. If my posts upset you enough that you consider me an "enemy", then so be it. But I don't consider you an enemy, I consider you a faceless poster on a message board. I hold no emotion towards you whatsoever.

3. You don't speak for "Christians", you speak only for yourself - and it's pretty damn clear that you don't like Jews, so why should I bother trying to placate you?
I once asked an Orthodox Jewish woman who wanted me to hire her as a paralegal whether she would work on Saturday, if an important deadline had to be met, or a trial was set to begin on Monday.

She said she would not work on Saturday and that was non-negotiable no matter the emergency.

It turned out she had no clue how to type, so we did not hire her. I told her that her paralegal degree would do her no good if she didn't know how to type.

But if she did know how to type, I still would not have hired her. I can't have a paralegal working for me who refuses to work on Saturday no matter the emergency.

Now you can use dragon or a similar program and just dictate to the computer

No typing needed.
Know some Christians think sex is sinful and sex during the Sabbath even more so, but this isn't consistent with God's law. May be consistent with whoever founded your particular denomination, but if his name wasn't "God"...:)

"Rabbinic Literature – Intimacy encouraged on Shabbat

In contrast to Jubilees and the Damascus Document, Rabbinic literature shows no awareness of a ban or limitation on physical intimacy on Shabbat, and even seems to encourage it. According to Mishna Ketubot (5.1),

The times for conjugal duty prescribed in the Torah are: for men of independence, every day; for laborers, twice a week; for ass-drivers, once a week; for camel-drivers, once in thirty days; for sailors, once in six months. These are the rulings of R. Eliezer.

The Babylonian Talmud (Ketubot 62b) elaborates that the designated time for scholars to engage in physical intimacy with their wives is Friday night:

How often are scholars to perform their marital duties? Rav Judah in the name of Samuel replied: “Every Friday night…” Judah the son of R. Hiyya and son-in-law of R. Jannai would spend all his time in the schoolhouse but every Sabbath eve he came home.

In this passage, the Talmud indicates no awareness that the Sabbath is a time of sexual abstinence. To the contrary, marital intimacy is encouraged and making time for it on the Sabbath is praised."
Intimacy on Shabbat Was it always a Mitzvah -
Delta needs to marry Senora

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