Secret tape now released on obama fundraiser - and look what he said!


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Breaking – A video has just been released by a right-wing blog which has now captured President Obama making some controversial comments of his own. In light of the criticism which followed the release of Mitt Romney's fundraiser video, it will be interesting to see how this is covered in the media tomorrow.

At the June fundraiser Obama was recorded saying:

“There are 40 percent of the people who will vote for Romney no matter what. All right, there are 40 percent who are with him, who despise big government, who don't believe they'll every have need for some of the programs they want eliminated, who don't believe the government has a responsibility to guarantee care for them or anyone else, who believe things like health care, food, housing, or you-name-it, are privileges and not fundamental human right's. That these entitlements should be reduced, or in some cases, eliminated, and that the government should not always give it to them. And they will vote for Romney no matter what…These are people who think they pay too much income tax."

Obama went on to say:

"And I mean Romney starts off with 38, 39, 40 … he starts off with a huge number. These are people who think they pay too much income tax. Forty percent of Americans already pay more than 90% of the taxes we collect, so our message of even higher taxes doesn't connect. So he’ll be out there talking about increased taxes on those who already pay too much. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should be contributing more to help care for the lives of others. What I have to do is convince the five to ten percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not."

oh my, that was controversial, not.

Sure, it's not controversial to a commie pinko like yourself. For the same reason what Romney said is not controversial to normal hard working Americans.
oh my, that was controversial, not.

Sure, it's not controversial to a commie pinko like yourself. For the same reason what Romney said is not controversial to normal hard working Americans.

I'm more into warmer colors like purple or midnight blue, allthough I do love candy apple red, but not pink-oh my that is more for females and gay men.
I will admit I am abnormal. I work harder than you my friend, and I will do it until I die. Why? I don't like to be idle, so my cane(prescribe to me by my doctor) was put in the corner, and I just walk crooked from being a bum. Come on out and let's see if you can work 12 hours in 100 degree plus weather and do hard labor. Why we would get a kick out of it to see how hard you Rwer's work.
He said the same thing Romney said, that a certain percentage of voters will never vote for him and you found Romney's was bad but Obama's is ok? You people are delusional.

What is your main beef then, be more specific asto the real insullt that Oblama lambasted upon.

Go back to building dog houses you're too stupid to understand anyhow.

I'm doing electronic kitty litter service calls. You still whipping boys with a wet sponge?
Why can't Barry Soetoro just run a clean campaign on all of his accomplishments? :lol:
:rofl: :rofl:

pretty funny and creative of the dude that created it....this should be from the Onion.

but still a FAIL.

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