Serial Stabber has moved to Ohio


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010

Authorities in several states, including Ohio, are actively searching for a serial stabber who may be choosing his victims based on race.
On Monday, members of a Toledo church gathered to pray for their janitor, who investigators believe became the stabber's latest victim over the weekend, 10TV News reported.

Tony Leno was stabbed twice and remains in critical condition, church members said.

"We believe two occupants stopped and asked Tony for directions," said Toledo police Capt. Ray Carroll. "And Tony, being the type of guy he is, walked to the car to give him directions. At that point he was stabbed."

The attack was similar to more than a dozen stabbings in Flint, Mich. that left five people dead, investigators said.

Authorities suspect the same man is responsible for additional attacks in Virginia. Two people there were stabbed and another beaten with a hammer.

So far, police said, the only motive appears to be race.
"He preys on every age group," said David Leyton, Genesee County (Mich.) prosecutor. "Every victim except one has been a black male."

Read it all here:

Serial Stabber Now Suspected In Ohio Attack | WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio News

Let's keep an eye out for this scumbag and get him, before he kills someone else.
Let the Jew hating party begin. I mean if one Jew is a serial stabber, we all must be!

FYI: Not directed at you Mady rather at the upcoming Jew hating posts to follow!

They may have caught him. I sure hope so. It amazes me that they did (might have) with nothing to go on but a sketch.

Atlanta authorities arrest possible stabbings suspect as he tries to flee to Israel -

Wait for the details, it says he was going to Israel, not that he was a Jewish person.
cool, an arab citizen of Israel running around killing black people,, I'm wondering is this a hate crime??
He was a Palestinian Israeli, better know as Israeli Arab! Either way he is scum of the earth and a coward!

He’s Palestinian Arab who was born in Israel. Get that straight.

Abuelazam specifically targeted Blacks and stabbed them to death. Disgustingly, some of the Detroit media, including “newscaster” Trudi Daniels of Detroit’s WRIF-FM, are making excuses for the guy, with Daniels saying that he probably did this because “maybe a Black guy raped his wife” or someone Black robbed him or committed some other crime against him, she surmised. Daniels is an uber-liberal . . . and, now, clearly a racist.

It is well known that Palestinians, Arabs, and the Arab and Muslim worlds are racist. As I’ve noted before, they call Blacks, “abed” or “abeed”–singular and plural for slave, in Arabic.

Abuelazam was employed at a Flint-area convenience store, the Kingwater Market, owned by fellow Arabs. How interesting that it didn’t bother them that he was here illegally. Yes, they are accessories to his illegal alien presence in America, but nothing will happen to them. Because we just don’t have the guts, do we?

We don’t have the guts to protect our borders or to do a damned thing to those who help keep it porous and indefensible.

Nor do we do a damned thing about police who won’t correctly identify a Middle-Eastern Arab serial killer on the loose because, post-9/11, we must bow down to the Arab street at all cost.

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