Screw Ressicion - this isthe 2nd Great Depresssion


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
but everybody is too cowardly to call it that.

Instead they use the term double-dip recessiom
The first Great Depression had 25% unemployment.

This one has about 20%.
When will it officilly become the 2nd Great Depression?

United Way is partnered with these clowns. So now every time you see a United Way commercial during the NFL season, think of all those free phones they are passing out. And I'm sure those getting the free phones will be the same folks with those nice big flat panel TV's with Verizon FIOS service. Meanwhile I will be watching the game on my analog TV (with converter box) using rabbit ears. How long before it will be a "right" to have free TV?

United Way is partnered with these clowns. So now every time you see a United Way commercial during the NFL season, think of all those free phones they are passing out. And I'm sure those getting the free phones will be the same folks with those nice big flat panel TV's with Verizon FIOS service. Meanwhile I will be watching the game on my analog TV (with converter box) using rabbit ears. How long before it will be a "right" to have free TV?

I went on their website, part of their sales pitch is "join the thousands who stopped paying cell phone bills"

Good Lord.. we're in trouble.

United Way is partnered with these clowns. So now every time you see a United Way commercial during the NFL season, think of all those free phones they are passing out. And I'm sure those getting the free phones will be the same folks with those nice big flat panel TV's with Verizon FIOS service. Meanwhile I will be watching the game on my analog TV (with converter box) using rabbit ears. How long before it will be a "right" to have free TV?

I went on their website, part of their sales pitch is "join the thousands who stopped paying cell phone bills"

Good Lord.. we're in trouble.

I know what you mean. When I went to their website and read their pitch, I thought my head was going to explode. These freebie entitlement programs are so out of control. I don't expect to see United Way doing TV ads showing them sponsoring this program. They have to know the majority of Americans would feel this isn't a good use of donated money. I guess those heading up United Way are hardcore socialists. But I have to believe there are many liberals who think this is a ridiculous entitlement. If not, then I give up all hope.
It's not a depression anymore, it's not even a recession anymore. But it's obviously a disgraceful orgy of Pub propaganda machine fear mongering, lies, obstruction,and spin. Get a grip, turn off the BS, and tell your a-hole pub s to pass some of these jobs bills and STFU!!
When will it officilly become the 2nd Great Depression?

When they have a Republican replacement for the man in the White House. Then it will become the replacement's fault. Then and only then will they call it the Second Great Depression.

If you buy one of those cell phones, they cost 6 dollars. Too bad there are no jobs to use them for. Try and remain calm. what bothers me is you can get broadband in the UK for $6 from private companies. Our telephone etc. corps are a rip off.

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