Self Esteem --- the new snake oil


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
As you all probably already know by now ... I have a very dim view of "self esteem" and the nitwits and snake oil salesmen that push it in our schools.....

"Self Esteem is the snake oil of the 1990s" ---- Karl Marx in a famous speech he gave to himself while in the shower on June 22nd, 1995. :)

:thup: I've put the same sentiments in my opening newsletter each year. I cannot 'give' your child 'self-esteem', neither can the parents. All we can do is provide many opportunities for the children to build their self-esteem, self confidence really, by completing tasks successfully, making goals and achieving them.

Telling a kid their $10 hair bow is cute, will not raise her self esteem. Neither will saying something positive about lame perfomances, where obviously little effort was expended.
Listen closely------"low self-esteem" results from having such a freaking egotistical perception that you are a BETTER judge of yourself than ANYONE ELSE. Think about it.

Try agreeing with a "victim" of "low-self esteem" and tell em you think they really ARE inferior. Eventually they wiil tear your throat out.

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