Senators and Taxes


Active Member
Sep 5, 2008
Well I think I have found a way out of debt. Seems all we need to do is have the IRS audit every senator we have. The lastest excuse I have heard why the lastest senator did not pay his taxes well he just did not know he owed that money. Really? You mean you make big bucks and you do not have accountant? If he does have an accountant you just might want to fire that person and find you somebody else.

If that a regular citizen you know what would happen we would get audited and if we owed money we would have to cough it up or go to jail. Not in the senate you get a promotion. I think if anyone cannot keep up with their taxes like the rest of us you do not get a promotion. Can't pay your taxes or keep up with it President Obama there's your sign give the promotion to someone else.
They should not forget to audit the banks while they are at it.

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