Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables

Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.

"To that end, we request that you transmit to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee all communications between the U.S. Mission to Libya and the State Department relevant to the security situation in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks, including, but not limited to, cables sent from Ambassador Stevens," they wrote.

The senators noted that Libya officials have said they warned the U.S. government about rising threats in Benghazi just before the attacks and they referenced the CNN reports, culled at least partially from Stevens's personal diary, stating that the ambassador believed his life was in danger.

"Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate," the senators wrote.

"We are extremely concerned about conflicting reports over the events leading up to the attacks. Specifically, we are concerned over the apparent lack of security preparations made despite a demonstrable increase in risks to U.S. officials and facilities in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks."
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador

The Senate’s Foreign Relation’s Committee has every right to have these cables and all correspondence between the Ambassador and Libya and the US. But what do you bet, Hillary will either stall or completely disregard their attempts to finding out the truth.
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Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables

Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.

"To that end, we request that you transmit to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee all communications between the U.S. Mission to Libya and the State Department relevant to the security situation in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks, including, but not limited to, cables sent from Ambassador Stevens," they wrote.

The senators noted that Libya officials have said they warned the U.S. government about rising threats in Benghazi just before the attacks and they referenced the CNN reports, culled at least partially from Stevens's personal diary, stating that the ambassador believed his life was in danger.

"Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate," the senators wrote.

"We are extremely concerned about conflicting reports over the events leading up to the attacks. Specifically, we are concerned over the apparent lack of security preparations made despite a demonstrable increase in risks to U.S. officials and facilities in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks."
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador

The Senate’s Foreign Relation’s Committee has every right to have these cables and all correspondence between the Ambassador and Libya and the US. But what do you bet, Hillary will either stall or completely disregard their attempts to finding out the truth.

It's the Clinton "MO".
Obamo will label the cables "sensitive national security information" and use an executive order to hide them from public eyes forever. Basically, a cover-up like F&F.
Libyans respond to murder of Ambassador Stevens...
Hundreds of Libyans handover their weapons
Sep 29,`12 -- Hundreds of Libyans converged Saturday on a main square in Benghazi and another in Tripoli in response to a call from the military to hand over their weapons, some driving in with armored personnel carriers, tanks, vehicles with mounted anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of rocket launchers.
The call by the Libyan chiefs of staff was promoted on a private TV station in August. But it may have gained traction in the wake of the attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in which the American ambassador and three staffers were killed. The incident was followed by a popular uproar against armed militias which have increasingly challenged government authorities. In response, the government has called on all militias to disband or join a command center coordinating between the army and the militias. The government had relied on many militias for security during the turmoil following last year's ouster and killing of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi.

Army Col. Omran al-Warfali said the turnout has been impressive. "Hundreds of citizens came since the early hours of this morning to handover their weapons from all segments of society, men and youth, women, and even children came to hand over bullets they found it in the streets," he said. Previously, the government had estimated that over 200,000 people in Libya are armed. It has attempted a number of disarmament schemes, including offering people jobs in exchange for handing over their weapons, or offering to buy guns. Those offers have shown few results.

A military official has been urging citizens in ads on a popular TV station to hand in their weapons. The station, Libya alHurra or Free Libya, showed live footage of Saturday's collection and transfer of weapons to military barracks. Ahmed Salem, an organizer of the efforts in Benghazi, said over 800 citizens handed in weapons at the main collection point. Over 600 different types of arms were collected, including anti-aircraft guns, land mines, rocket launchers and artillery rockets.

Moussa Omr, a former fighter who lives on the outskirts of Benghazi and who fought against Gadhafi, said it was time to turn over his weapon to the state. "When I saw the announcement on television I came to Benghazi with my wife and son to hand over my weapon to the national army because I want to move from the stage of the revolution to state building," he said. "I trust the national army. They have been with us on the frontline and I know them one by one. I don't need this weapon after today, the militias have been expelled from Benghazi and the national army will protect us." Anger at the militias boiled over after the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate.

Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables

Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.

"To that end, we request that you transmit to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee all communications between the U.S. Mission to Libya and the State Department relevant to the security situation in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks, including, but not limited to, cables sent from Ambassador Stevens," they wrote.

The senators noted that Libya officials have said they warned the U.S. government about rising threats in Benghazi just before the attacks and they referenced the CNN reports, culled at least partially from Stevens's personal diary, stating that the ambassador believed his life was in danger.

"Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate," the senators wrote.

