Settle The Deed


Sep 23, 2010
. . . on the one hand Democrats invented a living Constitution while they scream “settled law” out of the other side of their hypocritical mouths. Example: Roe v. Wade is settled law after a mere 40 years, while more than 40,000 gun control laws say the Second Amendment is not settled law after more than two centuries. Hell, Democrats cannot repeal an amendment they don’t like let alone get one ratified.​

Bottom line: Settled law is obviously not a living thing, yet it is not subject to repeal like laws or constitutional amendments if you believe Democrats.

Palaces & Packing Crates

So how come the deed to the Wailing Wall is not settled law?

. . . Jewish people have been occupying east Jerusalem and praying at the holy Wailing Wall for thousands of years, yet such occupation is considered illegal by the UN.​

British PM May’s Big Blunder- Or How Not To Make Britain- Great Britain Again
By Mitch Wolfe
January 1, 2017

British PM May’s Big Blunder- Or How Not To Make Britain- Great Britain Again

Answer: The United Nations is an organization.

The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.
Bring a sense of fact to your threads may be cluttering up your threads, to you.

The Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Romans almost two thousand years.

The State of Israel, formed in 1948, does not own East Jerusalem.
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.

What thousands of years of occupation? Even if you include Judah, Jews ruled in Israel for a little over 200 years. The Romans ruled 3 times longer and if you include the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with Christian Roman (Byzantine) rule, Christians ruled and inhabited Palestine 4 times longer than Jews.
Jews ruled in Israel for a little over 200 years. The Romans ruled 3 times longer
To montelatici: Do you understand the difference between rule and occupy? Hint: Political, and religious, minorities often rule a majority. The United Nations’ major objection is a majority of Jews ruling Muslims who live in Israel. Wiping out Israel is a negotiating ploy. Basically, Muslims will not kill Jews so long as Muslims are in charge.

Make an effort to understand basic motivation before you cite history. Note that the twentieth century saw majorities slaughter minorities never the other way around. Muslims in the Middle East are the majority. Jews are the minority irrespective of Israel's borders.
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.

What thousands of years of occupation? Even if you include Judah, Jews ruled in Israel for a little over 200 years. The Romans ruled 3 times longer and if you include the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with Christian Roman (Byzantine) rule, Christians ruled and inhabited Palestine 4 times longer than Jews.

what does "rule" have to do with anything? is that related to the religion of lick ass? -------he who rapes the most is the favored of allah and monte?
The State of Israel, formed in 1948, does not own East Jerusalem

It does now ... And the UN can suck it.

The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.
Bring a sense of fact to your threads may be cluttering up your threads, to you.

The Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Romans almost two thousand years.

The State of Israel, formed in 1948, does not own East Jerusalem.

you believe that the Christians own Jerusalem since they enacted genocidal laws against jews approximately 1700 years ago?
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.

What thousands of years of occupation? Even if you include Judah, Jews ruled in Israel for a little over 200 years. The Romans ruled 3 times longer and if you include the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with Christian Roman (Byzantine) rule, Christians ruled and inhabited Palestine 4 times longer than Jews.

Jews ruled in the city of Yathrib for more than 1000 years before the rapist pig
of Mecca ravaged that city with murder, pillage and rape. Time to dig up the filthy carcass and return the stolen city now named "medina" to its rightful owners
Israel took East Jerusalem from the Jordanians. Let them try to take it back.

for those who do not know------east Jerusalem was stolen from jews in 1947 when
arab forces---largely Jordanian, isolated the jewish communities and commenced
a starvation siege. Starvation siege is a technique used by arabs thruout the
"glorious age" of Islamic conquest. ------the battle to rescue some of the city was bloody-------something like the stuff going on in Syria today------in the end the jews
of east Jerusalem were either dead or fled with the help of the "haganah" forces.
The revisionist history that arabs claim today that east Jerusalem is an "arab" city
is a sham--------there was a very considerable jewish population there for MILLENNIA----more or less until 1948-----the attempted arab genocide upon
the jews of east Jerusalem ended less than 20 years later in 1967
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.

