Scientists Predict Food Riots Will Grip Planet Within A Year

It always fascinates me that the same people who declare the scientific basis for global warming to be a hoax will always latch onto a vague idea of anarchy in the offing if a self-described scientist says so...
Obviously there will be food riots. Much of crops that would be food are not scheduled to be biofuel instead. The US demands that 40% of all corn be used for biofuel. If a crop is 50% of normal, that doesn't mean the 40% doesn't change. How much arable land that could be used to grow food are used instead for drugs?

Food riots in the future should be a given.
Scientists Predict Food Riots Will Grip Planet Within A Year: We Were Warned Four Years Ago! - David Icke Website

I followed that link, and then the further link which led to the water shortage map and the theory which speculates the nation is preparing for wars over water shortages. The map is really over generalized. That's what it really all boils down to, water. You can't have food with out water. The Great Pains might be in trouble, and California will certainly be in a heap load of crap with warming trends. But you will have a hard time convincing anyone that the Great Lakes region is going to be thirsty or it's crops wilting anytime in the next Hundred Years. . .

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