Serious questions


Jan 11, 2012
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now ineffectual as a political movement?
1) Many conservatives hate the fact that Romney had Romneycare
2) The opposition to Obamacare is still there BIG TIME
3) He is not the nominee yet, though it seems liberals want him to be the opposition
4) No, the TP still has influence as a voice of a large group of people
The Media has made Mitt, not conservatives... Mitt is not doing very well if you look at how the Media wants him so badly on top of the amount of money he has. We will end up with another McCain in the GE, Mitt will prolly do much worse than predicted. The thing Mitt has hurting him the most this time is Ron Paul's following is huge and for the most party won't vote for Mitt. That might be 5-20% of a vote lost, depending if Paul runs third party, endorsed a third party or whatever.
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now

There are a lot of reasons but i think what is driving romney the most is that he is seen by many republicans / conservatives as the guy with the best chance to beat obama -- and it is all about that to them -- beating obama, more so that who beats him. so the rest gets overlooked. Even Ann Coulter supports him and is advocating that everyone put aside their dislike of him for not being conservative enough -- until after he is elected. THAT is saying something.

i dont understand why romney from the start didnt just distance himself from his health care law in mass. politically that would have been the thing to do. say -- yeah, i made a mistake in mass. it was a bad idea. weve seen that. I learned from it but unfortunately obama didnt. and now im also the best guy to undo it as a result. he would have been better off with that then playing both ends against the middle like he tries to do

i dont think this really says anything about the tea party -- but it might in the general election if they dont turn out for him - and that would reinforce their importance i think.
The Media has made Mitt, not conservatives... Mitt is not doing very well if you look at how the Media wants him so badly on top of the amount of money he has. We will end up with another McCain in the GE, Mitt will prolly do much worse than predicted. The thing Mitt has hurting him the most this time is Ron Paul's following is huge and for the most party won't vote for Mitt. That might be 5-20% of a vote lost, depending if Paul runs third party, endorsed a third party or whatever.

do you believe the CFR or some other type of nwo group is forcing the media to shove mittens down out throats?

if not, why is the media pushing him so hard?
1) Many conservatives hate the fact that Romney had Romneycare

(Must not hate it too much since he's leading the pack)

2) The opposition to Obamacare is still there BIG TIME

(More the individual mandate than anything which is weird since it promotes personal responsibility and was the wingnut's idea in the first place.)

3) He is not the nominee yet, though it seems liberals want him to be the opposition

(Why would you say that since he stands the best chance at beating Obama?)

4) No, the TP still has influence as a voice of a large group of people

The last statement I agree with but their influence is waning.
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now ineffectual as a political movement?

Except that the TEA Party was born during the Bush Presidency. So, your post is bullshit.
1) Many conservatives hate the fact that Romney had Romneycare

(Must not hate it too much since he's leading the pack)

2) The opposition to Obamacare is still there BIG TIME

(More the individual mandate than anything which is weird since it promotes personal responsibility and was the wingnut's idea in the first place.)

3) He is not the nominee yet, though it seems liberals want him to be the opposition

(Why would you say that since he stands the best chance at beating Obama?)

4) No, the TP still has influence as a voice of a large group of people

The last statement I agree with but their influence is waning.

conservatives oppose Obamacare as it involves government in peoples lives.....not JUST becuase of the individual mandate..

Conservatives stress the individual mandate becuase it is the only part of the plan that is vulnerable in court.

Romney did for his state what his stae wanted him to do. It doesnt always mean that he did it becuase he thought it was a good idea. He spoke with his advisors, economists, the people....and went in the direction of Romney Care.

Doing it as governor of a state is not the same as the federal government trumping the state for something like healthcare.

Many of us see passed it.
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now ineffectual as a political movement?

The Rovian RNC is about to nominate Romney, not conservatives. You must understand that being Republican does not necessarily mean you are conservative.
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Simple answer:

Americans are stupid sheeple who are easily led by the glowing box which is controlled by the same corrupt oligarchy that runs the country.
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now ineffectual as a political movement?

