Scroll Wisdom to Reflect Upon


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
-The Secret of The Way Things Are-
4Q418 Frag. 77
2[ Understand or Seek? ] the secret of the way things are, and learn the nature of man and gaze at the faculties [ and workings or realities for]
3[ What ] has made him. Then you will understand the nature of mortal man and the weight of [ . . . ]
4his spirit, and learn the secret of the way things are, the weight of eras and the measure of [..TIME or works?..]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7when years begin and when eras end [ . . . ] 3everything that has happened in it, why it was and what will be in [ . . . ]
4His era that He revealed to the ears of those who understand the secret of the way things are [ . . . ] 3you are one who understands, when you observe all these things [ . . . ] 6by its hand is the weighing of your deeds with the era [ . . . ]

4Q418 Frag. 123 Col. 2 1[ . . . ] 7Whatever He leaves with you, guard carefully [ . . . ] The sage asserts that his teaching comes from God.

"Sapiential Work" (4Q413)
"....I will teach you (Knowledge)and wisdom. And understand the ways of man and the works of Sons of Man......"
4Q4L7 Frag. 2 (+ 4Q418) Col. 1 1[ . . . ] you are one who understands [ . . . ] 2[ . . . ] the wonderful secrets [ . . . fearful things you will master . . . ] 3[ . . . **why things are and how they are*** . . . ] 4[ . . . why] 5[things are and why they continue to be ] 6[ . . . through Night meditate on the secret] of why things are and investigate it at all times, and then you will know truth and evil, wisdom 7[and falsehood . . . Consider the wicked in al1 their ways, with all their punishments throughout the world eras and the eternal punishment 8and then you will know the difference between good [and evil] deeds, for the God of knowledge is the confidant of Truth, and in the secret of the way things are 9He has made plain its basis [ . . . ] what is its nature and the governing principle of its deeds 10for every [ . . . ] He kas made plain to the mind of every [man] how to live by 11the nature of His understanding; and He has made plain [ . . . ] and by the faculty of understanding [He revealed] the enigmas of His purpose with blameless conduct [in all] His deeds. Inquire into these things at all times, give careful thought to al1 13their effects, and then you will know [eternal] glory with His wonderful secrets and His mighty deeds.

4Q413 Frag. 1 1Discipline [and insight] and wisdom I shal1 teach you. Now consider the ways of humanity and the activities of 2the human race. [ . . . ] a man. He enlarged his share in the knowledge of God's truth, and to the degree that that man loathes 3everything evil, [his judgment] shall not be affected by what his ears hear and what his eyes see.

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