Seniors and women like Ryan despit the drivel from the left.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
KGO 810 San Francisco

AGE and SEX –*As noted, seniors are of interest given Ryan’s proposal to revamp Medicare with a system in which the government would give older Americans a fixed sum with which to buy insurance. They moved in Ryan’s favor, from a 28-28 percent favorable-unfavorable view prospectively to 46-28 percent this weekend. Again a sizable number, 26 percent, are undecided; debate over Ryan’s position on Medicare may inform their views.Younger adults, age 18-39, also moved in Ryan’s favor, but from a more negative view before the announcement, 18-29 percent positive-negative, to a divided one, 34-36 percent.Ryan also saw a gain among women, a weak group for Romney compared with Obama; favorable views of the choice rose from 19 percent of women last week to 37 percent this weekend
It makes sense. Old folks have children, and grandchildren. They want to leave them better off, even if it means they have to sacrifice a bit. They also have lots of time, so they research issues. They aren't stupid.
Seniors and women like Ryan despit the drivel from the left.

That's some hilarious shit, considering the wingnut war on women and seniors...and the poor...and the middle class...and minorities...and...
KGO 810 San Francisco

AGE and SEX –*As noted, seniors are of interest given Ryan’s proposal to revamp Medicare with a system in which the government would give older Americans a fixed sum with which to buy insurance. They moved in Ryan’s favor, from a 28-28 percent favorable-unfavorable view prospectively to 46-28 percent this weekend. Again a sizable number, 26 percent, are undecided; debate over Ryan’s position on Medicare may inform their views.Younger adults, age 18-39, also moved in Ryan’s favor, but from a more negative view before the announcement, 18-29 percent positive-negative, to a divided one, 34-36 percent.Ryan also saw a gain among women, a weak group for Romney compared with Obama; favorable views of the choice rose from 19 percent of women last week to 37 percent this weekend

A moment ago, you said "all polls are shit"
KGO 810 San Francisco

AGE and SEX –*As noted, seniors are of interest given Ryan’s proposal to revamp Medicare with a system in which the government would give older Americans a fixed sum with which to buy insurance. They moved in Ryan’s favor, from a 28-28 percent favorable-unfavorable view prospectively to 46-28 percent this weekend. Again a sizable number, 26 percent, are undecided; debate over Ryan’s position on Medicare may inform their views.Younger adults, age 18-39, also moved in Ryan’s favor, but from a more negative view before the announcement, 18-29 percent positive-negative, to a divided one, 34-36 percent.Ryan also saw a gain among women, a weak group for Romney compared with Obama; favorable views of the choice rose from 19 percent of women last week to 37 percent this weekend

A moment ago, you said "all polls are shit"

Presidential polls are.

What's your point bumblebee?
I've made it pretty clear in many threads that polls that stack the results are pointless and the ones that don't are worth looking at.

You've made it pretty clear that you like to troll me for some reason. It's ok I like fans
I've made it pretty clear in many threads that polls that stack the results are pointless and the ones that don't are worth looking at.

You've made it pretty clear that you like to troll me for some reason. It's ok I like fans

I like pointing out your hypocrisy. It's nearly a full time job. Remember when you called the governor a "shitty choice" but now you're going to vote for the "shitty choice"...stuff like that.
Senior is the the same as senile. Seniors today grew up in a much different world. They are likely to desire more self direction than the college age OWS protester. Telling seniors that taking 716 billion out of medicare is the same thing as increasing their benefits will be met with amused skepticism. If, in fact, seniors had already seen a benefit from the obamaeconomy this wouldn't even be an issue. Many seniors have already had children and grandchildren move in with them, or been forced to move in with their own children. Seniors have already seen the effect of democrat cuts to senior programs including medicare. As doctors leave medicine, it's the doctors who accept medicare patients who are leaving first. It's not as esoteric issue to seniors. It's not theory. And, that's what obama is running up against.

What makes rejection of obamascare even more apparent is that it is seniors who see their benefits taken specifically to give them to people here illegally. Those would be benefits worked for, earned and deserved, handed to people who got here ten minutes ago. These aren't campaign issues, its what people are really facing. obama is running right up into a stonewall of reality.
They like him so much...there had to be a thread generated to explain how much they like him. Wonder why the Congressman didn't go to Florida with the Governor?
I've made it pretty clear in many threads that polls that stack the results are pointless and the ones that don't are worth looking at.

You've made it pretty clear that you like to troll me for some reason. It's ok I like fans

I like pointing out your hypocrisy. It's nearly a full time job. Remember when you called the governor a "shitty choice" but now you're going to vote for the "shitty choice"...stuff like that.

If you weren't so dumb you would understand that while Romney IS A SHITTY CHOICE he is still leaps and bounds better than Obama. The only hypocrisy here is in your head.

Now be a good troll and go bump that thread too.
The more people get to know him, the more they will like him. He's a charismatic, intelligent, sincere, and good looking guy.

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