Scientists say Cherokees are middle- easterners

From the article:

DNA tests do not currently exist which can accurately particularly label any particular tribe in eastern North America. Genetically, the people claiming themselves to be full-blooded Native Americans are not the same people who greeted early European explorers. Attempting to create reliable DNA markers for individual tribes, reputable laboratories are mounted with monumental obstacles.


The reason people think sciences get it wrong is because when people quote scientists they’re usually quoting something they imagine and not real science
We all originated in Africa

Cromagnon man was on arrival to Europe already most similar to Caucasoids genetically such as Northern Europeans & South Asians.

All homo sapiens originated out of africa. the further they went, the less genetic diversification they had for most of human history.

The 'Out of Africa' theory has been de-bunked.

“Out of Africa” Theory Officially Debunked

A blog citing a blog alleging that only africans have african ancestry sounds like something the people who believe Obama was a kenyan would believe. have not kept up with the scientific evidence.

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find

An international team of researchers say the findings entirely change the beginning of human history and place the last common ancestor of both chimpanzees and humans - the so-called Missing Link - in the Mediterranean region.

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find

But the settling of the usa is in dispute, the answers to how humanity moved are important

It is important in a trivial way. It isn't like the answer has any practical implications whatsoever.
You are ignorant. But you will never know so be happy

And you are wrong, but whatever. Chiefs need Indians.
President Billary
Cool but when you can demonstrate how this isn't trivia except to white supremacists who need to deny their black blood, get back to me

Ridiculous....which is to be expected of a negro. You really need to study up.

Scientific evidence refuting the theory of modern humanity’s African genesis is common knowledge among those familiar with the most recent scientific papers on the human Genome, Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes. Regrettably, within mainstream press and academia circles, there seems to be a conspicuous – and dare we say it – deliberate vacuum when it comes to reporting news of these recent studies and their obvious implications.

DNA Evidence Debunks the "Out-of-Africa" Theory of Human Evolution | Wake Up World

Recent Out of Africa Theory is Wrong

The human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory
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