"We are extremely concerned about conflicting reports over the events leading up to the attacks. Specifically, we are concerned over the apparent lack of security preparations made despite a demonstrable increase in risks to U.S. officials and facilities in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks."
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador

The Senate’s Foreign Relation’s Committee has every right to have these cables and all correspondence between the Ambassador and Libya and the US. But what do you bet, Hillary will either stall or completely disregard their attempts to finding out the truth.

In its apparent partisan desperation as Election Day nears, republicans continue their effort to exploit the tragic deaths of US diplomats, attempting to realize some perceived political advantage by contriving a controversy where none exists.

The right is clearly without shame.
In its apparent partisan desperation as Election Day nears, republicans continue their effort to exploit the tragic deaths of US diplomats, attempting to realize some perceived political advantage by contriving a controversy where none exists.

The right is clearly without shame.

Controversy where none exists? What a grotesque denial of reality. Kind of like what we heard from the White House for a week after the attacks.

We should just roll over and not do our best to make people aware of the cost of four more years of Obama at the helm?

Trying to learn the truth is shameless?

I guess dissent won't be patriotic again until Republicans retake the White House. :eusa_hand:
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Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables

Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.

"To that end, we request that you transmit to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee all communications between the U.S. Mission to Libya and the State Department relevant to the security situation in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks, including, but not limited to, cables sent from Ambassador Stevens," they wrote.

The senators noted that Libya officials have said they warned the U.S. government about rising threats in Benghazi just before the attacks and they referenced the CNN reports, culled at least partially from Stevens's personal diary, stating that the ambassador believed his life was in danger.

"Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate," the senators wrote.

"We are extremely concerned about conflicting reports over the events leading up to the attacks. Specifically, we are concerned over the apparent lack of security preparations made despite a demonstrable increase in risks to U.S. officials and facilities in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks."
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador

The Senate’s Foreign Relation’s Committee has every right to have these cables and all correspondence between the Ambassador and Libya and the US. But what do you bet, Hillary will either stall or completely disregard their attempts to finding out the truth.

In its apparent partisan desperation as Election Day nears, republicans continue their effort to exploit the tragic deaths of US diplomats, attempting to realize some perceived political advantage by contriving a controversy where none exists.

The right is clearly without shame.

right, so it went like this;

hey Mahmud, bring that mortar tube, baseplate, aiming stakes, ammunition, rpg and machine guns, Oh the and AQ flag, looks like theres a protest down the block.

but then again, they're just bumps in the road to the groovy utopia waiting for us right?
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables

Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.

"To that end, we request that you transmit to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee all communications between the U.S. Mission to Libya and the State Department relevant to the security situation in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks, including, but not limited to, cables sent from Ambassador Stevens," they wrote.

The senators noted that Libya officials have said they warned the U.S. government about rising threats in Benghazi just before the attacks and they referenced the CNN reports, culled at least partially from Stevens's personal diary, stating that the ambassador believed his life was in danger.

"Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate," the senators wrote.

"We are extremely concerned about conflicting reports over the events leading up to the attacks. Specifically, we are concerned over the apparent lack of security preparations made despite a demonstrable increase in risks to U.S. officials and facilities in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks."
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador

The Senate’s Foreign Relation’s Committee has every right to have these cables and all correspondence between the Ambassador and Libya and the US. But what do you bet, Hillary will either stall or completely disregard their attempts to finding out the truth.

In its apparent partisan desperation as Election Day nears, republicans continue their effort to exploit the tragic deaths of US diplomats, attempting to realize some perceived political advantage by contriving a controversy where none exists.

The right is clearly without shame.

You're just flaming mad because the Right is calling out your Black Messiah for getting 4 people killed when it could've been avoided.
That is what is getting lost in all this deflection -- the inexcusable negligence in not protecting our embassies on 9/11.

Even if there hadn't been noise of something being planned, they should have beefed up protection on that anniversary.

But there was chatter suggesting that something might be up, which makes it all the more deplorable that embassy security was so inadequate.

The deaths were avoidable. That is why it was imperative to the White House that they cloud the issue as well as they could.
That is what is getting lost in all this deflection -- the inexcusable negligence in not protecting our embassies on 9/11.

Even if there hadn't been noise of something being planned, they should have beefed up protection on that anniversary.

But there was chatter suggesting that something might be up, which makes it all the more deplorable that embassy security was so inadequate.

The deaths were avoidable. That is why it was imperative to the White House that they cloud the issue as well as they could.

The cover up continues...

