Self-Proclaimed "Obamacare" Protester, Katy Abram, Found To Be A Bloody Liar

And then she would debate what the meaning of "is" is, right?

This woman is a proven liar, and her example makes it clear that: contrary to what right-wingers are claiming, this is not some sort of voluntary upswelling of ordinary people, but a focused effort led and organized by political hacks, and fed by the right-wing media.

Excellent thread.

She distorts the truth like a Clinton. Good observation.

Hey, I never said Bill Clinton didn't distort the truth. Personally I voted for Ross Perot.

I voted for Ross Perot as well. But of course, I've never voted for a Republican or Democrat for President with the exception of Reagan in '84.
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From Kay's page:

“ Katy, More than your misplaced anger over the noble goal of affordable healthcare for all Americans, what I find most disturbing is your ambivalence over the senseless deaths of thousand of Americans (and Iraqis) and the trillions wasted on the unnecessary war. Where was your anger then? Motley Crue said it best: "Girl, don't go away mad. Girl, just go away."
I hope you do a little more research and self-reflection before your next TV appearance. ”
—Jeff Roah (Aug 13, 2009 8:06 AM)

“ What a genius! Paying for insurance that allows you to pay for your own medical expenses up to 5k. May you become one of the lucky folks reaches the 5k deductible only find out that the good ole' insurance company won't pay for your child's medical expenses due to some provision that you were too dim to know about or anticipate. It is very much legal for them to deny payment for some obscure provision, you know. ”
—Venni Simpson (Aug 13, 2009 6:36 AM)

“ Man, O'Donnell made you look like fool that you are. You don't even know what socialism is, dummy. You had some priceless lines, like "this is not what the Constitution wrote". I'd have to agree with you there, because I'm not aware that the Constitution wrote anything. You have sh!tty expensive insurance; $500/month and it doesn't pay a dine until you hit a $5000 deductible. You are a fool Katy. First we had Jow The Plumber, now we have Kate The Dumber.

—Cincy Capell (Aug 13, 2009 4:20 AM)

“ Congrats! You've just become a target of the media when you spouted inanity like, "I want to restore this country to what it was under the Constitution." Awesome, cause that means you wouldn't be able to vote. You could go buy a slave to help with the housework, though. ”
—Theo Plothe (Aug 11, 2009 1:20 PM)

yeah, there are a lot of punk liberal assholes to mess up peoples pages
I know you are allergic to facts DiveCon, but one day soon the hard truth will smack you dead in the jaw and you'll finally wake up from your Wonderland slumber.

What is untrue here?

How can one "demonize" a liar?

Remember what the old folks said, "A liar is a thief, and a thief is a murderer."

Please enlighten us, Obaminous Prime.
I would like to know about the 11 year old, who asked about THOSE MEAN POSTERS outside the meeting that he called on. Remember her? Didn't she happen to be the daughter of a dedicated, die hard follower of the mesiah himself?

Why would an 11 year old even be present at an adult meeting? I really don't know any 11 year olds that even know what health care is and what this debate could possibly entail. Yet, he just had to call on her, like she really cared what the debate was all about. :lol:

She was probably promised a HAPPY MEAL at McDonalds for her very very tough question.:lol::lol:
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I would like to know about the 11 year old, who asked about THOSE MEAN POSTERS outside the meeting that he called on. Remember her? Didn't she happen to be the daughter of a dedicated, die hard follower of the mesiah himself?

Why would an 11 year old even be present at an adult meeting? I really don't know any 11 year olds that even know what health care is and what this debate could possibly entail. Yet, he just had to call on her, like she really cared what the debate was all about. :lol:

She was probably promised a HAPPY MEAL at McDonalds for her very very tough question.:lol::lol:
Valid point...I think.

What I'd like to see from you is a thread, like this one that I created, exposing the little girl and her mother for being the frauds that you are claiming they are.

Knock yourself out...its all on you now.
For someone that has been lobotomized. She didn't know whether she was over or under the $250k mark? Her husband handles everything? Sheesh!! Brood cow!!! Not interested in war because "we're always involved in some conflict"?

gahhhhh!!! Disgrace to the gender!!!

The war comment is what pissed me off.

Could you be any more full of shit?

You were the one American that didn't have strong feelings about Iraq, one way or the other, and healthcare is what brought you out from under your political rock?


If her comment is true, she's a moron.

"Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

Guys, guys, don't be so harsh on her. War has become so "commonplace" now...remember?

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