Separation of Families at our Border


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Despite an extensive search (12 minutes on Google), I have been unable to find an objective, fact-based summary of the policies and tactics of the U.S. Border forces with respect to the arrival of "families" that include children, and unaccompanied children presenting themselves at our Southern border.

There is an ongoing phenomenon of masses of people coming to the Border and seeking to enter the U.S., both legally and illegally. Under U.S. law, each entrant must be reviewed and either rejected or accepted. For those claiming "refugee" status, a hearing before a judge is required - a process that can take months or even a year. The vast majority of those seeking refugee status are rejected, due to the very limited bases for such status; mainly, that "wanting a better life" is not a recognized justification.

But a number of problems arise. What do we do with these people while we consider their final status? Must we house, feed, clothe, and care for hundreds of thousands of people who show up unannounced? At taxpayers' expense? And what do we do with children, either showing up alone or with adults (who may or may not be their parents)?

Several years ago, while President Obama was still in office, word went out that one's chances of being admitted into the country were MUCH BETTER if you came in with children, and the number of "families" increased literally five-fold in the years leading up to Trump's first full year in office. Often, it came to pass, these children were not the children of the adults they came with; they had been purchased or kidnapped for the purpose of improving the adults' chances of getting in.

Initially, it was deemed best to separate the children traveling with adults because (a) they might not even be the children of the adults, and (b) the chances of their being abused while housed with unrelated adults was unacceptable. It was analogous to adults being sent to jail in the states, where their children could certainly not be staying with them. Later that policy was changed to keep "families" together, although the kids presenting alone still had to be cared for by the U.S. government, in one way or another. Ideally, they would be placed with "Hispanic" volunteer foster families. But vetting of those volunteers proved problematic. Many were "illegals" themselves.

And a number of other problems arose. The facilities where these transients were kept were not sufficient for the dramatically increased number of people at the border, and the crowded conditions became fodder for "do-gooder" journalists and "activists" who wanted any cause at all to criticize President Trump and his Administration. Kids who were separated from their parents were housed in places all over "the fruited plain," and it was reported that some families were permanently separated. Some kids were placed in foster homes with "strangers," and were subsequently abused. People who were released into the U.S. pending hearings NEVER SHOWED UP for their hearings, thus adding to the fictitious "Eleven Million Illegals" (a ridiculously low number) already in the U.S.

So what SHOULD we have done? What should we be doing? Is it reasonable to expect extraordinary care be given to people who showed up unannounced, and in all likelihood have no legal justification to come in? Do the taxpayers get a vote on this?

If a family presents itself at the border and finds that the prospective conditions are unacceptable, are they not free to "go back where they came from"? Can we not presume that they consider the prospective conditions better than the alternative that they are fleeing? Even if they make American Leftists uncomfortable?

Thoughts? Feelings? Reactions?
Well stated, but don't expect any honest response from the Left. Whatever policy is being discussed, it's real purpose is to gain political power.
Despite an extensive search (12 minutes on Google), I have been unable to find an objective, fact-based summary of the policies and tactics of the U.S. Border forces with respect to the arrival of "families" that include children, and unaccompanied children presenting themselves at our Southern border.

There is an ongoing phenomenon of masses of people coming to the Border and seeking to enter the U.S., both legally and illegally. Under U.S. law, each entrant must be reviewed and either rejected or accepted. For those claiming "refugee" status, a hearing before a judge is required - a process that can take months or even a year. The vast majority of those seeking refugee status are rejected, due to the very limited bases for such status; mainly, that "wanting a better life" is not a recognized justification.

But a number of problems arise. What do we do with these people while we consider their final status? Must we house, feed, clothe, and care for hundreds of thousands of people who show up unannounced? At taxpayers' expense? And what do we do with children, either showing up alone or with adults (who may or may not be their parents)?

Several years ago, while President Obama was still in office, word went out that one's chances of being admitted into the country were MUCH BETTER if you came in with children, and the number of "families" increased literally five-fold in the years leading up to Trump's first full year in office. Often, it came to pass, these children were not the children of the adults they came with; they had been purchased or kidnapped for the purpose of improving the adults' chances of getting in.

