Secret CIA document shows plans to test drugs on prisoners


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Thanks to an ACLU victory in federal court, we know much more about how CIA doctors violated the medical oath to “do no harm.”
Secret CIA Document Shows Plan to Test Drugs on Prisoners

ACLU v. DOD - FOIA Case for Records Referenced in or Implicated by the Declassification of the Senate Torture Report (2015 Torture FOIA)

The irony this is how they make you not care just use an inmate, or just say it's for those useless inmates no one cares about. Oh if you only knew how easy it is to get in and a real bitch to get out if ever.
Thanks to an ACLU victory in federal court, we know much more about how CIA doctors violated the medical oath to “do no harm.”
Secret CIA Document Shows Plan to Test Drugs on Prisoners
View attachment 228819
ACLU v. DOD - FOIA Case for Records Referenced in or Implicated by the Declassification of the Senate Torture Report (2015 Torture FOIA)

The irony this is how they make you not care just use an inmate, or just say it's for those useless inmates no one cares about. Oh if you only knew how easy it is to get in and a real bitch to get out if ever.

Back in1953 the CIA had a building in my hometown in Western Maryland. They were experimenting with LSD and gave it to some of their agents to see what effects it would produce. One of the agents was affected so badly that he never recovered. A week later he committed "suicide" after visiting a CIA doctor by "falling" from his 10th story room. The real story was discovered during the Watergate hearings. It's a good read. I posted 3 paragraphs in the middle of the article. I was 14 at the time and was staying overnight with a friend just 3 houses away from the building. I saw the coroner have his body taken away.

Did the Cold War CIA Murder an LSD Test Subject?

On November 18, 1953, Gottlieb and Lashbrook arranged for a group of CIA employees, my grandfather and Olson among them, to attend a working retreat at Deep Creek Lake in western Maryland. After dinner, Gottlieb served the men Cointreau spiked with LSD in order to observe their behavior while under the influence. Frank Olson never recovered from the experience.

He became depressed and anxious, developed severe paranoia, and suffered what at the time was called a “nervous breakdown.” The next week, he traveled with Lashbrook to New York City to visit Harold Abramson, a doctor on the CIA’s payroll. The men stayed at the Stadler Hotel, now called the Hotel Pennsylvania, across the street from Penn Station.

On November 26, Thanksgiving Day, Olson fell to his death from his room on the hotel’s 10th floor. It was officially ruled a suicide; Olson’s son Eric believes Lashbrook pushed him.

Did the Cold War CIA Murder an LSD Test Subject? - ClearanceJobs

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