What thousands of years of occupation? Even if you include Judah, Jews ruled in Israel for a little over 200 years. The Romans ruled 3 times longer and if you include the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with Christian Roman (Byzantine) rule, Christians ruled and inhabited Palestine 4 times longer than Jews.

Jews ruled in the city of Yathrib for more than 1000 years before the rapist pig
of Mecca ravaged that city with murder, pillage and rape. Time to dig up the filthy carcass and return the stolen city now named "medina" to its rightful owners

Though the Jews were the economic engine of Yathrib/Medina for a time, they did not found or rule the place. The Arabians/Bedouins had been at the oasis for many centuries before the Jews arrived. The Jews arrived as traders, merchants and businessmen after 70 AD and while they had influence, the majority of the people were pagans of the local Arabian tribes, Bedouins. So, you are full of crap, as usual.
The issue is the legality of Israel to own East Jerusalem, not the Jewish people.
To JakeStarkey: Must you always clutter up my threads? The current conflict began in the 1920s, but thousands of years of occupation gave the deed to the Jews. Res ipsa loquitur.

Incidentally, Jews are not a primitive people whose homeland is being threatened by an advanced people. Muslims are the backward people living in the 8th century threatening an advanced people.

What thousands of years of occupation? Even if you include Judah, Jews ruled in Israel for a little over 200 years. The Romans ruled 3 times longer and if you include the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with Christian Roman (Byzantine) rule, Christians ruled and inhabited Palestine 4 times longer than Jews.

Jews ruled in the city of Yathrib for more than 1000 years before the rapist pig
of Mecca ravaged that city with murder, pillage and rape. Time to dig up the filthy carcass and return the stolen city now named "medina" to its rightful owners

Though the Jews were the economic engine of Yathrib/Medina for a time, they did not found or rule the place. The Arabians/Bedouins had been at the oasis for many centuries before the Jews arrived. The Jews arrived as traders, merchants and businessmen after 70 AD and while they had influence, the majority of the people were pagans of the local Arabian tribes, Bedouins. So, you are full of crap, as usual.[/QUOTE

wrong again ----ya pile of camel kharah------jews were in arabia LONG before 70 AD--------how do we KNOW? easy----we have communication between the
"prophet" EZRA ---(something like 300 - 400 BC) and the well established jewish communities of arabia----specifically Yathrib and even Yemen.------ya-kharah -------literacy is an interesting feature of real history------so unavailable to piles of camel Kharah. Of course there were "ishmaelites" wandering the desert----
illiterate, unwashed, criminals. Not news, monte dear. By that time there were bums even in the deserts of southern Israel and the Sinai ------there are lots
of gypsies in Pennsylvannia too. SO? Try to learn some REAL history

For anyone interested------Baathist revisionist history holds that jews FLED
to the arms of "arabs" -----when the romans came and razed Jerusalem. in 70 AD, WRONG!!!-------jews had established communities (literate ----a big time
INNOVATION)------arabs did not have so much as an alphabet until about
300 AD, Keep in mind-----baathism is "arab nationalism" ------kinda like
Nazism is GERMAN NATIONALISM, According to the Baathist
revisionist history-------arabs invented calculus
The fight between Marshall and Jefferson decided that the Constitution is an organic document.

The relation of our Constitution's nature has nothing to do with the idea of "Jewish ownership" of the Wall or eastern Jerusalem.
Israel took East Jerusalem from the Jordanians. Let them try to take it back.

for those who do not know------east Jerusalem was stolen from jews in 1947 when
arab forces---largely Jordanian, isolated the jewish communities and commenced
a starvation siege. Starvation siege is a technique used by arabs thruout the
"glorious age" of Islamic conquest. ------the battle to rescue some of the city was bloody-------something like the stuff going on in Syria today------in the end the jews
of east Jerusalem were either dead or fled with the help of the "haganah" forces.
The revisionist history that arabs claim today that east Jerusalem is an "arab" city
is a sham--------there was a very considerable jewish population there for MILLENNIA----more or less until 1948-----the attempted arab genocide upon
the jews of east Jerusalem ended less than 20 years later in 1967

