Sen. Bunning from Kentucky, this is whats wrong with White men.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

Then we have this other asshole homo Sen. Kyle saying that people on unemployment don't want to work!
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^^^ The heartbreak of Racism trying to pass itself off as anti-Racism.
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

I agree.

Here's a man willing to shut down the government over some false concern about the budget, but he'd never so much as make a peep about whites having rights. This is how white men show their "toughness" today. The truth is they're little door mice afraid to make a peep on the one issue that really matters: the total capitulation to minority power and annihilation of their race from the earth.

The budget fuck-ups aren't going to matter if there are no whites left, Jim.
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

I agree.

Here's a man willing to shut down the government over some false concern about the budget, but he'd never so much as make a peep about whites having rights. This is how white men show their "toughness" today. The truth is they're little door mice afraid to make a peep on the one issue that really matters: the total capitulation to minority power and annihilation of their race from the earth.

The budget fuck-ups aren't going to matter if there are no whites left, Jim.

I tell you the White man will make himself an endangered species.!! on this Earth!!$$
I tell you the White man will make himself an endangered species.!! on this Earth!!$$

Oh no! Real blonds will be extinct by 2202!

The last natural blondes will die out within 200 years, scientists believe.

A study by experts in Germany suggests people with blonde hair are an endangered species and will become extinct by 2202.

Researchers predict the last truly natural blonde will be born in Finland - the country with the highest proportion of blondes.

But they say too few people now carry the gene for blondes to last beyond the next two centuries.

BBC NEWS | Health | Blondes 'to die out in 200 years'

Fortunately, we can still engage in better living through chemicals.
I tell you the White man will make himself an endangered species.!! on this Earth!!$$

Oh no! Real blonds will be extinct by 2202!

The last natural blondes will die out within 200 years, scientists believe.

A study by experts in Germany suggests people with blonde hair are an endangered species and will become extinct by 2202.

Researchers predict the last truly natural blonde will be born in Finland - the country with the highest proportion of blondes.

But they say too few people now carry the gene for blondes to last beyond the next two centuries.

BBC NEWS | Health | Blondes 'to die out in 200 years'

Fortunately, we can still engage in better living through chemicals.

Well good gosh, my black Crocodile tears are falling. The Blond haired blue eyed master race will become extinct by 2202.!? Thats just to bad. What about the rest of the caucasian race.? , how long before they become extinct.?
Blonds are the canaries in the ethnic coal mine. On average, the Universe tend towards beige.
Blonds are the canaries in the ethnic coal mine. On average, the Universe tend towards beige.

I don't think we will all be beige, I think the Black race will eventually inherit the surface of the Earth.The Sun will become to hot for white people to live on the surface.!
Blonds are the canaries in the ethnic coal mine. On average, the Universe tend towards beige.

I don't think we will all be beige, I think the Black race will eventually inherit the surface of the Earth.The Sun will become to hot for white people to live on the surface.!

I agree. The most irresponsible race will outlast the most responsible, because that one will keep popping babies out like a bag of popcorn, while the other tries to make ends meet without government assistance and wait until wedlock or financial stability to have babies. Like mold, you'll out grow us. Congrats, quite an accomplishment.:clap2:

Only one problem. Who is gonna pay you guy's welfare once we're all gone?????????

Nobody got the science reference.

The color of the universe is not an intriguing pale turquoise, asastronomers recently announced. It's actually beige - and a rather ordinarybeige at that.

Two Johns Hopkins University astronomers announced in January they had averaged allthe colors from the light of 200,000 galaxies and concluded that if the humaneye could see this combined hue, it would be a sprightly pale green. That, theysaid, was the color of the universe.

But Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry said Thursday that their conclusion was wrong.They had been tripped up by flawed software that was uncovered by colorengineers who checked their data.

``It is embarrassing,'' Glazebrook said. ``But this is science. We're not likepoliticians. If we make mistakes, we admit them. That's how science works.''

The effect of the error was that the computer picked a nonstandard white from itselectronic palette and mixed it with the other colors to come up with the turquoise.When the error was corrected and replaced with a standard white index, beigewas the result, Glazebrook said.

``It looks like beige,'' he said. ``I don't know what else to call it. I wouldwelcome suggestions.'' ... -- Color Corrected: Johns Hopkins Researchers Say Universe Much Blander Than Before

Regarding race, I think we are on a trajectory of having a beige/light brown human race of mutts - which is rather sad. Variety is lovely.
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

The we have this other asshole homo Sen. Kyle saying that people on unemployment don't want to work!

Aww.....Well then maybe they should hire all blacks and see how things go? I mean look at Africa, It's a well oiled machine isnt it?:lol:

Actually, You don't even have to go that far, Just look at Detroit and Chicago!:eek:
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

The we have this other asshole homo Sen. Kyle saying that people on unemployment don't want to work!

The, very important point, that he was tring to make was that the government needs to find a way to PAY for the entitlements that they are proposing. Unemployment benefits are now extended to 2 years.

Things are tough everywhere, but this administration is driving this country into the poor house. The government needs to live within its means.
DAMN! Your logic stopped William Joyce, 52nd St and all the rest from making this website worth reading. Please don't do that again!
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

The we have this other asshole homo Sen. Kyle saying that people on unemployment don't want to work!

The, very important point, that he was tring to make was that the government needs to find a way to PAY for the entitlements that they are proposing. Unemployment benefits are now extended to 2 years.

Things are tough everywhere, but this administration is driving this country into the poor house. The government needs to live within its means.

Well why didn't this Sen. Bunning pull this stunt when he voted for funding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? , or some new weapons system?.Its just white mans racism if you ask me.The man is a closet racist.!
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

The we have this other asshole homo Sen. Kyle saying that people on unemployment don't want to work!

Hard to believe you actually edited this shit.
Here we have this lunatic crazed out Sen. from Kentucky ,Sen. Bunning , holding up umemployment benefits , and Jobs for hundreds of thousands fo people, just because he wanted to make a point.

I tell you , this is whats wrong with White men today. They do don't give a shit about the fellings of the masses, just their own selfish agenda. This Sen. Bunning proves my point.
A lot of white men are just insane assholes homo weirdos.!!, that should not be in government.

There was one woman that was going to be evicted from her home because this insane asshole Redneck Sen.
was filabustering the Jobs Stimulus bill.!!

The we have this other asshole homo Sen. Kyle saying that people on unemployment don't want to work!

The, very important point, that he was tring to make was that the government needs to find a way to PAY for the entitlements that they are proposing. Unemployment benefits are now extended to 2 years.

Things are tough everywhere, but this administration is driving this country into the poor house. The government needs to live within its means.

Well why didn't this Sen. Bunning pull this stunt when he voted for funding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? , or some new weapons system?.Its just white mans racism if you ask me.The man is a closet racist.!

And Democrats count on you assuming this stupidity. That's why they invent these wedge-issues.

What Democrat politicians in Washington love to do is come up with issues that are so ridiculous that nobody in their right mind would go for it. The moment somebody stops them they start screaming "RACIST". They don't care that what they're proposing is bad or too expensive....they just want to benefit from the class-warfare that ensues.

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