Senator John MaCain Honored.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I guess the curtain has been raised. The Progressive Org the LBJ library is giving John McCain a Honor for his dedication to the Democrats causes and goals. Funny how some Republicans turn out to be Democrats.

John McCain was a great Senator

Maverick....did what was right, not what his party wanted
McCain has been Soros' bitch, he was a father of ISIS and worked with Obama's Administration making a coup in Ukraine and his final "heroic" action was bringing that dirty dossier on Trump. Pure Democrat under a RINO mask.

Most people will remember the salacious details of this dossier; they won’t remember all the finer points about how it came about, McCain’s role in it. They don’t remember this; they remember the headlines.
‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 | Breitbart


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This thread is a great example of how you conservatives are a bunch of evil snakes who will even turn on your own.
This thread is a great example of how you conservatives are a bunch of evil snakes who will even turn on your own.
Oh wait asshole! He turned on us first. Got his ass re-elected on the promise to abolish obummercare then walked right in there and voted to keep it. Up your ass you can have him.
McCain has been Soros' bitch, he was a father of ISIS and worked with Obama's Administration making a coup in Ukraine and his final "heroic" action was bringing that dirty dossier on Trump. Pure Democrat under a RINO mask.

Most people will remember the salacious details of this dossier; they won’t remember all the finer points about how it came about, McCain’s role in it. They don’t remember this; they remember the headlines.
‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 | Breitbart

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((((((SOROS))))) that evil Jewish Overlord Conspiracy dog whistle
Whatever he is......

His life is one of service.

I don't care for his politics.

But I can't turn my back on his desire to serve his country.
John McCain was a great Senator

Maverick....did what was right, not what his party wanted

Not what America wanted. He is Soros to the core. He distributes Soros' money to UN favorable causes Soros has spawned like BLM, open borders and all things UN. He should be hung for treason... twice.
The Fox is strong in this one

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