Jerusalem was in the International sector, it wasn't Jewish, the Jordanians intervened to prevent the Jews from continuing their ethnic cleansing and genocide of the majority Muslims and Christians of Jerusalem. There were no Jews in Jerusalem from 300 AD until the Arab conquest. Non-Christians were not allowed in Jerusalem after the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. A few Jews returned accompanying and helping the Muslim invaders conquer Jerusalem. Until the Zionist invasion there were only a handful of Jews in Jerusalem or Palestine.
Israel took East Jerusalem from the Jordanians. Let them try to take it back.

for those who do not know------east Jerusalem was stolen from jews in 1947 when
arab forces---largely Jordanian, isolated the jewish communities and commenced
a starvation siege. Starvation siege is a technique used by arabs thruout the
"glorious age" of Islamic conquest. ------the battle to rescue some of the city was bloody-------something like the stuff going on in Syria today------in the end the jews
of east Jerusalem were either dead or fled with the help of the "haganah" forces.
The revisionist history that arabs claim today that east Jerusalem is an "arab" city
is a sham--------there was a very considerable jewish population there for MILLENNIA----more or less until 1948-----the attempted arab genocide upon
the jews of east Jerusalem ended less than 20 years later in 1967

Jerusalem was in the International sector, it wasn't Jewish, the Jordanians intervened to prevent the Jews from continuing their ethnic cleansing and genocide of the majority Muslims and Christians of Jerusalem. There were no Jews in Jerusalem from 300 AD until the Arab conquest. Non-Christians were not allowed in Jerusalem after the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. A few Jews returned accompanying and helping the Muslim invaders conquer Jerusalem. Until the Zionist invasion there were only a handful of Jews in Jerusalem or Palestine.

there were always jews in Jerusalem------even during times when they remained underground due to the filth and stench of roman catholic oppression there. Jews committed no violence against the Muslims or Christians of Jerusalem in the era of the islamo Nazi Baathist war headed by your hero adolf hitler ---mentor
of madrassah and catholic school educated "mufti" al Hussein------throat slitter of jewish infants for the glory of allah and jesus. The Baathist program in east
Jerusalem included a starvation siege of the jewish community there as nuns and imams danced on the dead bodies of starved jewish children-----the remnant was rescued from your filth in by Haganah I am fascinated with Monte's NUANCES of Arabic culture-----she EXULTS in the fact that her fellows have slit
the throats of so many jewish babies that the population of jews of Jerusalem had
been decimated over the past two millennia --------SOOOO ARABIC
Israel took East Jerusalem from the Jordanians. Let them try to take it back.

for those who do not know------east Jerusalem was stolen from jews in 1947 when
arab forces---largely Jordanian, isolated the jewish communities and commenced
a starvation siege. Starvation siege is a technique used by arabs thruout the
"glorious age" of Islamic conquest. ------the battle to rescue some of the city was bloody-------something like the stuff going on in Syria today------in the end the jews
of east Jerusalem were either dead or fled with the help of the "haganah" forces.
The revisionist history that arabs claim today that east Jerusalem is an "arab" city
is a sham--------there was a very considerable jewish population there for MILLENNIA----more or less until 1948-----the attempted arab genocide upon
the jews of east Jerusalem ended less than 20 years later in 1967

Jerusalem was in the International sector, it wasn't Jewish, the Jordanians intervened to prevent the Jews from continuing their ethnic cleansing and genocide of the majority Muslims and Christians of Jerusalem. There were no Jews in Jerusalem from 300 AD until the Arab conquest. Non-Christians were not allowed in Jerusalem after the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. A few Jews returned accompanying and helping the Muslim invaders conquer Jerusalem. Until the Zionist invasion there were only a handful of Jews in Jerusalem or Palestine.

