Seven Days in May


Reality bits
Apr 3, 2009
FANTASTIC movie. Great plot (secret takeover of US Government by the military), great acting, and best of all the theme reflects the same moral dilemmas we face today over Constitutional intention and boundaries regarding the country's defense.

[ame=]YouTube - Seven Days In May - Trailer,1964[/ame]
One of my favorite movies.

Best scene is Lancaster asking Kirk Douglas if he knows who Judas was, and Kirk answering 'yes, he was a man I worked for and respected' inferring that Lancaster was in fact the Judas.
One of my favorite movies.

Best scene is Lancaster asking Kirk Douglas if he knows who Judas was, and Kirk answering 'yes, he was a man I worked for and respected' inferring that Lancaster was in fact the Judas.

I'm glad to see we're on he same page for a change. Sadly, of all those great actors, only Kirk Douglas is still alive. I guess there was a remake but it didn't hold a candle to the original.
You can't match a cast like that, Frederick March, George McCreedy and so many others who were fine character actors.

Plus it was unusual to see Burt lancaster play the heavy and Kirk Douglas the hero in a movie with both of them, Kirk was noramlly the heavy.
One of my favorite movies.

Best scene is Lancaster asking Kirk Douglas if he knows who Judas was, and Kirk answering 'yes, he was a man I worked for and respected' inferring that Lancaster was in fact the Judas.

I'm glad to see we're on he same page for a change. Sadly, of all those great actors, only Kirk Douglas is still alive. I guess there was a remake but it didn't hold a candle to the original.

There was a Remake. It was ok but not great.
Great movie. Some of my all time favorite actors in a superb movie. I wish they made more movies like this now.... Sadly, there are few really great plot lines nowadays. Although I do like Tom Clancy's movies - but I prefer the books. Good writer, TC.
One day in November...when the takeover of US Government by the military began...with a coup d'etat

On Nov 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

On that same date, Lyndon B. Johnson became President of the United States of America.

On Nov 26, 1963, President Johnson signed a National Security Action Memorandum [NAAM] #273, the highest level national security document, as guidance for future Vietnam plans and policy. This brief directive most significantly initiated changes reversing Kennedy's Vietnam policy of NSAM #263, Oct 11, 1963. Kennedy had decreed then that "the bulk of U.S. personnel would be out of Vietnam by the end of 1965."


When Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that he was relieved that the President had died quickly, fearing the destruction of his wit and intellect as the greater evil.
did anyone catch where the military action was....?


Great movie, neat psychology... interesting conflict of loyalties.

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