Setting logged-in time?

After 30 minutes you will no longer show as online...after about 60 minutes you will automatically get booted, unless you check the 'stay logged in' box.
Just had an incident last night where neither of these applied. I opened two threads in two tabs, quickly left a reply in one thread, went to the other, replied, and I was logged out. All in the space of less than five minutes, so something else is going on.
Hmmm...odd...I'll check into it.
After 30 minutes you will no longer show as online...after about 60 minutes you will automatically get booted, unless you check the 'stay logged in' box.
Just had an incident last night where neither of these applied. I opened two threads in two tabs, quickly left a reply in one thread, went to the other, replied, and I was logged out. All in the space of less than five minutes, so something else is going on.
As was already mentioned check the "Stay logged in" box. If you don't want to do that then there is no way to change the expiry time. It's a built in safety feature with Xenforo. Not that strangers getting a hold of your conversations on a public computer is going to ruin your life or anything, but if you're not set to stay logged in you will get booted.

Occasionally you will get logged out if you're online and we are running an auto back-up or update. Very random

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