Initially, it was deemed best to separate the children traveling with adults because (a) they might not even be the children of the adults, and (b) the chances of their being abused while housed with unrelated adults was unacceptable. It was analogous to adults being sent to jail in the states, where their children could certainly not be staying with them. Later that policy was changed to keep "families" together, although the kids presenting alone still had to be cared for by the U.S. government, in one way or another. Ideally, they would be placed with "Hispanic" volunteer foster families. But vetting of those volunteers proved problematic. Many were "illegals" themselves.

And a number of other problems arose. The facilities where these transients were kept were not sufficient for the dramatically increased number of people at the border, and the crowded conditions became fodder for "do-gooder" journalists and "activists" who wanted any cause at all to criticize President Trump and his Administration. Kids who were separated from their parents were housed in places all over "the fruited plain," and it was reported that some families were permanently separated. Some kids were placed in foster homes with "strangers," and were subsequently abused. People who were released into the U.S. pending hearings NEVER SHOWED UP for their hearings, thus adding to the fictitious "Eleven Million Illegals" (a ridiculously low number) already in the U.S.

So what SHOULD we have done? What should we be doing? Is it reasonable to expect extraordinary care be given to people who showed up unannounced, and in all likelihood have no legal justification to come in? Do the taxpayers get a vote on this?

If a family presents itself at the border and finds that the prospective conditions are unacceptable, are they not free to "go back where they came from"? Can we not presume that they consider the prospective conditions better than the alternative that they are fleeing? Even if they make American Leftists uncomfortable?

Thoughts? Feelings? Reactions?

We have no obligations to anyone entering the country illegally.
life's tough, life's vicious

being an immigrant is not for sissies, my friends!
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.
Kinda makes you wonder if anyone really cares? Well...anyone in a power position. The same with remittance payments. Trump and the Secretary of the Treasury can dictate exchange policy. Placing fees or taxes on remittance payments is completely within their purview...yet

No one ever questions one ever questions Trump on it...impeachment this and Syria that...look the other way.

A country full of suckers...led by demons.
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
Just a question to your weird ideology.

Why do you think every country has borders? What is the purpose of those frontiers?

Why having armies defending the borders?

Are the US borders with Canada and Mexico just mere decorations in the maps?

What about sovereignty of a country?

When the Constitution says "all men are created equal" are you taking those words as saying "being Australian gives him the right to live in the US without visa of residence" or with no need to become an American citizen first"?

Who was your teacher? Let me talk to him....
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
You and I can flash any number of documents/laws/codes etc which provide for the protection of the nation from invasion and illegal alien access to the interior...
You know what? Makes fuck all if nothing comes from it...makes fuck all if NONE are enforced.


Your country does not care about you. They don't. That's the cold hard truth.
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
Just a question to your weird ideology.

Why do you think every country has borders? What is the purpose of those frontiers?

Why having armies defending the borders?

Are the US borders with Canada and Mexico just mere decorations in the maps?

What about sovereignty of a country?

When the Constitution says "all men are created equal" are you taking those words as saying "being Australian gives him the right to live in the US without visa of residence" or with no need to become an American citizen first"?

Who was your teacher? Let me talk to him....

We have borders

I don't know what "frontiers" to which you allude

You have police defending the border and the military watching it; we're not at war

The Constitution does not say all men are created equal; that is the Declaratory Charter of the Rights of Man

There is NO constitutional requirement that anybody become a citizen to live in the United States. You thinking there is such a condition shows the ignorance of those who support tyranny

I had many teachers and got my training from an accredited school where they know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

The Constitution does not require anyone to be a citizen in order to participate in the free market economy AND until the United States Supreme Court legislated from the bench (illegally in 1875) the states got to decide who could come and go within their borders. The Constitution only gives the federal government jurisdiction over naturalization.

So, you want the third world to become citizens and vote you into oblivion? Which of us is the REAL person in need of educating?
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
You and I can flash any number of documents/laws/codes etc which provide for the protection of the nation from invasion and illegal alien access to the interior...
You know what? Makes fuck all if nothing comes from it...makes fuck all if NONE are enforced.


Your country does not care about you. They don't. That's the cold hard truth.

Therein is your problem. You want too many laws enforced - and most of them were put into place by the Democrats.

There was a time when we owned our own property; employers hired the people that they wanted to hire (which usually ended up being people from their neighborhoods and known to the employer and other employers.) Do you own your property today? Or are you a slave wanting a government / god telling you how to run your life?
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
You and I can flash any number of documents/laws/codes etc which provide for the protection of the nation from invasion and illegal alien access to the interior...
You know what? Makes fuck all if nothing comes from it...makes fuck all if NONE are enforced.


