Sen McConnell invokes Casey Anthony trial when asked about trying Terrorists in court


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Sen. McConnell: We Can’t Trust Courts To Try Terrorists Because Casey Anthony Got Off | ThinkProgress

Appearing yesterday on Fox Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) railed against the Obama administration’s decision to try a captured Somali terrorist in U.S. courts. McConnell said captured foreign terrorists should be detained and tried by military commissions at the controversial U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

McConnell told Fox’s Bret Baier:

We just found with the Caylee Anthony case, how difficult is to get a conviction in a U.S. court.

I don’t think a foreigner is entitled to all the protections of the Bill of Rights. They should not be in U.S. courts. They should be at Guantanamo and before military commissions

The most recent similar case dates from the Bush administration, when Afia Siddique was detained in Afghanistan by U.S. troops in 2008 for attempting to shoot U.S. military personnel. She was quickly brought to New York, convicted, and sentenced to 86 years in prison. During the Clinton administration, Mir Aimal Kasi stood outside CIA headquarters in Virginia in 1995 and murdered two CIA employees as they drove into work. He was captured in Pakistan in 1997 and brought to Virginia for trial, convicted of murder, and executed in 2002.

New York University’s Center for Law and Security tracks terrorism trials and found, according to a report most recently updated in April, that U.S. courts have successfully convicted 187 defendants on “Jihadi-related” terror charges since 9/11.

McConnell is a moron, but this is nothing new.
Sen. McConnell: We Can’t Trust Courts To Try Terrorists Because Casey Anthony Got Off | ThinkProgress

Appearing yesterday on Fox Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) railed against the Obama administration’s decision to try a captured Somali terrorist in U.S. courts. McConnell said captured foreign terrorists should be detained and tried by military commissions at the controversial U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
McConnell told Fox’s Bret Baier:

We just found with the Caylee Anthony case, how difficult is to get a conviction in a U.S. court.

I don’t think a foreigner is entitled to all the protections of the Bill of Rights. They should not be in U.S. courts. They should be at Guantanamo and before military commissions
The most recent similar case dates from the Bush administration, when Afia Siddique was detained in Afghanistan by U.S. troops in 2008 for attempting to shoot U.S. military personnel. She was quickly brought to New York, convicted, and sentenced to 86 years in prison. During the Clinton administration, Mir Aimal Kasi stood outside CIA headquarters in Virginia in 1995 and murdered two CIA employees as they drove into work. He was captured in Pakistan in 1997 and brought to Virginia for trial, convicted of murder, and executed in 2002.
New York University’s Center for Law and Security tracks terrorism trials and found, according to a report most recently updated in April, that U.S. courts have successfully convicted 187 defendants on “Jihadi-related” terror charges since 9/11.
McConnell is a moron, but this is nothing new.

The article in the OP makes no sense, but it is a Think Progress story, so the editors probably thought no one would notice. It isn't like the people that read that crap are intelligent or well educated.

Is the reporter trying to argue that federal cases are fixed? That we do to worry about juries doing stupid things like they did in the Casey Anthony trial because federal juries only do what they are told?

I am willing to bet I can go go through the records in Florida and find hundreds of murder convictions after sensational trials, would that somehow prove that the Casey Anthony verdict is impossible? I don't think so, so pointing out past trials that ended in guilty verdicts only proves that Ali knows less about the law than he does about critical thinking, which makes him remarkably ignorant about the law.

By the way, what makes you think McConnell is a moron? Does he read Think Progress?

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