there were always jews in Jerusalem------even during times when they remained underground due to the filth and stench of roman catholic oppression there. Jews committed no violence against the Muslims or Christians of Jerusalem in the era of the islamo Nazi Baathist war headed by your hero adolf hitler ---mentor
of madrassah and catholic school educated "mufti" al Hussein------throat slitter of jewish infants for the glory of allah and jesus. The Baathist program in east
Jerusalem included a starvation siege of the jewish community there as nuns and imams danced on the dead bodies of starved jewish children-----the remnant was rescued from your filth in by Haganah I am fascinated with Monte's NUANCES of Arabic culture-----she EXULTS in the fact that her fellows have slit
the throats of so many jewish babies that the population of jews of Jerusalem had
been decimated over the past two millennia --------SOOOO ARABIC

Any remaining non-Christians (most had already converted to Christianity) in Jerusalem (Jews included) converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome around 300 AD, and only Christians could enter Jerusalem.
Israel took East Jerusalem from the Jordanians. Let them try to take it back.

for those who do not know------east Jerusalem was stolen from jews in 1947 when
arab forces---largely Jordanian, isolated the jewish communities and commenced
a starvation siege. Starvation siege is a technique used by arabs thruout the
"glorious age" of Islamic conquest. ------the battle to rescue some of the city was bloody-------something like the stuff going on in Syria today------in the end the jews
of east Jerusalem were either dead or fled with the help of the "haganah" forces.
The revisionist history that arabs claim today that east Jerusalem is an "arab" city
is a sham--------there was a very considerable jewish population there for MILLENNIA----more or less until 1948-----the attempted arab genocide upon
the jews of east Jerusalem ended less than 20 years later in 1967

Jerusalem was in the International sector, it wasn't Jewish, the Jordanians intervened to prevent the Jews from continuing their ethnic cleansing and genocide of the majority Muslims and Christians of Jerusalem. There were no Jews in Jerusalem from 300 AD until the Arab conquest. Non-Christians were not allowed in Jerusalem after the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. A few Jews returned accompanying and helping the Muslim invaders conquer Jerusalem. Until the Zionist invasion there were only a handful of Jews in Jerusalem or Palestine.

there were always jews in Jerusalem------even during times when they remained underground due to the filth and stench of roman catholic oppression there. Jews committed no violence against the Muslims or Christians of Jerusalem in the era of the islamo Nazi Baathist war headed by your hero adolf hitler ---mentor
of madrassah and catholic school educated "mufti" al Hussein------throat slitter of jewish infants for the glory of allah and jesus. The Baathist program in east
Jerusalem included a starvation siege of the jewish community there as nuns and imams danced on the dead bodies of starved jewish children-----the remnant was rescued from your filth in by Haganah I am fascinated with Monte's NUANCES of Arabic culture-----she EXULTS in the fact that her fellows have slit
the throats of so many jewish babies that the population of jews of Jerusalem had
been decimated over the past two millennia --------SOOOO ARABIC

Any remaining non-Christians (most had already converted to Christianity) in Jerusalem (Jews included) converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome around 300 AD, and only Christians could enter Jerusalem.

you wish-----as did the real founder of Nazism (and baathism) -----The filthy dog
,,,,,constantine<<<shit. Many people do not know that it was
Constantine <<<shit who founded the legal code his spawn---adolf hitler, so
loved----the NUREMBURG LAWS. Constantine completely disarmed jews----
MARKED them with yellow insignia and murdered them relentlessly and like
his contemporary followers and more recent followers (to wit Al Husseini and
Adolf Hitler-----and you. ---ESPECIALLY LIKE TO SLIT THE THROATS OF INFANTS (or gas them) Interestingly -----his followers from Egypt,(Nasser) thru
Iraq (Saddam) and onto Syria (baby assad). STILL ENJOY seeing dead babies in the gutter In any case, the reality is that at the time that the roman pigs were active in Jerusalem----jews HID-----there were many favorite hiding places------lots in SAFED (which is a kind of hilly area north of Jerusalem and all sorts of caves around the hills of Judea (still being excavated). I understand that none of your best attempts at complete genocide-----failed. Your filth did succeed in some populations-------you did not manage to murder every jewish baby yet

PS----Jerusalem was in the "international sector"??? what and when was that?

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