15 days after Benghazi attack, FBI still investigating from afar

(CNN) -- More than two weeks after four Americans -- including the U.S. ambassador to Libya -- were killed in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, FBI agents have not yet been granted access to investigate in the eastern Libyan city, and the crime scene has not been secured, sources said.

"They've gotten as far as Tripoli now, but they've never gotten to Benghazi," CNN National Security Analyst Fran Townsend said Wednesday, citing senior law enforcement officials.

Last Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters that an FBI team had reached Libya earlier in the week.

FBI agents have made a request through the U.S. State Department for the crime scene to be secured, Townsend said, but that has not happened.

"The senior law enforcement official I spoke to said, 'If we get there now, it's not clear that it will be of any use to us,'" Townsend said.

The FBI team has conducted interviews of State Department and U.S. government personnel who were in Libya at the time of the attack, Townsend said, but the FBI's request to directly question individuals who Libyan authorities have in custody was denied

Sources: 15 days after Benghazi attack, FBI still investigating from afar -
That is what is getting lost in all this deflection -- the inexcusable negligence in not protecting our embassies on 9/11.

Even if there hadn't been noise of something being planned, they should have beefed up protection on that anniversary.

But there was chatter suggesting that something might be up, which makes it all the more deplorable that embassy security was so inadequate.

The deaths were avoidable. That is why it was imperative to the White House that they cloud the issue as well as they could.

In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say - The Washington Post
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador’s cables

Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

"While we appreciate the sensitivities associated with this ongoing investigation, we must insist on more timely information regarding the attacks and the events leading up to the attacks," wrote Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Johnny Isaakson (R-GA) in a letter to Clinton Tuesday.

"To that end, we request that you transmit to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee all communications between the U.S. Mission to Libya and the State Department relevant to the security situation in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks, including, but not limited to, cables sent from Ambassador Stevens," they wrote.

The senators noted that Libya officials have said they warned the U.S. government about rising threats in Benghazi just before the attacks and they referenced the CNN reports, culled at least partially from Stevens's personal diary, stating that the ambassador believed his life was in danger.

"Despite these warnings, the State Department sought and received a waiver from the standard security requirements for the consulate," the senators wrote.

"We are extremely concerned about conflicting reports over the events leading up to the attacks. Specifically, we are concerned over the apparent lack of security preparations made despite a demonstrable increase in risks to U.S. officials and facilities in Benghazi in the period leading up to the attacks."
Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador

The Senate’s Foreign Relation’s Committee has every right to have these cables and all correspondence between the Ambassador and Libya and the US. But what do you bet, Hillary will either stall or completely disregard their attempts to finding out the truth.

Yeah, those anti-US Libyan officials are covering ther asses by saying they warned of attacks AFTER the fact. Why don't THEY show us their cables to Sec. Clinton confirming this supposed warning of theirs? They won't let the FBI in to investigate. What are they covering up? If they knew attacks were emminent, why didn't they provide more security? Our "senators" should be asking those questions also.

Libyan officials have said they have brought in dozens of people for questioning since the September 11 attack, which officials said occurred amid a large protest about a U.S.-made film that mocked the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.

I don't suppose there is any chance that there was a lot of chaos and confusion and perhaps it was assumed the attack was made by protestors until more was known? Nah, let's blame Obama and Hillary since it's election season!
That is what is getting lost in all this deflection -- the inexcusable negligence in not protecting our embassies on 9/11.

Even if there hadn't been noise of something being planned, they should have beefed up protection on that anniversary.

But there was chatter suggesting that something might be up, which makes it all the more deplorable that embassy security was so inadequate.

The deaths were avoidable. That is why it was imperative to the White House that they cloud the issue as well as they could.

In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say - The Washington Post

Libya should have protected the embassy. We can't just waltz in and out of a country, especially one that is not so friendly to us. We can't even get in to investigate so it's likely we had a hard time getting much security there also.
That is what is getting lost in all this deflection -- the inexcusable negligence in not protecting our embassies on 9/11.

Even if there hadn't been noise of something being planned, they should have beefed up protection on that anniversary.

But there was chatter suggesting that something might be up, which makes it all the more deplorable that embassy security was so inadequate.

The deaths were avoidable. That is why it was imperative to the White House that they cloud the issue as well as they could.

In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say - The Washington Post

Libya should have protected the embassy. We can't just waltz in and out of a country, especially one that is not so friendly to us. We can't even get in to investigate so it's likely we had a hard time getting much security there also.

up your drip.

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