Sex and Marriage

Sex is the price women have to pay for Marriage.
Marriage is the price men have to pay for sex.

Men say "i love you" to get sex.
Women have sex to get love.

Marriage should be for those who have figured life out.
Sex is the price women have to pay for Marriage.
Marriage is the price men have to pay for sex.

Men say "i love you" to get sex.
Women have sex to get love.

Marriage should be for those who have figured life out.

Sex is not what makes a marriage. Sex is part of marriage. If sex is what you are getting married for, look to be divorced fast.
Most who marry young do not really know why they are getting married I think.
societial pressures, sex? wanting to be adults? Wanting to get away from mommie and daddy?

Marry for the real reason. Money!
Actually my advise is to marry for someone to walk beside you thru life.
Not behind or in front, but beside.

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