SDF declared begin of Raqqa offensive to expel ISIS from its Syrian capital


Nov 14, 2012
There is not much to say for now but there is a critical development that could lead to the SDF being overrun in counteroffensives. ISIS is currently waging a desperate offensive in Deir Ezzor. Including minors, this seems to be the largest of their countless attempts to seize the entire city. If ISIS is able to seize the government-held part of the city, this would free 10000 fighters (AMN) of which many could be deployed in Raqqa.
The Syrian Arab Army has finally liberated the town of Rusafa despite Phrump´s coalition providing air support to ISIS. The coalition´s attack only prompted the army to intensify the assault on the area with its infrastructure junction. The purpose of Phrump was to keep the area under ISIS control because with Rusafa under SAA control the way to Deir Ezzor and probably some oil fields remains open. Instead, the SDF puppet group cannot advance any further south of Tabqa.

Syrian government forces liberate Rusafa town in southwest Raqqa

Russia prepares to deter Phrump´s ISIS relocation from Raqqa to government-held Palmyra
When the SDF declared they would fight the "rebels" in Idlib after securing the Raqqa province they hadn´t in mind they are Phrump´s humplemans that will do the US´ bidding and position themselves against the Syrian army, instead.


Now the Turks are preparing to boost their "rebels´" strength and fight the Kurds northwest of Aleppo.

"DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2: 00 P.M.) – Turkish Special Forces arrived, today, at northern Aleppo countryside to shore up its proxies in what might be a new crackdown against the Kurdish forces.

The reinforcements – greatly welcomed by local residents – were deployed to help the Turkish-backed Euphrates Shield – a coalition of FSA-affiliated factions – expel the Kurdish fighters from Tal Rifaat and other nearby towns as battles between the two warring parties re-erupted recently.

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has vowed to use force to drive out the Kurds from the towns and villages they had seized earlier, accusing them of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous Arab inhabitants."

Turkish troops arrive at northern Aleppo to fight Kurds
While ISIS has somehow advanced in Raqqa, the SDF has now fully encircled the city. This is not a development that will make it easier as ISIS used the "supply line" to leave. However, in how far the whole battle is kinda staged, cannot be said from outside. Fact is, again, that ISIS has redeployed all its advanced stuff to Deir Ezzor.

ISIS doomed in Raqqa as Kurdish forces cutoff last supply line to the embattled city
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ISIS, by own claims, is killing hundreds of SDF-Fighters in Raqqa with sniper rifles. This seems realistic as the quick advances by the SDF in the city seem to be over. It should be noted, that the SDF invited the Syrian army to liberate Raqqa. This radically changed probably due to US orders. Now, the Kurds pay the price for their puppetry and it not less than the life.

VIDEO: ISIS snipers gain invaluable experience decimating SDF ranks in Raqqa battle
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There are interesting news from Raqqa!

About 15.000 SDF fighters are currently up to liberate Raqqa from ISIS. Those 15.000 are part of the SDF force of at least 50.000 fighters that are deployed in Kurdish held northern Syria. This force is growing, according to Nowruz Ahmed. In the city, 700 - 1000 ISIS terrorists remain (US estimation: 2000) but the SDF said it will take about another two months to fully capture the city. The SDF made clear that:

- There is currently no intention to push towards Deir Ezzor
- The SDF will remain neutral to the Syrian government if not targeted
- The SDF has no intention to stay in Raqqa after its liberation unless asked to do so

Now we can speculate who will control Raqqa. A local council? If yes, how long? The Syrian government? Surely the best for the city.

Also, the CNN reported clashes between US special forces and Erdogan "rebels" near Manbij. The clashes come after the Turkish army raided the Kurds already at another location.

15,000 US-backed troops in Raqqa city
BREAKING: US special forces, Turkey-led rebels exchange blows in north Aleppo

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