Your country does not care about you. They don't. That's the cold hard truth.

Therein is your problem. You want too many laws enforced - and most of them were put into place by the Democrats.

There was a time when we owned our own property; employers hired the people that they wanted to hire (which usually ended up being people from their neighborhoods and known to the employer and other employers.) Do you own your property today? Or are you a slave wanting a government / god telling you how to run your life?
No I don't. I want the border secured. Article IV Section IV...The Guarantee Clause...not rocket science.
Which takes us back to my original point...they don't care.
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
You and I can flash any number of documents/laws/codes etc which provide for the protection of the nation from invasion and illegal alien access to the interior...
You know what? Makes fuck all if nothing comes from it...makes fuck all if NONE are enforced.


Your country does not care about you. They don't. That's the cold hard truth.

Therein is your problem. You want too many laws enforced - and most of them were put into place by the Democrats.

There was a time when we owned our own property; employers hired the people that they wanted to hire (which usually ended up being people from their neighborhoods and known to the employer and other employers.) Do you own your property today? Or are you a slave wanting a government / god telling you how to run your life?
Dear Idiot - Most of the laws you complain about were passed by Republicans! Also the Republican Law Enforcement Force You to Comply!!!
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
You and I can flash any number of documents/laws/codes etc which provide for the protection of the nation from invasion and illegal alien access to the interior...
You know what? Makes fuck all if nothing comes from it...makes fuck all if NONE are enforced.


Your country does not care about you. They don't. That's the cold hard truth.

Therein is your problem. You want too many laws enforced - and most of them were put into place by the Democrats.

There was a time when we owned our own property; employers hired the people that they wanted to hire (which usually ended up being people from their neighborhoods and known to the employer and other employers.) Do you own your property today? Or are you a slave wanting a government / god telling you how to run your life?
No I don't. I want the border secured. Article IV Section IV...The Guarantee Clause...not rocket science.
Which takes us back to my original point...they don't care.

Your border is quite secure. What is going on inside the border is being done by mutual consent. If you don't want the people from south of the border to be here, change the drug culture, get the American people cleaned up, off drugs and get their sorry asses back to work.
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
You and I can flash any number of documents/laws/codes etc which provide for the protection of the nation from invasion and illegal alien access to the interior...
You know what? Makes fuck all if nothing comes from it...makes fuck all if NONE are enforced.


Your country does not care about you. They don't. That's the cold hard truth.

Therein is your problem. You want too many laws enforced - and most of them were put into place by the Democrats.

There was a time when we owned our own property; employers hired the people that they wanted to hire (which usually ended up being people from their neighborhoods and known to the employer and other employers.) Do you own your property today? Or are you a slave wanting a government / god telling you how to run your life?
Dear Idiot - Most of the laws you complain about were passed by Republicans! Also the Republican Law Enforcement Force You to Comply!!!

You are a stupid mother if you believe that. The current immigration laws were forced through Congress by Ted Kennedy over half a century ago.
You spent ten minutes searching...bravo. Good for you. In say 35 years,I have seen our culture being overridden."Sanctuary cities", for instance. Democratically speaking:It was never conceived by the local populace. Nor was asked for. i
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
Just a question to your weird ideology.

Why do you think every country has borders? What is the purpose of those frontiers?

Why having armies defending the borders?

Are the US borders with Canada and Mexico just mere decorations in the maps?

What about sovereignty of a country?

When the Constitution says "all men are created equal" are you taking those words as saying "being Australian gives him the right to live in the US without visa of residence" or with no need to become an American citizen first"?

Who was your teacher? Let me talk to him....

We have borders

I don't know what "frontiers" to which you allude

You have police defending the border and the military watching it; we're not at war

The Constitution does not say all men are created equal; that is the Declaratory Charter of the Rights of Man

There is NO constitutional requirement that anybody become a citizen to live in the United States. You thinking there is such a condition shows the ignorance of those who support tyranny

I had many teachers and got my training from an accredited school where they know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

The Constitution does not require anyone to be a citizen in order to participate in the free market economy AND until the United States Supreme Court legislated from the bench (illegally in 1875) the states got to decide who could come and go within their borders. The Constitution only gives the federal government jurisdiction over naturalization.

