Seniors fled Democrats in midterms


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
In an election marked by dramatic defections from the Democratic Party, older voters swung hardest, seemingly threatened by President Barack Obama’s mantra of change.

Voters over 65 favored Republicans last week by a 21-point margin after flirting with Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections and favoring John McCain by a relatively narrow 8-point margin in 2008.

Read more: Seniors fled Democrats in midterms - Byron Tau -
In an election marked by dramatic defections from the Democratic Party, older voters swung hardest, seemingly threatened by President Barack Obama’s mantra of change.

Voters over 65 favored Republicans last week by a 21-point margin after flirting with Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections and favoring John McCain by a relatively narrow 8-point margin in 2008.

Read more: Seniors fled Democrats in midterms - Byron Tau -

Clearly because they are Old and Racist.


especially old white people, and women, and white men. oh my.
Obama sent them all $250 to smooth everything over.
I guess you can't buy the greatest generation's vote for $250.
In an election marked by dramatic defections from the Democratic Party, older voters swung hardest, seemingly threatened by President Barack Obama’s mantra of change.

Voters over 65 favored Republicans last week by a 21-point margin after flirting with Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections and favoring John McCain by a relatively narrow 8-point margin in 2008.

Read more: Seniors fled Democrats in midterms - Byron Tau -
Of course. they don't want the young ones to share their Medicare.
In an election marked by dramatic defections from the Democratic Party, older voters swung hardest, seemingly threatened by President Barack Obama’s mantra of change.

Voters over 65 favored Republicans last week by a 21-point margin after flirting with Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections and favoring John McCain by a relatively narrow 8-point margin in 2008.

Read more: Seniors fled Democrats in midterms - Byron Tau -
Of course. they don't want the young ones to share their Medicare.

they can share when they've paid for about 40 years. If you ain't paid it ain't sharing it's taking. you demonRats are so frickin dumb.
In an election marked by dramatic defections from the Democratic Party, older voters swung hardest, seemingly threatened by President Barack Obama’s mantra of change.

Voters over 65 favored Republicans last week by a 21-point margin after flirting with Democrats in the 2006 midterm elections and favoring John McCain by a relatively narrow 8-point margin in 2008.

Read more: Seniors fled Democrats in midterms - Byron Tau -
Of course. they don't want the young ones to share their Medicare.

they can share when they've paid for about 40 years. If you ain't paid it ain't sharing it's taking. you demonRats are so frickin dumb.
So suddenly you are all for income redistribution. Communist libtard socialist leftist turd monkey. And I am not a democrat. Thanks for playing.
Rightwing propaganda did an excellent job of convincing many seniors that the Republicans were the new Protectors of the Sacred Entitlements,

Medicare and S.S.

...which is why it should be really really funny to hear what the GOP'ers have to say if anyone EVER pins them down on how THEY plan to balance the budget.
Rightwing propaganda did an excellent job of convincing many seniors that the Republicans were the new Protectors of the Sacred Entitlements,

Medicare and S.S.

...which is why it should be really really funny to hear what the GOP'ers have to say if anyone EVER pins them down on how THEY plan to balance the budget.

Is there somewhere in the Constitution that Deals with Entitlements?...

Somewhere in there where it says that there will be NO Adjustments, even if the Country is going Bankrupt?...

It's Irrelevant what your Opinion is of what the GOP or the DemocRATS will eventually have to do...

As a percentage of GDP, the Military is probably about half what it was under JFK...

And that's with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Both of which will eventually wind down and not Cost what they do now.

The "Entitlements" as you call them, are going to be Raped by the Aging, Retiring and Ailing Baby Boom.

Better wake up to Reality regarding this Issue.


People vote thier wallets, Obama had his hand in all of ours not in the bottom 1/3. Enough reparations.
Some of your might find this interesting



And what demographic segment of the electorate didn't turn out in big numbers this election?

This might also give some of us pause

The young voters age 18 to 29 are most likely to vote Democrat, but they are less likely to vote in the less popular non-Presidential elections. In 2008, the young made up 18% of voters; in 2010, the young made up 11% of voters.

Some of your might find this interesting



And what demographic segment of the electorate didn't turn out in big numbers this election?

This might also give some of us pause

The young voters age 18 to 29 are most likely to vote Democrat, but they are less likely to vote in the less popular non-Presidential elections. In 2008, the young made up 18% of voters; in 2010, the young made up 11% of voters.


Actually, it was Women who put Obama over...

He and McMaverick basically Split the Male Vote.


Rightwing propaganda did an excellent job of convincing many seniors that the Republicans were the new Protectors of the Sacred Entitlements,

Medicare and S.S.

...which is why it should be really really funny to hear what the GOP'ers have to say if anyone EVER pins them down on how THEY plan to balance the budget.


Yeah, it was eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil right wing propaganda. It had NOTHING to do with seniors turning against the Fuckoff and die policies of Obamacare! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, of course not!

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Some of your might find this interesting



And what demographic segment of the electorate didn't turn out in big numbers this election?

This might also give some of us pause

The young voters age 18 to 29 are most likely to vote Democrat, but they are less likely to vote in the less popular non-Presidential elections. In 2008, the young made up 18% of voters; in 2010, the young made up 11% of voters.


Actually, it was Women who put Obama over...

He and McMaverick basically Split the Male Vote.



That may have been true in 2008, but there are many women (like me) Mothers who have no wish to let Obama steal our children's future.

We voted against Obama in 2010 (and NO I did NOT vote for Obama in 2008).

But I still see STUPID AS HELL WOMEN driving SUV's with Obama/Biden stickers on them.

The only thing dumber I've seen (and I used to laugh my head off at them) is even STUPIDER THAN HELL WOMEN driving SUVs with Gore/Leiberman Stickers on them.

Um, helloooooooooooooooo, if those guys win, they are going to try and take those SUVs away from you or make them way too expensive to drive. Dumb Dumbs!

Talk about being oblivious to their own stupidity.


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