Semi News Semi Satire Take On Jay Carney's Baghdad Bob Imitation


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[With Obama's "Reset" policy of deep bows and even deeper Muslim appeasement reaping its expected results of bloodshed, death, fire and destruction across the MidEast, our very own Whitehouse version of Baghdad Bob tries to put the best spin on the events. In the latest, as usual, the MSM, with the White House's semen visibly running from the corners of their mouths, steps up to the plate to assist. Yahoo, its most recent CEO a known Obama bundler, comes out this morning with a banner headline trashing MItt Romney's foreign policy credentials. The Arizona Conservative gives his take on the results of Jimmy Carter's latest, excuse me, Barack Obama's obsequiousness.]

"Morale in President Obama's reelection campaign is said to be soaring since Muslim mobs have attacked US embassies in the Middle East.

“Anything that gets the dismal economic news off the front page has got to be a plus for the President,” said a campaign official who declined to be identified. “Add to this the premise that we all should be rallying around the President in a show of unity and it's clearly a big boost for his reelection campaign.”

Obama wasted no time in an effort to exploit this perceived “lucky break” as he lambasted rival Mitt Romney's “shoot first, aim later” response to the crisis. “Voters don't want a President who hastily condemns actions before hearing both sides of the story,” the President asserted. “They want to be reassured that their government will take a measured approach.”

Major media spokesmen favorably contrasted the Obama Administration's “measured” approach with Romney's “irresponsible” and “ham-fisted” remarks. “Romney was quick to point the finger of blame at protesters, but took his sweet time before he criticized the blasphemous video for its role in the events,” said NBC's Chuck Todd. “Compare this to President Obama's immediate recognition of the root cause of the outbreak: disrespect for Islam. I think that when voters consider which of two candidates is more likely to take the steps needed to address the root cause of Muslim violence we'll see a major swing in favor of reelecting the President.”"

SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News September 16, 2012 Edition
The president of the remarks "The police acted stupidly" and "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon." Yeah Obama is measured in his responses.

He would love to see the ME in flames if it meant his reelection so he could be more "flexible" with the Russians.
[With Obama's "Reset" policy of deep bows and even deeper Muslim appeasement reaping its expected results of bloodshed, death, fire and destruction across the MidEast, our very own Whitehouse version of Baghdad Bob tries to put the best spin on the events. In the latest, as usual, the MSM, with the White House's semen visibly running from the corners of their mouths, steps up to the plate to assist. Yahoo, its most recent CEO a known Obama bundler, comes out this morning with a banner headline trashing MItt Romney's foreign policy credentials. The Arizona Conservative gives his take on the results of Jimmy Carter's latest, excuse me, Barack Obama's obsequiousness.]

"Morale in President Obama's reelection campaign is said to be soaring since Muslim mobs have attacked US embassies in the Middle East.

“Anything that gets the dismal economic news off the front page has got to be a plus for the President,” said a campaign official who declined to be identified. “Add to this the premise that we all should be rallying around the President in a show of unity and it's clearly a big boost for his reelection campaign.”

Obama wasted no time in an effort to exploit this perceived “lucky break” as he lambasted rival Mitt Romney's “shoot first, aim later” response to the crisis. “Voters don't want a President who hastily condemns actions before hearing both sides of the story,” the President asserted. “They want to be reassured that their government will take a measured approach.”

Major media spokesmen favorably contrasted the Obama Administration's “measured” approach with Romney's “irresponsible” and “ham-fisted” remarks. “Romney was quick to point the finger of blame at protesters, but took his sweet time before he criticized the blasphemous video for its role in the events,” said NBC's Chuck Todd. “Compare this to President Obama's immediate recognition of the root cause of the outbreak: disrespect for Islam. I think that when voters consider which of two candidates is more likely to take the steps needed to address the root cause of Muslim violence we'll see a major swing in favor of reelecting the President.”"

SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News September 16, 2012 Edition

The only issue with what is being said is that they knew as early as Aug 30 of the protests in Cairo...they were planned in advance.

The "movie" was the excuse needed to cover the actions of the the 9/11 date was coincidence?

They didnt act like this when the British documentary came out earlier this month slamming Islam...

All the radicals were looking for was an excuse to do what they planned to do anyhow and that movie was it....and our President reacts accordingly.
Obama and his "Measured response" doesn't stand the historical test. FDR's measured response was a request for a declaration of war against the Japanese in less than 24 hours, but that was when American men were American men and didn't have to present themselves as politically correct metrosexuals to gain the approval of the media elite and subsequently the electorate.
Men fainted and women had orgasms when Hitler spoke too, but Hitler, because of his appearance, his mannerisms, his mustache, his gestures when speaking could never rise to power today because of television. Hitler and the Nazis often spoke in platitudes as do Obama and the Democrats. But Obama, his appearance, his race, because of political correctness, his mannerisms makes the perfect for TV candidate. Obama's is also the perfect candidate for making America into a Third World country, but not for making America, America what it has always been, Ronald Reagans "Shining beacon of Liberty"
The irony of it all would be that Libya, where America first let the world know we just weren't going to take any cr@p from anyone two hundred odd years ago when we sent in the Marines, today allowed our Ambassador to be slaughtered willy nilly.
Rome, after being pestered incessantly by the City of Carthage like a fly at a horse, took care of the pest simply, quickly, effectively, and efficiently.

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