So, you want the third world to become citizens and vote you into oblivion? Which of us is the REAL person in need of educating?
Nancy Pelosi just got through expounding to us how NOBODY is above the law...Not the President. Then sure as hell not people violating immigration laws either. But Pelosi and the Democrats give them Sanctuary without our consent OR our vote, so lets spit hairs all day till Sunday about this shit

There is an ongoing phenomenon of masses of people coming to the Border and seeking to enter the U.S., both legally and illegally. Under U.S. law, each entrant must be reviewed and either rejected or accepted. For those claiming "refugee" status, a hearing before a judge is required - a process that can take months or even a year. The vast majority of those seeking refugee status are rejected, due to the very limited bases for such status; mainly, that "wanting a better life" is not a recognized justification.....

You're confusing "refugee" and "asylee."
You spent ten minutes searching...bravo. Good for you. In say 35 years,I have seen our culture being overridden."Sanctuary cities", for instance. Democratically speaking:It was never conceived by the local populace. Nor was asked for. i
Punish remittances.
Problem solved.
No employer of illegals ever gets jail time. The few & far between little fines are just a small cost of doing business.

The politicians passed laws to punish employers to pacify idiots.

The Declaration of Independence states that:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Everybody has a Right that is above the law to work a job willingly offered. It would be unconstitutional to enforce the Democrat passed laws that doles out a limited amount of work visas which discriminate against most employers (denying them the "equal protection of the laws".) The Rule of Law means something and the Constitution simply does not give Congress the authority to determine who a state may or may not invite into their respective states.

We keep having this conversation and the answer is so obvious:

Trump promised to Make America Great Again. You cannot pass enough laws to get you there. You REPEAL laws related to immigration until you're back to that point where we were great.

In order to keep people from showing up at our doorstep, we have to get real about the drug situation. As long as the countries from south of the border are supplying our insatiable appetite for illegal drugs, there will be refugees. Those foreigners showing up are a cost of doing business with drug lords.

The government runs on drug money. The system is dependent on it since we don't want to address it. There are no other options.
Just a question to your weird ideology.

Why do you think every country has borders? What is the purpose of those frontiers?

Why having armies defending the borders?

Are the US borders with Canada and Mexico just mere decorations in the maps?

What about sovereignty of a country?

When the Constitution says "all men are created equal" are you taking those words as saying "being Australian gives him the right to live in the US without visa of residence" or with no need to become an American citizen first"?

Who was your teacher? Let me talk to him....

We have borders

I don't know what "frontiers" to which you allude

You have police defending the border and the military watching it; we're not at war

The Constitution does not say all men are created equal; that is the Declaratory Charter of the Rights of Man

There is NO constitutional requirement that anybody become a citizen to live in the United States. You thinking there is such a condition shows the ignorance of those who support tyranny

I had many teachers and got my training from an accredited school where they know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

The Constitution does not require anyone to be a citizen in order to participate in the free market economy AND until the United States Supreme Court legislated from the bench (illegally in 1875) the states got to decide who could come and go within their borders. The Constitution only gives the federal government jurisdiction over naturalization.

So, you want the third world to become citizens and vote you into oblivion? Which of us is the REAL person in need of educating?
Nancy Pelosi just got through expounding to us how NOBODY is above the law...Not the President. Then sure as hell not people violating immigration laws either. But Pelosi and the Democrats give them Sanctuary without our consent OR our vote, so lets spit hairs all day till Sunday about this shit

Actually I spent closer to four decades working on immigration related issues and six of those years specifically in immigration law. Most of the time I'm only citing links to confirm what I know off the top of my head.

You can research my posts here and figure it out. The Constitution does not contain any authority for the federal government to tell the states who they can and cannot allow within their respective states. It's clearly a states rights issue.

In 1875 the sheriff nor the California immigration commissioner showed up to defend a case before the United States Supreme Court. So, the United States Supreme Court retaliated and gave Congress "plenary powers" over immigration. The problem is, the Constitution does not give the high Court any such authority.

The reality is, we would not have an immigration problem if not for our drug culture. OUR society creates drug addicts and creates the opportunities for illegal drug importation. Those drug addicts get a record that our society doesn't want to forgive and those drug addicts get addicted to living off their families and the government. That, in turn, creates job opportunities for foreigners. THAT is why they come here in the first place.

Demanding the federal government to a bad job worse is a joke. Other than maintain a large military, collect taxes, and pass unnecessary laws to attack your Liberties, you can't name me a damn thing the federal government does competently.

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