SEC porn scandal of watchdogs!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
SEC and Pornography: Employees Spent Hours Surfing Porn Sites - ABC News

good!; while economy crumbled and zio-monsters rob the funds, top financial watchdogs at SEC surfed for porn on Internet!

Wait a second. 16,000 times in a month? At 24 8-hour days a month that works out to 83.3 visits an hour, or 43.2 seconds per visit. And that's assuming the person spent 100% of his/her time visiting such sites. But for every coffee and pee-pee break and, God forbid, any time actually spent working, the 43 seconds would shrink dramatically. Doesn't seem to me like it'd be worth all the effort.
How come the SEC, the watchdog on financial, isn't on the hotseat like Wall St is??

These guys were oversite.

I'd say they sere pretty lousy at thie job.

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