The Rovian RNC is about to nominate Romney, not conservatives. You must understand that being Republican does not necessarily mean you are conservative.

wow there are really not very many of you in American huh?
The stupid people still don't understand state's rights. That's why it makes no sense. When the people of Massachusettes decided that they wanted some form of mandated health care, it is the job of the governor to create it according to the needs of the people of that state. It was not the job of the governor to tell the people "No you don't".

obamacare imposes the same mandate on every state regardless of the needs of the people or the ability of the state.
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now ineffectual as a political movement?

The Rovian RNC is about to nominate Romney, not conservatives. You must understand that being Republican does not necessarily mean you are conservative.

wow there are really not very many of you in American huh?

A larger number of people identify themselves as being Conservative than any other idealogical group in America.
When Obamacare was introduced, conservatives spawned the tea party to oppose it.

Now, you're about to nominate the guy who implemented the precedent for Obamacare as your nominee for President.

So what happened to the bitter opposition to Obamacare?
Why is Romney apparently the nominee when arguably his most important legislative achievement is something you bitterly opposed and presumably still do?
Does this mean that the tea party is now ineffectual as a political movement?

This sounds almost like something that Truthmatters would come up with. Really? I suppose I have to spell it out for you...

Romneycare was in Mass. I realize that you people who think Barry is all that would love to equate the two, but say it with me: Romneycare was in Mass. and Obamacare is nation wide.

If a state wants to enact something like Romneycare, then I think that is wonderful. You know, it's kind of the state's rights thing. Obamacare has been pushed through Congress with the help of some really disgusting payoffs (refer shady deals for Florida and Louisiana). Never mind the fact of the hidden taxes, the regulation, and the massive increase in spending.

It's a little difficult to IMPOSE something on a state... Like Congress did the country.
The tea party is dead and some of them do not even know it yet, maybe they can pick up the wreckage left by the lobbyists and reform into something more honest.
The Rovian RNC is about to nominate Romney, not conservatives. You must understand that being Republican does not necessarily mean you are conservative.

wow there are really not very many of you in American huh?

A larger number of people identify themselves as being Conservative than any other idealogical group in America.

yet you keep trying to kick most of them our of the club
1) Many conservatives hate the fact that Romney had Romneycare

(Must not hate it too much since he's leading the pack)

2) The opposition to Obamacare is still there BIG TIME

(More the individual mandate than anything which is weird since it promotes personal responsibility and was the wingnut's idea in the first place.)

3) He is not the nominee yet, though it seems liberals want him to be the opposition

(Why would you say that since he stands the best chance at beating Obama?)

4) No, the TP still has influence as a voice of a large group of people

The last statement I agree with but their influence is waning.

1) It's still early in the process.. and while he could be the nominee against the conservative movement, we will have to see
2) Forced participation and having others kick in towards ones who supposedly cannot or will not pay, is not personal responsibility
3) YOU and the leftist movement keep saying that... I think those involved in the conservative movement should be the ones to make that choice and not leftists
4) I do not think it is waning.... I think that even some of the TP are frustrated with some they elected in that are going against what the TP platform stands for... and I think the base goals of the TP are still what a lot of people want... so I do not see things are less 'powerful' for the TP, just less attention from the media... the influence will have to come from the actual election, and we have to wait and see on that
Uh, Romneycare isn't the same as Obamacare....because a state has the right to dictate laws within their borders but the Federal Govt shouldn't have the right to dictate the same to all citizens across the country.

You can move out of MA if the taxes are too high and you don't like Romneycare, but Americans should not be forced to move out of this country over Obamacare and high taxes.

Also, Democrats in MA have made Romneycare worse ever since he left office and Romney even admits some parts of it were a mistake by him. So using that as an example of "good" for Obamination is the dumbest shit I've seen today.

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