Scott Walker's Wackenhut problem


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
When Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker announced that privatizing security at the courthouse and other county facilities would save taxpayers more than $750,000 a year, it seemed preposterous.

And it was.

According to new numbers crunched by the county’s audit department, the county will save an estimated $411,000 per year from outsourcing some of its security to global giant G4S Wackenhut.

But the savings in 2010 are even less than that revised estimate: about $125,000.

Why? Because during the two-week “transition” period, county taxpayers were footing the bill for three security teams: county-employed security staff, sheriff’s deputies (overtime costs ran to $29,000) and Wackenhut employees (an estimated $41,679). The county is also responsible for paying unemployment compensation for the displaced workers, who are now trying to find work during a recession. Even worse, the Wackenhut employee in charge of this team has now been removed, since he had five misdemeanor convictions in 2004.

Issue of the Week: Scott Walker’s Courthouse Security Privatization: Epic Fail

So Walker busted the unionized security guards and hired a Wackenhut employee with a criminal record to be in charge of security, and it didn't save that much money.

But there's more....

Now a judge has ruled that Walker's union busting was illegal, and the county has to hire all the old security guards back and with back pay.

So this is Walker's MO from before he was governor.
The Wackenhuts were the ones who got busted for drinking vodka out of each others assholes, among other lewd things.
Looks like he saved money. But a judge called it "Union Busting" so now the county has to hire them back at even more expense. Wonderful!

You think this is a "victory" against Scott Walker? This is a defeat for the people of Wisconsin.

When are you people gonna' wake up and see that we're out of money?
Looks like he saved money. But a judge called it "Union Busting" so now the county has to hire them back at even more expense. Wonderful!

You think this is a "victory" against Scott Walker? This is a defeat for the people of Wisconsin.

When are you people gonna' wake up and see that we're out of money?

It's funny that Wisconson is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich. And it's also funny that the United States is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich.

For all the rhetoric about what good business sense conservatives have..they do seem to "suddenly" run out of money alot when they run the show.
Looks like he saved money. But a judge called it "Union Busting" so now the county has to hire them back at even more expense. Wonderful!

You think this is a "victory" against Scott Walker? This is a defeat for the people of Wisconsin.

When are you people gonna' wake up and see that we're out of money?

It's funny that Wisconson is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich. And it's also funny that the United States is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich.

For all the rhetoric about what good business sense conservatives have..they do seem to "suddenly" run out of money alot when they run the show.

People have a right to pursue happiness, and keep the fruits of their labor without the lazy poor people straight up STEALING it via the barrel of the government gun. Communism doesn't work. get over it.
The Wackenhuts were the ones who got busted for drinking vodka out of each others assholes, among other lewd things.


And they might have run an underage prostitution ring in Kabul.

If the hidden camera stunt induced prostitution angle is what it takes to get a government contract defunded, then I guess we‘re going to have to talk about prostitution broadly and the government contractor known as ArmorGroup, part of Wackenhut, in Afghanistan. Their employees, you‘ll recall, were made famous earlier this month after the release of these pictures that show the contractors barely clothed and shooting vodka out of places you wouldn‘t expect.

The same ArmorGroup personnel who, again, were being paid by you and me were also allegedly engaged in a prostitution ring in Kabul. That‘s according to an ArmorGroup whistleblower. The State Department is investigating ArmorGroup now.
'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Friday, September 25 - msnbc tv - Rachel Maddow show -

Go Team!:lol:
Looks like he saved money. But a judge called it "Union Busting" so now the county has to hire them back at even more expense. Wonderful!

You think this is a "victory" against Scott Walker? This is a defeat for the people of Wisconsin.

When are you people gonna' wake up and see that we're out of money?

It's funny that Wisconson is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich. And it's also funny that the United States is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich.

For all the rhetoric about what good business sense conservatives have..they do seem to "suddenly" run out of money alot when they run the show.

People have a right to pursue happiness, and keep the fruits of their labor without the lazy poor people straight up STEALING it via the barrel of the government gun. Communism doesn't work. get over it.

Taxation isn't communism. It's right up there with defense in a Constitutional sense.

Actually commies..don't pay taxes.
Fight for the rich and destroy institutions for the middle class...makes sense if you're rich. Somehow tho, the middle class is protecting the rich like we should shoot ourselves in the foot for rich. Cut taxes to the rich if you care so much about deficits.
It's funny that Wisconson is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich. And it's also funny that the United States is "suddenly" out of money after it gave tax cuts to the rich.

For all the rhetoric about what good business sense conservatives have..they do seem to "suddenly" run out of money alot when they run the show.

People have a right to pursue happiness, and keep the fruits of their labor without the lazy poor people straight up STEALING it via the barrel of the government gun. Communism doesn't work. get over it.

Taxation isn't communism. It's right up there with defense in a Constitutional sense.

Actually commies..don't pay taxes.

Yeah um taxes are meant to fund the government in operating within the enumerated powers to maximum efficiency, not for re-distributive purposes. Read some history; you've been had.
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Prior to the court case revoking the move, did the cost savings include the fact that you eliminate pension payments for the next X amount of years by having a private company provide the labor?

benefits then become the responsibility of the company, not the state. The state pays X dollars per hour/day and that includes all costs.
Looks like he saved money. But a judge called it "Union Busting" so now the county has to hire them back at even more expense. Wonderful!

You think this is a "victory" against Scott Walker? This is a defeat for the people of Wisconsin.

When are you people gonna' wake up and see that we're out of money?[/QUOTE]

Dear, Dear Dear, Mad Scientist.. You wake up and realize the demonRats don't give a shit that we are out of money. You gotta burn da house down before you can rebuild it.
Fight for the rich and destroy institutions for the middle class...makes sense if you're rich. Somehow tho, the middle class is protecting the rich like we should shoot ourselves in the foot for rich. Cut taxes to the rich if you care so much about deficits.

demonRats have two solutions Tax the Rich, Tax the Corporations.. then bitch cause they got no jobs,,, oh that's right obie wan promised tax breaks for the coroporations that kept the jobs in America.. but never mind Tax the Rich and Tax the Corporations and it will bring Utopia.. la la llllaaaa la la.
This is when the right tales back their "will of the people" argument and replaces it with the "just do it" slogan.

Here it is the will of the what?
And now you know the rest of the story................. So no one deny WI is NOT about Union Busting..............:lol:

“We are going to bring fiscal sanity back to this great nation,” he said.

What Mr. Phillips did not mention was that his Virginia-based nonprofit group, whose budget surged to $40 million in 2010 from $7 million three years ago, was created and financed in part by the secretive billionaire brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch.

State records also show that Koch Industries, their energy and consumer products conglomerate based in Wichita, Kan., was one of the biggest contributors to the election campaign of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a Republican who has championed the proposed cuts.

Even before the new governor was sworn in last month, executives from the Koch-backed group had worked behind the scenes to try to encourage a union showdown, Mr. Phillips said in an interview on Monday.

“We thought it was important to do,” Mr. Phillips said, adding that his group is already working with activists and state officials in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania to urge them to take similar steps to curtail union benefits or give public employees the power to opt out of unions entirely.

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